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how to use the custom spells

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how to use the custom spells Empty how to use the custom spells

Post  BobbyBrown15 Thu Oct 04, 2012 12:09 am

I have no idea how to use them lol, anybody able to tell me how?
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how to use the custom spells Empty Re: how to use the custom spells

Post  heather Thu Oct 04, 2012 1:52 am

after you research them or are taught they show up in your book when you examine or try reading or memorizing... you might have to hit the next page over for it maybe... but best to memorize them up to max or it might act a little strangely... it'll tell you the words you need to say too, you just say it in normal talk with a - infront of the word

-irma haeannon

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how to use the custom spells Empty Re: how to use the custom spells

Post  DM Drachen Thu Oct 04, 2012 5:13 pm

Right clicking on free quick slot spaces and adding text command are probably a good idea for the custom spells.
DM Drachen
DM Drachen
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