DM Dragon Event
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DM Dragon Event
I just wanted to share this event idea,
The plot for this event would be a severe sickness falling down upon Dohral, causing the city to be quarantined. (Otherwise it would be to hard to make ALL the NPC's over dohral sick ...) This sickness would cause your skin to start to turn a grey color, and the hair to turn white. You would become weak, and start to have rapidly flowing nosebleeds!
There would be a couple NPC's involved, a henchmen if we can't get enough players, some fey, a wizard, and some NPC's that have the sickness. This sickness would be referred to as the 'Ghost' plague, referring to the looks of which it causes! The PC(s) would then have to go through some sort of challenge (which I won't give away) to get the information on the cure. Then they must seek out the ingrediants to the cure, and deal with various NPC's and baddies along the way!
So, show me some input on this event idea guys! I wanna' hear watchya' think.
The plot for this event would be a severe sickness falling down upon Dohral, causing the city to be quarantined. (Otherwise it would be to hard to make ALL the NPC's over dohral sick ...) This sickness would cause your skin to start to turn a grey color, and the hair to turn white. You would become weak, and start to have rapidly flowing nosebleeds!
There would be a couple NPC's involved, a henchmen if we can't get enough players, some fey, a wizard, and some NPC's that have the sickness. This sickness would be referred to as the 'Ghost' plague, referring to the looks of which it causes! The PC(s) would then have to go through some sort of challenge (which I won't give away) to get the information on the cure. Then they must seek out the ingrediants to the cure, and deal with various NPC's and baddies along the way!
So, show me some input on this event idea guys! I wanna' hear watchya' think.
DM Drachen- Forum Sage
- Number of posts : 683
Age : 33
Location : Michigan, USA, EST
Registration date : 2011-01-07
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