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A few suggestions

DM Drachen
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A few suggestions Empty A few suggestions

Post  Bumlader Wed Jan 02, 2013 9:02 pm

Hello everyone, just so you know I am new to these types of forums so please forgive me if I screw up on anything.

Suggestion number 1 : This one has to do with the guards, if your like me, you're unlucky because everytime the guards see you they aim a stone at you and say "Surrender or die, robber!", then you get put into jail. Here is my major problem with this, when you try to talk to a guard he calls you a harlot, and you can say "Prepare to die" and attack/kill the guard, why can you not do the same when you're getting a stone aimed at you, I am sure a great sword is more threatening then a rock. If you can fight back that will be a lot more fun..and easy to deal with other than being sent to prison.

Suggestion number 2 : Hunger, Thirst, Fatigue - My only concern and problem about this is that it shoots often, and I am having to drink/eat/sleep really often. .If there is no problem with this, can you make it get pushed back so it has you eat every 1 in real life hour? Perhaps two? Whichever seems reasonable with you guys Smile , but this will make it a lot more fun for me to play for me, I also think it'll make a lot more players happy if this gets accepted.

Suggestion number 3 : Armor breaking system / Fixing Broken Gear, as much as I like the server one thing that bugs me is that your gear breaks or you just lose your gear, like so..I had a belt and my belt suddenly poofed while a DM was helping me, this is where I discovered that your gear can prematurely die out on you and break, I don't mind my gear breaking on me I really don't, but can you guys make it to where if even your armor breaks (Or something happens with wild magic that makes you newd) that "Broken (Enter name)" would pop up in your inventory and you can take it to a blacksmith to get it fixed..

Which brings up another point, the Blacksmith does NOT fix your gear and robs you from the MU's you payed him, you should fix this..It'll make a lot of us happy too =3

Suggestion number 4 : Pick Pocketing NPC's, when an NPC pick pockets you and you kill him, they do not drop the gear they stole and just give you some gear that they originally had on them (Health potions and just cheap studded leather armor). This is frustrating and annoying because some stuff can cost a lot of money and having it Pick Pocketed and when you kill them you and they don't drop it, it can really make you grit your teeth.

Suggestion number 5 : More places to kill and get EXP from, look..I know this place is meant for RP to level up and I really respect that, I love how you guys encourage RP, but to level up by Role Playing, not a good idea. Trust me, you will get a LOT of players, specially a ton of my friends if you can level up by killing stuff/rping, OR just role playing for fun. It'll be really fun.

Suggestion number 6 : There are random places in Dorhal that spawn random stuff on me, I was told it was to give it that "Anything can happen feeling", the ghost thing was really odd and off, seeing this is a city...Not a cemetery, if you want to give it that feel just have muggers roam around slums or alleyways, they shouldn't be red automatically but they should walk up to you and say "Give me your money" and you can react to it via giving it to them, or killing them.

Suggestion 7 : The "Picking Up" option we get on the rune stone when we point it towards a player should be edited heavily, make it to where when they try to pick them up they must have player permission, otherwise it's force RP. This however shouldn't count if they're out cold or dead, because they can't react.

Suggestion 8 : C/P the rules onto the Journal so that everyone can read it, and also..Make new rules, there are a ton of loopholes around them.

So far that's all I have for suggestions, one step at a time, once I feel the time is right I will post even more suggestions so don't you guys dare count me out of ideas Cool one at a time correct? Please don't count these suggestions out as well, I am tellin you, a TON of people will be pleased. Regardless, you guys are doing a great job so far, we just need to continue going up and up and up without having a giant slope down.
Posting Knave

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A few suggestions Empty Re: A few suggestions

Post  DM Drachen Wed Jan 02, 2013 9:13 pm

Great list of suggestions. I agree with Sug. # 2 heavily. I have to eat 2-3 times a RL hour, which doesn't seem very realistic to me at least.
Definitely agree for #7.
Really think #8 is a great idea, for quick reference to all the DMs and Players.
#5 I think is good too. I spent hours roleplaying, and I got only an XP bonus of 140 something today. It felt a little low after all that time. I think if we add a few more dungeons that are easier to get to would really encourage some good old adventuring RP, and I think it would make the server more attractive as a whole. I know there are dungeons out there, but they are just plain hard to find and get to if you're a new player. I could always design a few. Smile

There's my take. Cheers!
DM Drachen
DM Drachen
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A few suggestions Empty Re: A few suggestions

Post  Animayhem Wed Jan 02, 2013 9:43 pm

Welcome to Dorhal. This place has some unique scripting you will not find elsewhere so be pateint as they have to pull stings to try and make it work.

