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Godo gets credit for these....

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Godo gets credit for these.... Empty Godo gets credit for these....

Post  GM_ODA Fri Feb 17, 2012 4:35 pm

Add feature to LOGBOOK to APPEND to existing text entry.

Add feature to allow PCs to detect Portal locations, as perhaps by means of Detect Magic.

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Godo gets credit for these.... Empty Re: Godo gets credit for these....

Post  Godo Sat Feb 18, 2012 8:02 pm

A few more things to add.
The fetch in the rogues’ menu needs an option to remove your previous fetch point you put down. I put one down, not even knowing what it actually was for, and can’t lay another one down because I can not recall where I laid the first one. On the same type issue, reason for the fetch, burying an item still places the item onto the ground instead of staying in the hole.
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Godo gets credit for these.... Empty Re: Godo gets credit for these....

Post  DM Drachen Sun Feb 19, 2012 10:12 am

I especially like the first post. Remembering all those tags is difficult, even on the DM Side. I usually just write them down in a RL notebook, but being able to record them in game would be just as good, probably even better for fast and effective use.

DM Drachen
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Godo gets credit for these.... Empty Re: Godo gets credit for these....

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