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Spellbook Bug

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Spellbook Bug Empty Spellbook Bug

Post  Animayhem Sun Aug 01, 2010 1:17 pm

Verified by ODA unable to record or use spellbook. Neutral
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Spellbook Bug Empty Re: Spellbook Bug

Post  Eriniel Thu Aug 12, 2010 3:12 pm

If the spell book becomes broken the Research Desk (Part of most Wizard Lab equipment, so just find a wizard's lab, plenty around), will fix it.
Just place the book on its own into the Desk and it will re-write the book.
Since spell book is backed up in database by PC name and player name changing either of these values will prevent the spell restore from working, but its possible to transfer an existing Spell book from one PC to another.

There is a small bug in early versions of the book but they are fixed by a trigger in the Start Area, just walk over to Haggis and talk to him fixes most problems.

At the moment teaching requires only that the teaching PC has the spell and that the student PC has enough levels to cast the spell level of the spell (like fly is a Level 3 spell so must be able to cast Level 3 Wizard or Sorcerer spells before you can learn it).

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Spellbook Bug Empty Re: Spellbook Bug

Post  LordSurge Sat Dec 18, 2010 10:36 am

Is there any in-game fix for when you are 'stuck' memorizing a spell?
Taking a stroll out doors helps to concentrate.
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