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Things to Test

prinny c
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Things to Test Empty Things to Test

Post  Eriniel Wed Sep 19, 2012 2:46 pm

Feel free to have a go at any of these, they are from my bugs/fixes to test list that I haven't been able to test due to not being able to use nwn for some time.

Feedback by number would be brilliant, thanks Very Happy

I'm afraid they are not that well marked or described, but hopefully most will make sense to whoever is trying what...
Some are obvious ie '#3' would need a Paladin PC, there are also times where both a DM and PC are needed, like those requiring settings like Wild Mage....

  1. Feather fall spell + item
  2. Note writing (with ink quill - item should be in usable desks ie the one in the mercenary guild)
  3. Paladin menu detect evil fix (from DnD book, rather than just Detect Alignment = EVIL)
  4. Parasites (Fleas, Ticks, Leaches)
  5. Grove Curse/Active/Claimed are Persistent
  6. Make Disguise (Rogue/assassin)
  7. Conceal Weapon (Rogue/assassin)
  8. Add herbs/poisons/mushrooms/etc to fresh meat items when cooking in spit
  9. Succubus Kiss
  10. Holy Weapon of same deity in hands of Paladin (Null magic field, etc)
  11. *Woreship 'Deity name'* emote
  12. Cleric diagnose druggy
  13. Voyanut Quick teleport
  14. Track Fade with time
  15. Kiss and Hug emotes
  16. Mount Dire Wolf
  17. Kidnapping
  18. NPC Erinyes AI grapple
  19. PC Vampire drink from Blood Pool
  20. NPC Yuan-Ti Abomination infectious bite
  21. PC Lycon Hunter wands give awards
  22. POH Furniture placing dosn't multiple stack
  23. Red Dragon disciple quest
  24. Hide from Animals (spell+potion) make invisible to Lycon/Druid scent detection
  25. Scent/Fly Assosiates/Familiars View Campsite information on Entry
  26. Horse Merchant
  27. On bleeding PC lycons make animal pain noises instead of voice chat
  28. Nature Class PC in Party if near RT can guide other party members thru (Druid/Ranger guides party thru Rough Terrain Transitions)
  29. Automemorize last selected spell set on sleep
  30. Drow PC's level based SR
  31. Mushroom item effects (all 20 mushroom types)
  32. Rogue Fencing stolen goods XP
  33. Rope Climbing - Helping other party members up
  34. PLOT creatures should not auto shut doors (ie Portals)
  35. Animate Dead (persistant minions)
  36. Potion of Master Thievery
  37. Potion of Treasure Finding
  38. Control Undead reconizes PC Undead
  39. Illfaw fen snake- has "Venom" string variable set? (use Poison Tap on Illfaw Fen snake)
  40. Pour potion down throat option in runestone (ie heal potion down the unconsious party member's throat)
  41. Assign Spells to PC Tool Feats
  42. NPC Pups over age get Were abilities
  43. Smelting Coins into bars
  44. Beehives havestable honey
  45. Custom Trap setup, disarm, triggering, etc
  46. XP For Trap disarming, etc
  47. Pick Pocketing 'booby trap'
  48. Do not give XP for Disarming/Recovering/etc Own Trap
  49. Catstink grenades mess up scent tracking of dogs and drive them a bit crazy for a while
  50. Troublemaker - spawn relative
  51. Troublemaker - spawn relative - child
  52. Tome of Self
  53. Merchant Delivery System
  54. Crafting equipment should not run in guild world
  55. Washing off charcole restores user's normal skin color not default 0 skin (pale pink skin)
  56. Spider webs are not 'recoverable' traps
  57. Gear Status Report
  58. Peek thru Window (Needs Debug Fly On widget used)
  59. Wild Mage (Have DM set ##SetVarString sSchool Wild on PC's runestone)
  60. Campsite Tracking (ie how many bedrolls/who slept there, etc)
