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Millan's Invasion Plan

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Millan's Invasion Plan Empty Millan's Invasion Plan

Post  autokilla Tue Jan 10, 2012 5:01 pm

i was wondering if there could be an event about invasion where my level 4 tiefling fighter is a general of demons invading the mortal realm with devils keeping the celelstials busy from aiding the mortals? the invasion would be two waves if allowed. the first wave would be very weak, lesser demons while the second wave would be much stronger with many greater demons lead by one devil. the rp would be as follows...

Millan hated mortals in his plane and as general of the lesser demon army, he asked the higher ups if they could invade the world of mortals. the demon masters of his were quick to accept since without the mortal realm the celestials would be forced to fight on their own plane against the demons where the celestials could quickly be overwhelmed (or so the demons think). Millan was sent to the mortal plane even though that is what he hated most because it was afterall, his idea. he was sent to see if any mortals wished to join the demon army against the rest of the mortals, even though they planned on turning on the mortals shortly after. Millan is to give the signal to begin the invasion...

Posting Knave

Male Number of posts : 83
Age : 29
Registration date : 2011-12-31

Character sheet
Character Name: Uglack
Overall Level: 25

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Millan's Invasion Plan Empty Re: Millan's Invasion Plan

Post  GM_ODA Wed Jan 11, 2012 8:12 am

Who IS Millan? I've not met/seen the PC. What level? What target(s) do you envision trying to take? Do you understand the nature of the 'mortal realm' of which you speak being in effect the MULTIVERSE? So that your demon army would only have to conquer an infininte number of worlds to deprive the gods of the 'mortal realm' on which to engage you? I'm not sure I see how this would work well given the finite number of demons to attack an infinite number of worlds. Feedback?

Be well. Game on.
Forum Oracle

Male Number of posts : 3071
Location : USA East Coast
Registration date : 2008-10-17

Character sheet
Character Name: Firkin Alechugger
Race: Dwarf
Overall Level: 11

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Millan's Invasion Plan Empty Re: Millan's Invasion Plan

Post  autokilla Wed Jan 11, 2012 8:45 am

Millan is my level 4 tiefling fighter and i thought i put that near the begining. they plan to invade earth (if thats the planet dorhal is on which im pretty sure it is) and not every single demon is coming but a small army that they think is more than enough to take over earth and they seek to take dorhal as there first objective then spread out from there to places like esgoroth and so on

Posting Knave

Male Number of posts : 83
Age : 29
Registration date : 2011-12-31

Character sheet
Character Name: Uglack
Overall Level: 25

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Millan's Invasion Plan Empty Re: Millan's Invasion Plan

Post  Valerion Wed Jan 11, 2012 9:48 am

I have the feeling you might be putting your aims a bit too high with your characters, try to hold it low, I see you are about 16 years old, heh...gosh that reminds me of myself in that time.
Try starting as something low, a simple outcast tiefling trying to get around in the mortal realm, and from there work your way up, its possible, I always find something to d....*whistles innocently*
Forum Sage

Male Number of posts : 917
Age : 34
Registration date : 2011-12-24

Character sheet
Character Name: Valerion
Race: Human
Overall Level: 40

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Millan's Invasion Plan Empty Re: Millan's Invasion Plan

Post  autokilla Wed Jan 11, 2012 10:07 am

i have guys that start of low like my mage or ranger for instance, they are just normal people doing normal things

Posting Knave

Male Number of posts : 83
Age : 29
Registration date : 2011-12-31

Character sheet
Character Name: Uglack
Overall Level: 25

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Millan's Invasion Plan Empty Re: Millan's Invasion Plan

Post  Valerion Wed Jan 11, 2012 10:17 am

Ok Yes I remember those, nice characters btw.
I just think that focussing on 1-2 characters might do yourself more good than playing a whole sortiment, well but that is just my opinion, most important thing is still having fun Very Happy
Forum Sage

Male Number of posts : 917
Age : 34
Registration date : 2011-12-24

Character sheet
Character Name: Valerion
Race: Human
Overall Level: 40

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Millan's Invasion Plan Empty Re: Millan's Invasion Plan

Post  GM_ODA Wed Jan 11, 2012 12:17 pm

OK, sorry I missed the level in that first post. *cleans glasses and re-reads for content*

A few things would tend to get in the way of such a plot, these follow in no particular order:

The Abyss is full of demonic creatures of many forms and types, MOST of whom are more powerful than your LV 4 PC. Demons are creatures of CHAOS - they rarely work together and generally only do so under duress; as by domination of a more powerful demon. A LV 4 PC would honestly have no chance of getting to 'command' a host of demons, most of whom are more powerful than the PC - the PC would be devoured before they left the Abyss. These ARE demons after all. A tiefling is only half-demon. Demons are natural bigots too, so expect your half-breed lineage to be something of an impediment to gaining any full-blooded demon's respect, more likely you'll be harrassed, tormented, teased and baited. Act out and the PC would see who is tougher, no mercy shown. These ARE demons after all. For examples of demons behavior in stock D&D fodder, I would suggest the introductory adventure in the publication TALES FROM THE INFINITE STAIRCASE.

In light of the fact that a level 4 tiefling is NOT going to be able to marshal up a demon hoard to follow him in attacking the city, the player may wish to amend the plan - a tiefling with levels and willing to slap some demons around might be able to someday attempt such a plot with some hope of succeeding but at this juncture, but at this time it is far beyond the PCs ability.

If ambition is the throttle, then knowing one's limits is the brakes. The road requires both if you are to reach the goal. Very Happy

Be well. Game on!
Forum Oracle

Male Number of posts : 3071
Location : USA East Coast
Registration date : 2008-10-17

Character sheet
Character Name: Firkin Alechugger
Race: Dwarf
Overall Level: 11

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Millan's Invasion Plan Empty Re: Millan's Invasion Plan

Post  autokilla Wed Jan 11, 2012 12:41 pm

is there a -chance- for this to happen when my teifling is a higher level?

Posting Knave

Male Number of posts : 83
Age : 29
Registration date : 2011-12-31

Character sheet
Character Name: Uglack
Overall Level: 25

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Millan's Invasion Plan Empty Re: Millan's Invasion Plan

Post  Orinai Wed Jan 11, 2012 8:19 pm

autokilla wrote:is there a -chance- for this to happen when my teifling is a higher level?

i believe he said yes, but youll have to work extremely hard for it. RP your face off and good luck! mayhaps ill see you IC.

Forum Knight

Male Number of posts : 125
Age : 42
Location : the armpit of america, the black swamp. toledo ohio
Registration date : 2009-03-17

Character sheet
Character Name: Eurikai Duenrhae
Race: Human
Overall Level: 21

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Millan's Invasion Plan Empty Re: Millan's Invasion Plan

Post  Animayhem Thu Jan 12, 2012 1:54 pm

RP is highly regarded on this server and is rewarded on its merits. Very Happy

As mentioned it is better to have maybe one or two well developed characters. Very Happy

Remember you are interacting live not with AI's like in the original NWN and other players and characters have their own agendas but with a little effort you may find a character or two may share your views.

Relax and enjoy!
Forum Oracle

Number of posts : 2213
Registration date : 2010-07-11

Character sheet
Character Name: Charia/Arys
Race: Half-Elf
Overall Level: 30/30

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