The HTF is being worked on. Smile

In reference to the break down of gear and such, you can use the anvils and crafting logs in the college to tell you the status of gear and also to repair your gear if you have the skill. This too is being worked on.
The armorer does not steal your money he does repair the item though I think the script could be a bit easier to use. I play two characters here and both have had items fixed by him. There are also crafting anvils and logs scattered about outside of the college.

Yes the xp too is being worked on. Erin and Oda recently got their computers back up so are trying as best they can. If you look carefully when you log in you will notice rp bonus which varies.
They are trying to adjust spawns to be fair in their xp distribution to various levels. I agree that maybe a player award rp could be given with a limit on how much xp based on player's level, time limit before such xp could be given and limited number of times it can be given in a certain time. I have played on a world which allows this so it can be done.

Suggestion 7: That really should rely on the player and have rp behind it You could send a player a tell;) This method has worked and it has provided some great rp. Remember just because you can do something does not mean you always should.
I disagree with the cold/dead thing although players cannot move ingame you can send them tells. Sometimes if a player dies it is because they wish their character to be permadead or maybe they died with a purpose and plan to respawn elsewhere. Best rule of thumb, if you come across a pc body try and send a tell to the player explaining why and what you plan to do. Body snatching regardless should rarely happen as it does cause glitches even if consented.

Suggestion 8: Just the basics would help and possibly ward off any hostile feelings ooc and would be a nice check system. Naturally Dm and admin only info should stay just that.
Forum Oracle

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A few suggestions Empty Re: A few suggestions

Post  GunpowderHater Thu Jan 03, 2013 4:55 am

The armorer does not steal your money he does repair the item though I think the script could be a bit easier to use.

Last time I went to the armorer, I tried to have an unenchanted item fixed. A greatsword. It pretty much took my money and the weapon was exactly the same. Could be an isolated incident, but should be checked into none the less.

If you look carefully when you log in you will notice rp bonus which varies.

Sadly.. as much as this sounds fun, it is too little to solely rely on it. I only know one character that only levels through this, and said character has been level 11 ever since I played here. Which is what? Little more than four years?

Best rule of thumb, if you come across a pc body try and send a tell to the player explaining why and what you plan to do. Body snatching regardless should rarely happen as it does cause glitches even if consented.

I agree, but the fact remains the only chat we have available when we have our PC dead is party. Everything else is disabled. Whilst I do like the immersion feel... because well, you're dead, you're not supposed to be talking(!), it kills the possibility of any such dialogue. I'd revert it back to vanilla. It's annoying and several others agree.

Just the basics would help and possibly ward off any hostile feelings ooc and would be a nice check system. Naturally Dm and admin only info should stay just that.

Thing is we need to be made aware of every rule. I've played in the past on Arelith, known for its inovative, yet infamous concept of Shadow Ruling. We only ever have the basic rules accessible to us, whilst the DMs have the full list. Meaning some actually make up rules. I'm not saying this will happen here, but players feel uneasy when suddenly subjected to punishment of something they frankly had no idea was illegal.


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A few suggestions Empty Re: A few suggestions

Post  BobbyBrown15 Thu Jan 03, 2013 12:15 pm

I agree with the rules, you can;t follow a rule if your unaware of it in the first place.
Forum Sage

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A few suggestions Empty Re: A few suggestions

Post  Bumlader Wed Jun 05, 2013 12:44 am

It’s been awhile since I have given my input and suggestions on anything, but I have been stacking a few suggestions that possibly might get players interested again.

- Dye kit. Now before anyone starts to question my suggestion, hear my out. Why do you have to go through the Noob U to get dyes? Why do players have to go through a miniature adventure trying to acquire dyes? If you do implement the dye kits, I suggest you make them plot and un-droppable. This won’t help much to gain new players, but it will make current players happy.
- Some of the scripts shoot out messages on the combat log when you active or deactivate them, for example the shop system. Although it seems minor, it can sometimes get annoying. If you can make those not appear at all, it should help polish the server, not by much but people like I would be happy.
- Soul Runes, this one is irritating, every time the server updates I gain new soul runes, not bad but they take so much space and they stack the extra weight on you. If it is an OOC item, it should not weigh anything at all, you should also have it so that there is a rune counter that you can SEE when you click R. “You have X many lives left” (First thing that a player should see, too), rather than going into your inventory to count how many you have yourself.
- Journal updates (Game mechanics). As a new player the first thing I would do is go into my journal and look for “The Rules”, we all know it is important to follow the rules but how do we know we aren’t breaking them? Because there ARE no rules to be found in the journal, now it leaves me pondering if I am doing something right or wrong.

1: There are redundant features in the journal such as the DMFI entries, in my point of view I feel as if it shouldn’t be there at all ( I will continue explaining this later down)

2: “Basic Gear” and the “Beta Test” are the other entries that I find redundant in the journal (Again, I will explain later down)

3: The whole journal in general needs to have an overhaul, simple as that. Here are a few entries I would suggest being added in…
Sever Info, Rules, and DM team. You could add in anything you guys feel as if it would fit the journals, seeing that you guys are the team and I am but a player.
- A new, improved, starting area.
Why am I bringing this up? Well I honestly don’t have a clue whether the starting area is In Character or Out Of Character. Whenever I talk about the starting area, I get a slight headache because I can’t decide what it is.