  61. PC/NPC Rassaska can only copy to Humanoid forms
  62. Killing rats should not increases animal kill counter...
  63. Voyanut coach
  64. Containers as enchanting targets
  65. PC logging off makes animal messenger spell end
  66. NPC commoners are not scared to death by small dragons or the spirit guide
  67. Wild magic mass teleport
  68. Rituals
  69. Boil water (water canteen of bad water in herb cook pot)
  70. Check all Maroon island escape routes
  71. Wall of ... spells
  72. Bag of capture creatures vanish on unsummoned/when time expires
  73. Pour content of Bucket into Empty bottle
  74. Scent marker on clothing, (PC scent tracker find other PC's previously equiped item on floor, should be able to track scent from it)
  75. Get XP for Herbivore kills
  76. Map pin restore after reset
  77. Druid Guild Leader claim/control grove
  78. Guild item issueing and recording via guild leader
  79. Corpses are lootable
  80. PVP in the Arena
  81. Custom poisons (poison trap from Creator - item - kits - Poison Trap Kit)
  82. Cats Furballs
  83. Lantern Oil relights Lanters that have gone out
  84. Lycon Bar dosn't show until after first change
  85. Recipy learning ability to scribe recipy scrolls
  86. Reed item craft into Blank Scroll
  87. Custom Traps crafting (in Craft Trap)
  88. Druid in animal form to Lycon mating
  89. Neuter lycons/druids
  90. Catnip effect on NPC & PC cats
  91. Sand --> Glass bottle in forge
  92. Cheese from milk in the cheesevats
  93. Cow Kicks sometimes when try to milk with bucket
  94. Test - Carry PCs (Choose 'Pick Up' from runestone targetting PC (Living or dead))
  95. Temple Rector vault access (only active one is Nagealai)
  96. Temple Rector temple supplies (only active one is Nagealai)
  97. NPC convo emoting (npc_emote) - Currently in the Barmaid Convo.
  98. Lycon animated shifting
  99. Wand of misc tools, editing variables on triggers
  100. Death in sewers
  101. Like coins should automatically stack (Silver -> silver, etc)
  102. Sea sponge harvesting
  103. Window's should not leave noisey mouse behind
  104. When in combat and Shift to hybrid form, lycon shift should be instant instead of animated
  105. College Professors
  106. Find Traps spell dose not disarm traps
  107. Black smoke from Fireball effect,
  108. blow out candles and fires by gust of wind spell,
  109. Trapland (examine traps themselves standing near the mechanics part)
  110. Tracker Mouse Submariner - (Jump off side of ship anywhere at sea, should end up in Soroshal), Test for Water breathing druid forms and Potion of Water breathing.
  111. Locksmith lock crafting and placing
  112. Justice inn barmaids do not give silver change to werecats
  113. Justice inn barmaids give bowl of milk/water/sausage to animal form PCs in group (ie PC + PC + Druid PC as -Small dog)
  114. Suyollaoneth Nut placable has the tag = "Herb11"
  115. Captain on ship dosn't send PCs off ship
  116. Show amount memorized in the Spell Book
  117. Scribe Scroll
  118. Scribed scroll will trigger wild magic in a wild magic area
  119. Belladonna effect lycons if in food
  120. POH Persistant Storage Furniture (only takes specified item types, ie bookshelf for books + scrolls)
  121. Bird talk in their own language
  122. Inital test of POH Creatures (ie hire shop keeper/guard/etc)
  123. Scribe Scroll Feat needed to scribe scroll
  124. Poison tap should only tests for Use Poison if PC Tries to handle extract poison with it, it should extract blood regardless of skill
  125. Magic scope shows all display to description when item placed inside
