Edlritch Thrall Class
DM Drachen
6 posters
Neverwinter Nights Multiplayer Server 24x7 Now with NWN and NWN:EE :: Neverwinter Nights - General :: Suggestions (general unsorted) :: CLASS / RACE / SKILL / FEAT Specific
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Edlritch Thrall Class
Hello. My suggestion today is being able to be a warlock. Heres the basics of my suggestions.
They get various powers on level up that go onto a staff item only warlocks get. They start out with eldritch beam (ray of frost) and the script for the ray of frost would be modified to do 1d6/2 levels. (Same damage as rogue sneak attack.) Aswell as getting the spells displacement, a more powerful eldritch beam that can hit multiple enemies at once perhaps. Like chain lightning. But, anyways, simply for ray of frost script...
Also, just use bard as the class and modify the on level up script to give them the spells on the staff. Maybe disable curse and bard song.
They get various powers on level up that go onto a staff item only warlocks get. They start out with eldritch beam (ray of frost) and the script for the ray of frost would be modified to do 1d6/2 levels. (Same damage as rogue sneak attack.) Aswell as getting the spells displacement, a more powerful eldritch beam that can hit multiple enemies at once perhaps. Like chain lightning. But, anyways, simply for ray of frost script...
Also, just use bard as the class and modify the on level up script to give them the spells on the staff. Maybe disable curse and bard song.
- Code:
//:: Ray of Frost
//:: [NW_S0_RayFrost.nss]
//:: Copyright (c) 2000 Bioware Corp.
If the caster succeeds at a ranged touch attack
the target takes 1d4 damage.
//:: Created By: Preston Watamaniuk
//:: Created On: feb 4, 2001
//:: Bug Fix: Andrew Nobbs, April 17, 2003
//:: Notes: Took out ranged attack roll.
#include "NW_I0_SPELLS"
#include "x2_inc_spellhook"
void main()
Spellcast Hook Code
Added 2003-06-20 by Georg
If you want to make changes to all spells,
check x2_inc_spellhook.nss to find out more
if (!X2PreSpellCastCode())
// If code within the PreSpellCastHook (i.e. UMD) reports FALSE, do not run this spell
// End of Spell Cast Hook
object oTarget = GetSpellTargetObject();
if(GetTag(GetSpellCastItem()) == "warlockstaff")
int nDam = d6(GetLevelByClass(CLASS_TYPE_BARD)/2);
effect eDam = EffectDamage(nDam, DAMAGE_TYPE_FIRE);
//Apply the VFX impact and damage effect
ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT, EffectVisualEffect(VFX_IMP_MAGBLUE), oTarget);
ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT, eDam, oTarget);
ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_TEMPORARY, eRay, oTarget, 1.7);
//Declare major variables
int nMetaMagic = GetMetaMagicFeat();
int nCasterLevel = GetCasterLevel(OBJECT_SELF);
int nDam = d4(1) + 1;
effect eDam;
effect eVis = EffectVisualEffect(VFX_IMP_FROST_S);
//Fire cast spell at event for the specified target
SignalEvent(oTarget, EventSpellCastAt(OBJECT_SELF, SPELL_RAY_OF_FROST));
//Make SR Check
if(!MyResistSpell(OBJECT_SELF, oTarget))
//Enter Metamagic conditions
nDam = 5 ;//Damage is at max
else if (nMetaMagic == METAMAGIC_EMPOWER)
nDam = nDam + nDam/2; //Damage/Healing is +50%
//Set damage effect
eDam = EffectDamage(nDam, DAMAGE_TYPE_COLD);
//Apply the VFX impact and damage effect
ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT, eVis, oTarget);
ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT, eDam, oTarget);
ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_TEMPORARY, eRay, oTarget, 1.7);
Last edited by DM_Dragon on Sun Jun 24, 2012 1:26 pm; edited 1 time in total
DM Drachen- Forum Sage
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Re: Edlritch Thrall Class
So this would be a new class? Prestige class? what other than the special staff and the 'energy bolts' differentiates this from Wizard or Sorc? What sort of 'powers' were you envisioning being earned at levelling?
Be well. Game on.
Be well. Game on.