This is actually a big suggestion seeing that new players have to go through the STARTING area to get In Character, the starting area is highly un-organized and it has two interiors. The one you are in when you load in, and the one with the Dm lounge, shops, and the dwarf, too big.

1: Make the starting area one area, instead of having to talk the dwarf you should enter through a portal to take you to the NoobU and of course, another portal that takes you to where you last logged off at.

2: Put signs in the starting area that tells you about how it’s in Beta testing, another one telling you about the DMFI, Basic Gear, Etc.

3: Make it so that you have a separate room (Still in same the same interiors) for all the shops.

4: Make a floating text appear above your head saying “READ YOUR JOURNAL”

Hopefully I am coherent; writing this suggestion at night with a throbbing head isn't my smartest decision. Regardless, I wish I can tell you guys what’s on the top of my head for the starting area suggestion, but it will take me forever to write down what I have.
- No idea why I am bringing this up again, but dungeons. Places for level 10-20, 20-30, 30-40, to level up at. Before I read ANY post about saying “I have to look harder”, I tried, never found any, and gave up. Now I know dungeons are supposed to be scarce, but COME ON. .I would at least say the 30-40 level dungeons should be scarce but new players need to get around somehow. The server on my end gets quite boring after looking around for dungeons coming up with nada and waiting in the inn for people to come on and hopefully share a nice conversation with them, when I am bored and no one is one, I just go around looking for things to kill, this way you have players who still come on when the server is at a low player count at night. Hey, not to mention, if you don’t want dungeons to be grindable, make them long, hard, and once per reset. .It’ll make players think twice trying to solo things, eheh.
- Boosting IC and OOC moral, plain and simple. .
That’s all I have right now, but tomorrow morning I will be editing this, or post a new suggestion
Posting Knave

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A few suggestions Empty reply to bumlader

Post  BobbyBrown15 Wed Jun 05, 2013 1:33 am

-dye kits are in the PC test too chests in hall of gods and DMFI room

-Soul runes can be used by the misc tools wand to be made into elixers of vitality and then stored in the vitality packs, the packs can be used on your PC to spit out a elixer stored to be drank for more soul runes.

-talk to the NPCs, they give hints to dungeons and the like if you sweet talk them enough. This means all NPCs, even the generic looking ones.
Forum Sage

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A few suggestions Empty Re: A few suggestions

Post  Bumlader Wed Jun 05, 2013 11:32 am

BobbyBrown15 wrote:-dye kits are in the PC test too chests in hall of gods and DMFI room

-Soul runes can be used by the misc tools wand to be made into elixers of vitality and then stored in the vitality packs, the packs can be used on your PC to spit out a elixer stored to be drank for more soul runes.

-talk to the NPCs, they give hints to dungeons and the like if you sweet talk them enough. This means all NPCs, even the generic looking ones.

I should have been more clear on the Dye Kit, in response to your post on the dye kit, the dye kits should appear in your inventory on enter when you create a new character. Not every new player will instantly know where the Dye Kits are at.

Soul Runes, this one is irritating, every time the server updates I gain new soul runes, not bad but they take so much space and they stack the extra weight on you. If it is an OOC item, it should not weigh anything at all, you should also have it so that there is a rune counter that you can SEE when you click R. “You have X many lives left” (First thing that a player should see, too), rather than going into your inventory to count how many you have yourself.

I already know about the misc wand that turns it into potions, again, not everyone will have it unless a player who knows or a DM shows them, plus it was a suggestion!

Thanks for the tip on the dungeons, I shall proceed to bother away asking NPC's if they know something. I'll report what I find on THAT this Friday, maybe Saturday.
Posting Knave

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A few suggestions Empty Re: A few suggestions

Post  DM Drachen Wed Jun 05, 2013 1:03 pm

Just a little bit to ad to what Bumlader suggested about dye kits.. Make them work on cloaks!
DM Drachen
DM Drachen
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A few suggestions Empty Re: A few suggestions

Post  Bumlader Tue Jun 11, 2013 10:01 pm

Upon investigating the server in hopes of finding a dungeon I had came up with nothing, no hints towards any sort of dungeon. That was a waste of my time I would dear say.