  126. Harvestable Trees become usable when equip axe
  127. Harvestable Trees get dead branches via druid talking to
  128. Vampire can drink blood regardless of current power level
  129. Make sure Vampire PCs do not respond to full moon on transition
  130. Vampire NPC AI is Not stupid
  131. Make sure the 1Billion Gargoyles never happens again
  132. Animal (Druid/Lycon) in water runestone escape
  133. Ship shouldn't start processing until PC is on deck
  134. Cross Area swimming (swim from one area to another)
  135. Bank Safe is persistant again?
  136. Vampire death sequence
  137. Highguard AI dose not teleport in other areas following PC from the Palace
  138. Floating text on PC party instead of shout when using \ as first letter in dm channel.. Use set party cake first on a PC party member.
  139. Track reading debug message to debug only
  140. Sailing ship tests - (Sail from one port to another, set off pirates, seamonster, etc)
  141. Lycon to Hybrid shift gets the hybrid's bonuses?
  142. Vampire sunlight damage
  143. Vampire on Potion of Daywalker (work?)
  144. Repair item via anvil
  145. Repair shattered item via Merchant
  146. Herb Placment fixes (Herb, mushrooms and veins appear in apropriate places?, ie no cacti in non-desert areas)
  147. Spells (Not sure which, so try as many as possible)
  148. Baleful polymorph spell perminance
  149. High Priest(ess) in temple death sequence
  150. PC Repair Trigger fixes Druid Journal (see druid shapes journal) - Partially, only gives current level list without previous ones, ie high level gets only snake where as small, sea, etc all at lower levels.
  151. Injured PC after Caltrop injury has bloody feet tracking
  152. Disgise items use prev appearance instead of race default (since lycons have race = shapeshifter, etc) - aka can lycons use disguises?
  153. Craft Dummy
  154. Cleric Domain Fix with feat swapper
  155. Subraces use external app (hard modifications are made to STR/DEX/etc as appropriate for subrace)
  156. Drow enchanting items
  157. Deal with over limit balance for banks - Was going a bit funny giving mass amounts where it shouldn't this is now stopped
  158. Goto Scent object (Burried, marker, etc)
  159. Skill books perminant update skill level
  160. Buying fetch (PC & NPC) from Theives Shop
  161. Lycon Mating with non lycon (ie Druid-Lycon, or Polymorphed-Lycon)
  162. Craft blessed items
  163. Summon Monster (from table p288 PHB3.5)- Both have 1 = Summon under water only
  164. Summon Nature's Ally - Druid (from table p289 PHB3.5)- Both have 1 = Summon under water only
  165. Wolf AIs (Spring time NPC females have pups, Male NPC wolf chase female PC wolf during winter, etc)
  166. Water Tracker Mouse (Make sure PCs in/out water correct, ie not drown on dry land)
  167. Mixing potion of same type within time limit
  168. Assemble Crafting (make crafting components and craft them together)
  169. Appearance of Subrace convo (Kobold)
  170. Lycon cure
  171. Appearance Fix puppies
  172. Save on leave fix for puppies (Name recording)
  173. Recipy learning fix
  174. Druid to Bird Convo
  175. Deity Convo choices for subraces via Altar of Worship
  176. Different lycoForms, ie winter wolf
  177. Inns (Rent room, use room, leave)
  178. Etrianna's Inn - Tivook Inn renting works?
  179. Add return key to deedkeeper before time expires to get refund
  180. Undead Minions
  181. Passive Nose Sense
  182. Passive Detect Evil (Paladin)
  183. Seige Equipment
  184. Cooking in oven
  185. Gargoyle Subrace
  186. Tree Shape (Druid)
  187. Too young lycons & vampires infecting PCs (shouldn't be)
  188. Pixie Subrace

