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Arabian 1001 Nights Aladin Style

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Arabian 1001 Nights Aladin Style Empty Arabian 1001 Nights Aladin Style

Post  GunpowderHater Mon Dec 31, 2012 6:03 pm

No seriously, this was what I first thought when I noticed there is a flying carpet akin to those in each district within the Tiberi Brother's place, southeast corner. It's the carpet on the corridor just before you reach the rooms. I get the feeling this carpet's used a lot, but this one was forgotten to be toggled off "can be used".


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Arabian 1001 Nights Aladin Style Empty Re: Arabian 1001 Nights Aladin Style

Post  GM_ODA Mon Jun 29, 2015 10:25 am

Ah yes, the reference to the "Tales of the Arabian Nights" aka "1001 Arabian Nights" or more accurately "Thousand and One Nights" referenced here:

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In this case - the OP refers to our own MAGIC CARPET for NWN. Our City of Dohral features a Magic Carpet Depot in each outdoor urban space, from which a PC can take a ride on a Magic Carpet - to any other such Magic Carpet Depot in the city. This makes finding your way about in the 'big city' so much easier, and cheap at just two silver coins per ride!

Inadvertantly, some of these 'magic carpets' had been used as decoration around a few of the indoor locations in the city - these have been removed / replaced with mundane but pretty carpets.

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