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House Tannen's Castle Request

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House Tannen's Castle Request Empty House Tannen's Castle Request

Post  wolfbran Sun Nov 14, 2010 5:55 pm

First of all i would like to request for a guild with the castle, sence at its massive size it would only make sence for it to be a full guild, as you see on the title of this topic i want it to be House Tannen.

The castle i have hopes to be at 3 flights tall and 50 rooms, i want a moat going around the castle with a dropdown bridge into the castle that not just anyone could walk into, all the members of House Tannen should have an item that would let them drop the bridge down, if they however do not have an item the Doom Knight guards would not drop the bridge down to let them in, or unless they had Kerrel's note of permission.
When someone first enters the castle walls there is a barracks with training dummys and archery targets, when they pass the barracks there is another set of Doom Knight guards at their posts at the main enterance of the castle, once the guards open the large, wooden doors and the person walks through an area trans into th main part of the castle, There is an evil cleric who can heal the person if they are injered for a price of 10 gold coins standing by a Blood Pool for respawning (Members only) and behind that there is a blood fountian filled with animals blood for drinking, also used to fill blood bottles.
On each side of the walls in the large hall which has the blood pool etc are large sets of stairs going to the second upper level of the castle, which has a large bunker for lower ranked guards etc, then there are 10 single rooms for the higher ranks, in the very back of a smaller hall on the second upper level of the castle, there is a set of stairs going to the very last upper level of the castle, it is not a large hall but it has some spare rooms and in the very back on each side is Arther's room and Athena's room, Athena's room has some bookselfs on the left side, and a double-bed in the very middle of the room pushed against the wall (the head of the bed is against the wall) and a blue round rug under it like all the other higher-rank rooms, Arther's room has no bookshelfs but the bed in the same spot as Athena's with the same style of blue rug under it, in the middle of the hall is Kerrel's room, the most large bedroom in the castle, with the same double bed, the blue rug in the same spot as the others, a small bar on the right side of the room with bloodbottles on the bar and a shelf in the back of the bar with some bloodbottles ready to be dranken.

Also an add-on to the main hall of the castle i would like a portal in the very very back which each member of House Tannen have another item to jump them to the castle to drink from the blood fountian so they dont have to leave rp for alittle more that a minute or so, But this is just an extra thing that would be nice but doesnt need to go into the castle if ya guys think its overpowered

Another rare feat for the castle is a Nightmare mount for each of the higher ranked people of House Tannen but Nightmare's are not easy to come by so if you think thats abit overpowered too it doesnt have to be in either.

The castle should be put on a hidden peice of land on the server so there isnt many people walking by the castle too

Lemme know what you guys think, i've planned this for months and i put all my thoughts into it to be perfect
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House Tannen's Castle Request Empty Typo in the request

Post  wolfbran Sun Nov 14, 2010 5:57 pm

25 rooms, not 50, my bad..
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Registration date : 2010-11-14

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Race: Human
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House Tannen's Castle Request Empty Re: House Tannen's Castle Request

Post  eve_of_disaster Sun Nov 14, 2010 9:31 pm

I think it sounds really cool. Smile
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House Tannen's Castle Request Empty Re: House Tannen's Castle Request

Post  GM_ODA Sun Jan 02, 2011 5:41 pm

We are on it, please stay tuned for details.

Very Happy

Be well. Game on.
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