Last edited by Eriniel on Sat Nov 03, 2012 4:05 am; edited 2 times in total

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Things to Test Empty Re: Things to Test

Post  prinny c Mon Sep 24, 2012 7:58 pm

84.Lycon Bar dosn't show until after first change
It doesnt show till after the shift, But there should be a time limit set on when they notice or can change i think. Once infected you can use your rune to right away that ive noticed

7.Conceal Weapon (Rogue/assassin)-

79.Corpses are lootable
Very Rare

144.Repair item via anvil
Hasnt worked that ive seen yet

145.Repair shattered item via Merchant
Works so far so good

142.Vampire sunlight damage-

prinny c
prinny c
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Things to Test Empty Re: Things to Test

Post  prinny c Mon Sep 24, 2012 8:04 pm

130.Vampire NPC AI is Not stupid
They do attack if hostile towards you. They turn into bats and say hello brother or sister and leave if your a vampire. Overall I say there pretty good.

15.Kiss and Hug emotes
Hugs work, Kissing i havent seen anything special happen when I or anyone tries it

187.Too young lycons & vampires infecting PCs (shouldn't be)
Works so far. Has to be at least level 20 I think or 21 so.

prinny c
prinny c
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Things to Test Empty Re: Things to Test

Post  Moonchild Wed Sep 26, 2012 11:48 pm

178. Works, you get a very minor discount of the amount you paid, though.

35. Persistent minions are fairly easy to do; simply extend the duration of the spell by -a lot- and make it 1/day or somesuch: problem solved. Tougher is a necromancy system that you can use to experiment on (permanently buff) your undead minion via SF:N / GSF:N and various other skills. See:

17. Seems to work fine; hostile someone and click them with Rune Stone, then click Kidnap. They gain a green aura and can fight your grasp automatically, while being dragged along directly behind you. Not sure if it persists across maps.

NEEDED: A submission system, rather than everything being auto-kill. PvP and some events should rarely generate actual PC death; rather, in many cases, ICly, the combatants (or some of them anyway) would be merely trying to knock someone down or out so they'll stop fighting.

13. Seems to work, I warped from Tivook Crossing to Port Chonda earlier.
Posting Knave

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Things to Test Empty New Issue

Post  Shar Thu Sep 27, 2012 9:31 am

Pc's with darkly colored skin turn white when bathing.

System seems to see any dark color as dirt rather than skin color.
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Things to Test Empty Re: Things to Test

Post  heather Sun Sep 30, 2012 10:35 pm

Lycon infection via age doesn't seem to be working correctly at least for the vampire side, a pc that was barely turned a day or 2 ago is causing infection checks already

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Things to Test Empty Re: Things to Test

Post  Moonchild Wed Oct 03, 2012 9:06 am

Shar wrote:Pc's with darkly colored skin turn white when bathing. System seems to see any dark color as dirt rather than skin color.
Rather, it automatically simply defaults bathers to Skin Tone 0, from what I see, and probably does it to everyone. The fix seems to be giving each PC a "Set Skin Tone [#] (drop and get)" item to keep in inventory, which places their color correctly.

New Bug: Character Sheet in forum has "Sorccerer" when it should have only one C.
EDIT: Fixed ^^^
Posting Knave

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Things to Test Empty Re: Things to Test

Post  Eriniel Thu Oct 04, 2012 11:03 am

The animate undead is persistant because you can as a necromancer upgrade your minions and then carry them around... if killed or dropped from party they turn into items you can pick up...

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Things to Test Empty Re: Things to Test

Post  Moonchild Thu Oct 04, 2012 12:41 pm

Now if only there was a deity of Undeath supporting Evil and Magic domains! Twisted Evil
Posting Knave

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Things to Test Empty Re: Things to Test

Post  Valerion Thu Oct 04, 2012 1:18 pm

Uhm animate death never actually worked with my necromancer, I only got a level 1 all stats 3 naked dwarven NPC whenever I used it on any corpse.
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Things to Test Empty Re: Things to Test

Post  Eriniel Thu Feb 05, 2015 7:31 am


  • Make sure Detect Plant and Animal spell detects herbs
  • The *whistles* Bird Convo works
  • Do Water Breather shapes (-Sea ...) drown or water breath as meant to?

All caster classes:

  • Spell targeting via PC Feat Tool - (Choose spell as PC Feat by RuneStone targeting Runestone, uses last spoken for arguments if the spell needs any)
  • Read Spell from Spell Book - (Choose a spell from the book, and click read, uses last spoken for arguments if the spell needs any)


  • Peeking through window vfx - PC Rogue should not be visible outside/inside the window from the oppersite side you are looking through.
  • Custom Traps - make Monster in a bag trap, use Runestone on the Bag Of Capture to 'Add a Peice' to trap, then get some guineepig (hostile to you) to trigger it Very Happy
  • Window List - From the outside of building use Runestone to 'Use Nearest Window' if serveral nearby options list of windows should appear.

