Illithid race, or heritage?
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Illithid race, or heritage?
I'm new here, and Eve of Disaster tells me that there's an almost insane amount of freedom in creating and maintaining characters. Is it possible for me to take a page out of the Complete Psionic and create either a half-mindflayer, or a full on, brain devouring illithid?
Edit: Consistency
Edit: Consistency
Ramshackle- New Member
- Number of posts : 2
Registration date : 2010-08-06
Re: Illithid race, or heritage?
iirc Illithids are NOT in their natural state humanoid and cannot breed with humans or any other creature. Their method of creation involves the big brain in the pool and IT is the only breeding member of the population. The remaining Illithids bring it excellent specimens of humanoid physique and they put them in the pool where the spawn (young illithids) attack the helpless (mind-dumbed) humanoids, one spawn per humanoid with the strongest getting it's pick essentially. These bore into the skull (up through the mouth area) and into the victim's brain which is eaten as the young mindflayer grows to fill the skull cavity and takes over the body (usurping the nerve connections).
Full on illithids ARE possible down the line - we do not yet have our psionics scripting in place so 'not yet' is my best answer.
We do offer that 'insane amount of freedom' here and take requests like yours via the forum for each new race or subrace - I'll discuss it with Eriniel (our lead scripter) - I don't mean to put you off but I do want you to understand we're still picking/building some systems (like psionics) and it may be a while before we can properly support them.
Are there any other races you'd be interested here? Post the requests please.
Also, as we have many features here that other servers do not have, you would do well to play a more 'normal' PC first to see how it all works together.
Be well. Game on.
Full on illithids ARE possible down the line - we do not yet have our psionics scripting in place so 'not yet' is my best answer.
We do offer that 'insane amount of freedom' here and take requests like yours via the forum for each new race or subrace - I'll discuss it with Eriniel (our lead scripter) - I don't mean to put you off but I do want you to understand we're still picking/building some systems (like psionics) and it may be a while before we can properly support them.
Are there any other races you'd be interested here? Post the requests please.
Also, as we have many features here that other servers do not have, you would do well to play a more 'normal' PC first to see how it all works together.
Be well. Game on.
Re: Illithid race, or heritage?
Most theories about half-Illithids involve wizardry, or an incomplete cerebration process, which is passed down genetically when the rescued adventurer comes home to his lover. The template is feat-intensive, from what I remember. I'll work on a normal character concept in the meantime.
Ramshackle- New Member
- Number of posts : 2
Registration date : 2010-08-06
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