Re: Edlritch Thrall Class
Base class. Just choosing bard on level up, is how I've seen it done. Normal bards that wish to become warlocks could speak to a NPC to get the pact. An infernal pact giver or abysssal or whichever. On the staff I was thinking perhaps level 10 able to summon minions. Which in the mod I used this I added to the summon creature 1 script if get tag of spell casting object the warlock staff the summon would be the minion. Also thinking perhaps around level 15 animate dead spell on the staff, and 20 summon greater undead. (I think thats the spells name!) Then on level 25-30, somewhere in that range the gate spell. Also on levels maybe around level 20 once again the beam could do perhaps a ability drain effect of 1d2 points DC 1/2 Level + CHA Modifier, or even CHA Mod + 1/2 Level + 5. DC then wouldn't be too overkill then either if they go straight 40 without multiclassing.
DM Drachen- Forum Sage
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Re: Edlritch Thrall Class
Pondering this, I think we'd like to change the name of the proposed class - warlock is traditionally a 'male witch' and modern wiccans have issues with the image foisted upon them by other faiths in times past. Breaking from these terms would be a good thing - so I propose "Eldritch Thrall" as the official title. The character would have to choose an overlord from the lower planes... powers could vary based on the power served. Let's kick this around some and get more input.
Be well. Game on!
Be well. Game on!
Re: Edlritch Thrall Class
GM_ODA wrote:Pondering this, I think we'd like to change the name of the proposed class - warlock is traditionally a 'male witch' and modern wiccans have issues with the image foisted upon them by other faiths in times past. Breaking from these terms would be a good thing - so I propose "Eldritch Thrall" as the official title.
Be well. Game on!
Agreed, just like no longer stereotyping Druids.
Animayhem- Forum Oracle
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Re: Edlritch Thrall Class
Eldritch Thrall sounds just as mysterious and evil with a touch of powerful. Sounds even better, in my opinion.
DM Drachen- Forum Sage
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Re: Edlritch Thrall Class
HAH! I love the whole concept of this class and its bonuses etc. Eldritch Thrall is an excellent choice of name IMO. Too many servers/games stick to the normal classes and never adventure forth into the pool of creativity. It gets my vote
DM Althaless- Supporter
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Re: Edlritch Thrall Class
I don't like it and i will give my reasons. I admit they are all ooc in origin but like or dislike them i want my view known.
I am tired of people trying to dumb down bad things in every single aspect of society. if you want to play a game like D&D where magic is real ect ect that's one thing but this is an overt attempt do dumb down reality for a political purpose and that is something i very much dislike.
In real life witches/wickets and even the real life druids of ancient Gaul were evil people.. period.. did/do any of them really have magic? no, obviously not. but that dosant mean that they don't practice satanic rituals and even human sacrifice in some parts of the world. People seem to get touchy about the real druids being wiped out by the Romans (before the advent of Cristondom i might add). But we weren't there and we didn't see what they did so can we really say with absolute knowledge that they didn't do the right thing? especially i should add, when nearly all knowledge of these groups is based on pop culture with either a "pro-everyone" bias or a unrealistic portrayal.
Also since druids are such a good example i will use that. Did the real druids even worship nature? probably not. the idea of what the druids were has been so misrepresented over the ages that most people think of a D&D type figure and not what a druid really was. True druids had a pantheon of gods on somewhat the same scale as other Celtic religions however the druids were known for sacrificial practices that would make the producers of "saw" cringe.
I wont post further on this topic, and for the sake of my blood-pressure i wont look at it either beyond this point. If anyone feels the need to discuss my views with me on this you can do so in PM's but this is my stance and it wont be changing. To sum this up, The neme isnt what bothers me, its the reason for changeing it that offends.
I am tired of people trying to dumb down bad things in every single aspect of society. if you want to play a game like D&D where magic is real ect ect that's one thing but this is an overt attempt do dumb down reality for a political purpose and that is something i very much dislike.
In real life witches/wickets and even the real life druids of ancient Gaul were evil people.. period.. did/do any of them really have magic? no, obviously not. but that dosant mean that they don't practice satanic rituals and even human sacrifice in some parts of the world. People seem to get touchy about the real druids being wiped out by the Romans (before the advent of Cristondom i might add). But we weren't there and we didn't see what they did so can we really say with absolute knowledge that they didn't do the right thing? especially i should add, when nearly all knowledge of these groups is based on pop culture with either a "pro-everyone" bias or a unrealistic portrayal.
Also since druids are such a good example i will use that. Did the real druids even worship nature? probably not. the idea of what the druids were has been so misrepresented over the ages that most people think of a D&D type figure and not what a druid really was. True druids had a pantheon of gods on somewhat the same scale as other Celtic religions however the druids were known for sacrificial practices that would make the producers of "saw" cringe.