Any non NatureClass PC:

  • Rest in all bed placables - Face the bed placable and open the rest menu, [Rest] option should show

Any PC:

  • Go through fissures - Face the fissure, open rest menu - [squeeze through hole] option should take you through (if you are small enough)
  • New Water Portal - Go for a swim in the pool in the cave that leads to the Deep Depths of Tivook.... (north side of the river)
  • There should be No Known2Me when resting in an OOC area  (DMFI_START_AREA, Tutorial. etc)
  • Buy POH from Guild World (portal to Guildworld)
  • Mouse via cheese (Pace some cheese on the floor inside a building, there may be hungry mice around -  the mouse is meant to get the cheese and scram, the scam part is the part to test)
  • Helper climbing - This needs two PCs, one climbs the rope first (hopefully strongest), and then stands on the anchor while the second (hopefully lighter PC) climbs the rope, the first should help the second climb.
  • Admiral Cheeser and ship travel - Fairly simple, catch the first ship from Donnel Port to Brandolay, make sure actually get to Brandolay Very Happy  Talking to the Captain will give distance, or tell you if lost at sea (aka time to leave the ship by other means), also Sea monster, Pirates and Mutany crew should NOT spawn.


  • Magic Oils in Enchanting - Improvements and safety checks to the Magic Oil crafting onto items. Hopfully this has not damaged the Magic Oil Crafting.
  • Water Breather spell - Make sure PC doesn't get air counter or drown while under effect of this spell...


  • Water Breather spell - Make sure PC doesn't get air counter or drown while under effect of this spell... Goodaloop Clerics hold Holy Symbol should be Perm Water Breather (so long as holding the Divine Focus)
  • Deity spell on Holy Symbol - Speak the deity's name preseeded by a '-' while holding the Holy Symbol. Might have to visit high priest(ess) and talk or use altar first, just incase holy symbol is missing vars. Speaking the Deity's name as if a spell should activate a deity specific effect. (Eats fair bit of DF)

Specific Users:

  • Mercury DD Beam weapon's effect
  • Multiple copies of Puppies/Kittens/Cubs loading should not happen again

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Things to Test Empty Re: Things to Test

Post  GM_ODA Sat Feb 07, 2015 10:51 pm

Eriniel wrote:
All caster classes:

  • Spell targeting via PC Feat Tool - (Choose spell as PC Feat by RuneStone targeting Runestone, uses last spoken for arguments if the spell needs any)

  • Read Spell from Spell Book - (Choose a spell from the book, and click read, uses last spoken for arguments if the spell needs any)

WORKS! and WORKS! Kudos to you Eriniel!!!

Eriniel wrote:

  • Peeking through window vfx - PC Rogue should not be visible outside/inside the window from the oppersite side you are looking through.
  • Custom Traps - make Monster in a bag trap, use Runestone on the Bag Of Capture to 'Add a Peice' to trap, then get some guineepig (hostile to you) to trigger it Very Happy
  • Window List - From the outside of building use Runestone to 'Use Nearest Window' if serveral nearby options list of windows should appear.

Eriniel wrote:
Any non NatureClass PC:

  • Rest in all bed placables - Face the bed placable and open the rest menu, [Rest] option should show

Eriniel wrote:

Any PC:

  • Go through fissures - Face the fissure, open rest menu - [squeeze through hole] option should take you through (if you are small enough)
  • New Water Portal - Go for a swim in the pool in the cave that leads to the Deep Depths of Tivook.... (north side of the river)
  • There should be No Known2Me when resting in an OOC area (DMFI_START_AREA, Tutorial. etc)
  • Buy POH from Guild World (portal to Guildworld)
  • Mouse via cheese (Pace some cheese on the floor inside a building, there may be hungry mice around - the mouse is meant to get the cheese and scram, the scam part is the part to test)
  • Helper climbing - This needs two PCs, one climbs the rope first (hopefully strongest), and then stands on the anchor while the second (hopefully lighter PC) climbs the rope, the first should help the second climb.
  • Admiral Cheeser and ship travel - Fairly simple, catch the first ship from Donnel Port to Brandolay, make sure actually get to Brandolay Very Happy Talking to the Captain will give distance, or tell you if lost at sea (aka time to leave the ship by other means), also Sea monster, Pirates and Mutany crew should NOT spawn.

Fissures work splendidly!
I drowned while trying the undertow.
I could not get the merchant to sell me anything in the Guildworld - I'm not sure I'm selecting things correctly.
The mouse appeared, took the cheese, looked like he had a planned escape route but got interfered with by a NPC moving about and actually did NOT depart the area... just lingered near a wall.

Be well. Game on.
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