The closest thing I found that was SLIGHTLY interesting was the pixies in Esrogoth that was a grinding center. 50 EXP a pop with no timers on their spawns, but guess what? Major annoying problem occurs and whenever I get entangled I can't melee, they get free shots at me. Wee, sit there for two rounds having to hear the pixies annoying ass giggle fits while I waste away till it's over then MAYBE, just MAYBE I can kill 2-3 before it does it again. To say the least I wasted my time trying to level up today while there are some out there who can get to 20 in a matter of hours. Whats the fun asking them "Oh cool how are you leveling so fast! Show me areaz!"? It's not IC and it certainly a major headache realizing you passed by the area 60.freaking.times. I will stop searching for these dungeons and just level up through DM events and areas that give 1 EXP!

Posting Knave

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A few suggestions Empty We are glad yuour here

Post  Silver Oak Wed Jun 12, 2013 6:07 am

Hi I am DM Silver.
 Your always welcome in our events!
Your points are well said and make sense as well. This server is different in many way to some you will see out there.
Oda has a vision where the server is more a blank canvas, and we as dms need to paint with your help.
[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
After viewing this I hope it inspires us all to work togather to make our time gaming the best ever.
Please note that Oda and the builders are always hard at work improving things even when you can't see it right now.
I know several projects are nearing completion to address this very thing you have brought to light.

DM Silver

Silver Oak
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A few suggestions Empty Re: A few suggestions

Post  Animayhem Wed Jun 12, 2013 12:27 pm

Silver Oak wrote:Hi I am DM Silver.
 Your always welcome in our events!
Your points are well said and make sense as well. This server is different in many way to some you will see out there.
Oda has a vision where the server is more a blank canvas, and we as dms need to paint with your help.
[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] viewing this I ho
pe it inspires us all to work togather to make our time gaming the best ever.
Please note that Oda and the builders are always hard at work improving things even when you can't see it right now.
I know several projects are nearing completion to address this very thing you have brought to light.

DM Silver

Yes to above. Remember this is still in  beta Smile
Forum Oracle

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A few suggestions Empty Re: A few suggestions

Post  GM_ODA Thu Jun 13, 2013 6:55 am

Bumlader wrote:Upon investigating the server in hopes of finding a dungeon I had came up with nothing, no hints towards any sort of dungeon. That was a waste of my time I would dear say.

The closest thing I found that was SLIGHTLY interesting was the pixies in Esrogoth that was a grinding center. 50 EXP a pop with no timers on their spawns, but guess what? Major annoying problem occurs and whenever I get entangled I can't melee, they get free shots at me. Wee, sit there for two rounds having to hear the pixies annoying ass giggle fits while I waste away till it's over then MAYBE, just MAYBE I can kill 2-3 before it does it again. To say the least I wasted my time trying to level up today while there are some out there who can get to 20 in a matter of hours. Whats the fun asking them "Oh cool how are you leveling so fast! Show me areaz!"? It's not IC and it certainly a major headache realizing you passed by the area 60.freaking.times. I will stop searching for these dungeons and just level up through DM events and areas that give 1 EXP!

Friend Bumlader,
Some detail on what you did do that failed to turn up a 'dungeon' might be helpful here. The system is setup so that if you talk to NPCs and seek rumors you will get clues about possible adventures (dungeons I think you call them) in the region. Did you speak with NPCs? What rumors did you elicit from them? What other methods did you use to find adventure?

River grigs are dangerous, per the standard D&D lore, they can cast OTILUKES IRRESISTABLE DANCE... which is what 'freezes' your PC in place while the grigs beat on it.

If I discover who is abusing the systems to level to 20 in a few hours and NOT reporting it as an exploit, I will EMPTY THEIR VAULT. So NOW it the time to step up as I will have NO MERCY when I discover this on my own.

Be well. Game on.
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A few suggestions Empty Suggestion

Post  Bumlader Sun Aug 25, 2013 4:09 pm

Although I do not play anymore, I would like to suggest making the top floor of the Tivook in a little longer then how it currently is. Long enough to add in two more rooms.

Another suggestion that I would like to add on, is that you should be able to bribe the Innkeeper to give away who lives in the room. This way if someone's stalking them for a mission..Or doing an investigation, this can add onto some RP.

For the actual Tivook Inn, I suggest that the area should be re-designed and made to be a little more..Fancy, OR a little more rowdy. Depending on what type of inn Etrianna want's to run. My honest suggestion is to add more variety to it, NPC's that stand out that may give you a quest if you pester them, etc. The more you work on the RP hub gives a treat to the current/old players who have been playing for awhile and might, just might boost player moral. This won't benefit new players's moral though.

Posting Knave

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A few suggestions Empty Re: A few suggestions

Post  Animayhem Sun Aug 25, 2013 6:04 pm

Well rowdy is The Justice. Theives abound in the Felderhaus(sp)

 Tivook could be modified slightly to allow rental of more rooms. 

 As for bribing to get a room already leased for purposes of spying or attacking someone borderline and I would guess need dm approval and moderating.

Oda is working on getting player rental rooms more ready and available as wellas having some other inns.
Forum Oracle

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