I wont post further on this topic, and for the sake of my blood-pressure i wont look at it either beyond this point. If anyone feels the need to discuss my views with me on this you can do so in PM's but this is my stance and it wont be changing. To sum this up, The neme isnt what bothers me, its the reason for changeing it that offends.
Shar- Forum Vizier
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Re: Edlritch Thrall Class
*Quirks a brow at Shar's reasons*
Valerion- Forum Sage
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Re: Edlritch Thrall Class
Uhm...I am not going to post anything to that...would become a big discussion via PM...
Valerion- Forum Sage
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Re: Edlritch Thrall Class
Shar wrote:I don't like it and i will give my reasons. I admit they are all ooc in origin but like or dislike them i want my view known.
First, I'll say that this is NOT intended in any way to dissuade anyone from posting their views. I advocate sharing and discussion/debate here.
Shar wrote:I am tired of people trying to dumb down bad things in every single aspect of society. if you want to play a game like D&D where magic is real ect ect that's one thing but this is an overt attempt do dumb down reality for a political purpose and that is something i very much dislike.
I'm not sure we're using the same definition here. According to m-w.com (merriam-webster)
Definition of DUMB DOWN
transitive verb
: to lower the level of difficulty and the intellectual content of (as a textbook); also : to lower the general level of intelligence in
We are making rules for a game, not 'dumbing down' the real world. My game world does not revolve around the christian saga, nor do I want it to emulate/adopt RL religion of any sort.
Shar wrote:In real life witches/wickets and even the real life druids of ancient Gaul were evil people.. period..
Evil is relative. Here the definitions of good and evil are included for clarity.
Definition of 'good' According to m-w.com (merriam-webster):
2 a (1) : virtuous, right, commendable
and ...
1 a : morally reprehensible : sinful, wicked
3 a : causing harm : pernicious
NOTE - I am using ONLY the definition that fits with adjective use, such as is the case with alignment usage e.g. "An evil Rogue" or "A good Priest".
Perspective is essential in understanding history. Now, historically, Druids, while 'pagan' (literally NOT CHRISTIAN) served a beneficial role in their own societies for a very long time. They were portrayed as 'evil' by the Christians as the Christians usurped the European lands and/or converted the population. No culture on earth has EVER said of their enemies "they are good people, let us go forth and destroy them." Likewise, no culture in history has ever said "Oh, we are so splendidly evil, it inspires me to go poop in our own drinking water." Every culture views itself as 'good' and the enemy as 'evil'. Anyone who has any evidence to contradict this please do show it.
Now, when I was in college (in the middle Jurassic) there was a stunningly beautiful girl (Michelle - who went by 'Mikey') who, for reasons none of us nerds could fathom, came over to our table with her other female friends one day, looked at the books and dice we had spread over the table in the student lounge and asked "Oh, Dungeons & Dragons? Could I please join you and play?" When we got done picking up our jaws from the floor, we all replied in the affirmative and soon had characters rolled up for her and her friends. For weeks, singly or in groups these lovely ladies would join us and we all had great fun. Toward the end of the semester, as finals approached, Mikey and her friends opted out of the game to focus on their classwork and study, but they were all pleasant about it, Mikey thanked us all and said she had been very curious about D&D. You see, she announced, she was a born again Christian - and having observed D&D close-up, she could state truthfully that it was not 'satanic' as many in those days would purport. Then she delivered the coup-de-grace, she said "but it is pagan, what with all the references to Thor or Zeus and such."
I thought long and hard about the things she said in parting - over that following weekend, and I resolved that I am a mere mortal, My views are those of one who is not omniscient and what business was it of mine, even as a DM, to tell anyone what Zeus would do, or Thor or Jehovah for that matter? While many of these 'old' religions are defunct, some of the 'pagan' gods ARE still worshipped. Some 'druids' still practice. The point being - if it was a real-world historic religion I SHOULD NOT BE USING IT IN MY GAME. This D&D is after all a game of imagination first and foremost. We are all imaginative folk who play and DM it, so why should I sell my imagination short? Why not 'imagine all new gods' for the game I run? And so I did, taking a week off of gaming I developed a fantasy pantheon and vowed to never again use historic religious names/entities in my games.
You will notice I've kept this promise. My nwn world does not use any historic deities. Words like 'devil' or 'demon' are used generically. Even 'druid' is used generically as a 'priest of nature'.
