Neverwinter Nights Multiplayer Server 24x7 Now with NWN and NWN:EE
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Server running old version?

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Server running old version? Empty Server running old version?

Post  Sjalhavert Sat Dec 01, 2018 9:12 am

I went to get on this morning and notice the EE server is still running version 8179? I still haven't been able to get that version to work for me, and I am missing playing on the server. Is there something I am missing?

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Server running old version? Empty Re: Server running old version?

Post  GM_ODA Sat Dec 01, 2018 10:49 am

Friend Sjalhavert,

No, you are not missing anything. We are in the middle of updating the server.

We had been running Cent OS a linux version since 2007, but not all versions of linux update their internal libraries at the same time. Cent OS as it turns out, had not updated a crucial C language library since 2010, and NWN:EE made use of functions in that library (the updated version) that were not in the old one. Hence this latest version of NWN:EE would not run at all on the old Cent OS system.

We did careful backups.

We did research on what was needed, and selected a version of linux that would do the trick.

We had the people at the hosting company pull the system offline and evaluate the hardware. Sure enough there was some hardware that was old and not compatible with the new OS so they swapped out the hardware for newer (no charge, a benefit of hosting there) and installed the new OS.

I uploaded the backups and Eriniel got that working as normal. Next step is update the NWN:EE, which is a task I hope to have done later today or maybe tomorrow.

Thank you for your patience as we step through this complex process - it was more work than it appeared at first blush. :/

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