Shar wrote:did/do any of them really have magic? no, obviously not. but that doesn't mean that they don't practice satanic rituals and even human sacrifice in some parts of the world. People seem to get touchy about the real druids being wiped out by the Romans (before the advent of Cristondom i might add). But we weren't there and we didn't see what they did so can we really say with absolute knowledge that they didn't do the right thing? especially i should add, when nearly all knowledge of these groups is based on pop culture with either a "pro-everyone" bias or a unrealistic portrayal.
Did they have magic? Irrelevant. We are talking game lore here, not real world. Satan? Satan is not a figure in my games (see above). Nor are any of the other gods that RL 'Druids' venerated (gods of the Celtic pantheon such as Dagda, Dunatis or Brigit, etc.). I should point out here that much of what we think we know is biased. Here, the following link, is a good outline of the events regarding Rome and the Celts.
Celtic and Druidic ways continued to hang on in pockets and were eventually encountered by Christianity as it expanded out of the ruins of the Roman empire. These, and the 'wise women' they found practicing simple folklore-based medicine were soon labelled 'witches' by the Christians and attributed with worship of the "adversary of Christians" aka Satan. Heck, VIKING raids were spurred by Christian acts, when the POPE decreed that no Christian could trade with pagans, the reaction of the Norse was "well, if you won't trade, we'll just kill you and take what we want" ... NOTE the Norse had a very very long tradition of trade by this time - founding the cities of Novograd and Kiev, and trading as far away as modern CHINA.
Shar wrote:Also since druids are such a good example i will use that. Did the real druids even worship nature? probably not. the idea of what the druids were has been so misrepresented over the ages that most people think of a D&D type figure and not what a druid really was. True druids had a pantheon of gods on somewhat the same scale as other Celtic religions however the druids were known for sacrificial practices that would make the producers of "saw" cringe.
Shar wrote:I wont post further on this topic, and for the sake of my blood-pressure i wont look at it either beyond this point. If anyone feels the need to discuss my views with me on this you can do so in PM's but this is my stance and it wont be changing. To sum this up, The neme isnt what bothers me, its the reason for changeing it that offends.
It sounds like - and please do not take offense - it sounds like your Christian upbringing may have colored your views on history. It certainly seems to be ready kindling for your ire here. Relax. Take a few slow breaths, no-one here is trying to offend you. . . that said, you now know exactly how a wiccan might feel on arriving on a server where 'witches/warlocks' are used. We are not here to offend. We are here to play a fantasy game.
The reason for changing the name is as follows, just so I am clear.
1) the word witch/warlock (esp the prior) have been given pejorative value in our culture, as such it is as improper to use as is the word 'nigger'.
2) there are those in the real world who could be offended by the use of these pejoratives and so we will refrain.
3) our 'D&D' class, while it seeks a mentor/master of other-planar origin do not seek Satan, nor any other RL named entity for succor... we do not use RL / historical deities in this game world. Fantasy rules.
SPECIAL THANKS TO http://m-w.com citations taken without permission, credit of ownership goes to Merriam-Webster and we THANK THEM for kindly putting their splendid reference online. I urge you all to use it often, it is a great resource.
Be well. Game on!
Last edited by GM_ODA on Wed Jul 18, 2012 5:39 pm; edited 1 time in total
Re: Edlritch Thrall Class
I sort of dropped the ball on one important point above:
"Evil is relative."
Every group that could be painted as 'evil' paints themselves as 'good'. NOBODY believes they are 'evil' and even 'good' people can come to engage each the other in hostility. Even the NAZIs thought of themselves as doing good. Perspective is essential when looking at such things. But heck, Christian Crusaders thought their actions and themselves 'good' when if one looks at it, they were invading foreign lands, killing many, and in fact breaking many of the commandments they held dear. Walk a mile in the fallen enemy's moccasins and your vision will be all that much clearer.
Be well. Game on!
"Evil is relative."
Every group that could be painted as 'evil' paints themselves as 'good'. NOBODY believes they are 'evil' and even 'good' people can come to engage each the other in hostility. Even the NAZIs thought of themselves as doing good. Perspective is essential when looking at such things. But heck, Christian Crusaders thought their actions and themselves 'good' when if one looks at it, they were invading foreign lands, killing many, and in fact breaking many of the commandments they held dear. Walk a mile in the fallen enemy's moccasins and your vision will be all that much clearer.
Be well. Game on!
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