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Eveys suggestions

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Eveys suggestions Empty Eveys suggestions

Post  eve_of_disaster Mon Nov 01, 2010 10:20 am

1. Auto-emotes! How I hate when there's this rolling screen of spam in my talk/emote window. Yes yes, they heard my stomach rumbling the first time. Also, they can't see that my throat is parched can they? So why have an emote for that? Emotes are something people can see, just like many servers ban thinking-emotes. As people can't know your pc is thinking they can't tell by just looking at you, that your throat is dry. Personally I like emoting such things as being tired. I really do. Smile But I hate being forced to emote a one-word emote. I really see no point in this system except as a constant annoying reminder which you don't need because you have a huge very visible three-part bar rolling in your right-hand window reminding you of your HTF-status. What these auto-emotes do is that they force you to take active measures to immediatly fill your stomach in the midst of rp just to not annoy the hell out of you or others around you due to the constant spam that rolls out of your character against your will. So basically you forgo emoting feeding to just get rid of the autoemotes. I've on maaany occations written: Ooc before eating and drinking and even sleeping, only so I can stop seeing the auto-emotes. And that's not good rp. o.o

A solution to this is to give your character the visible motion they do when they yawn or the one when they hang their heads. That would make it very obvious what was going on without spamming the chat-window...

2. Sometimes when I have no food in my inventory and have a distance to a source for food I kill my pc because respawning resets htf. o.o'

3. I think that if you have the ranger ability Trackless step you should not leave tracks.

4 (sortof). I also was wondering why, if you have a sub race, the change to stats isn't permanent? I know dm's can alter stats permanently so why not make the change permanent? If the sub race for some reason is removed later on the stats can just be changed then, right?

5. It would be nice if there was like a base of operations for different classes, like a go to place for rangers/druids or organisations that take in different classes and supply them with scripted quests. Like the adventurer guild, only with actual quests. These quests should point the character into the direction of a good area to kill things in so they eventually get to a level that is about ready for the next quest which then leads them to a new area. I know the server's not designed around such but it would be very helpful and fun to get your first few baby-steps on the server more streamlined. That way you don't end up running around at random, likely stumbling into areas which hold little to nothing or into an area filled with high-level monsters that kill you on sight.

6. That leads me to another point: Many areas have a blandness to them and nothing really exciting to them. Some areas are just mazes of forests. Sometimes you find something interesting but chances are the thing you find has no entrance, like the tower in Ziazga or the dark temple in the southeast of one of the Ursnark areas, or the many caves in the ogre area or the cave at the top of dwarf-mountain. Plenty buildings in such remote places would be sooooo exciting to explore. Or when you have mapped the entirety of sub-cave-system underneath the dark redoubt and find that one transition at the end which doesn't work. Or that grand lake in the same area which it took vampire-Zaiah the hiring of a swimmer to eventually map out but which has nothing in it either. All I know is that the server seems like it caters to the first days of exploration of the wilderness around Dohral, the first 25-30 levels of character-buildup. And from then on it lacks that thing that continues to make it interesting at a deeper level. Since this point got so long I'll stop here.

I guess the vast areas of nothing sortof caters to that realism-thing but realistically you would be able to traverse forests, not have to go around them. Razz Saying that I think my problem is with the surface areas, I think the psycho-caves are fun because its supposed to be hellish to find your way in a huge cave-system. Also, after I mapped 90% of them I am feeling quite good about myself. ^^

The project that is Argentum Regio has such crazy proportions due to the vastness of the regions. This certainly affects the content of each area, causing this blandness. While realistic, somewhere you have to like start adding content, because its very disappointing to run around through area after area, then finding a temple surrounded by vampires in the corner of some deep forest, killing the undead and then not being able to enter the temple. >.<

7. There was one suggestion I've been just so eager to add now for a while. Basically I want to be able to eat food and drink water and regenerate my HT part of the system much faster. Sometimes when my metres been halfway I've had to eat a whole loaf of bread and a whole chunk of cheese, making my pc a glutton-monster akin to something out of an HP lovecraft novel, to put it at max. Also drinking two canteens of water to complement your outrageous feeding habits is just silly. So suggestion: Make it so one or two bites maxes HT. The system not only makes my slender elf look like the cookie-monster but it also takes an horrendously long time to fill your belly.

Next on the list:
8. The death-system needs to go live. On Arelith they force you to wait around in some sort of limbo for an amount of time depending on your level when you died. They also take lots of exp and all your money (which sucks by the way). Here you just sacrifice one out of an infinite amount of soul runes. It would be much better if you had like a curse put on your briefly like someone suggested already in another thread. Perhaps put a slow effect on your pc for X minutes and inform the pc they can't return to pvp (if thats what killed them) until a certain time's passed. It would be bad to put a curse that lowered all stats though because it sucks to have to put all memorised spells back into their slots - and its also very easy to cast greater restoration on yourself and get rid of such a curse. I'm personally against soul-runes count because I want to be able to decide when my pc dies permanently and there's also something called lag and crashes that may affect your amount of soul runes.
Forum Courtier

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Eveys suggestions Empty Re: Eveys suggestions

Post  Khaos1987 Mon Nov 01, 2010 11:24 am

Let me add my thoughts here.

1) I do agree with that. Players can see when one or two bars is getting low, and they can RP that. *Yawn* But forcing those emotes to come out every other minute or so tends to break the flow of a good RP conversation. *Yawn* I mean, how embarrassing is it to be cowering in front of a dragon, trying to beg it not to kill you, and you start yawning? *Yawn* Maybe if it only emoted once in a while, just to serve as a reminder to the player that the bars are low, instead of a constant stream of emotes. *Yawn* *Stomach rumbles*

2) The inventory is huge... but those with low strength will never be able to handle it. To sleep, you need a bedroll and a few logs of wood, to keep that bar down, you need to eat lots of food and water. Then keep room for weapons, your money that's outside the personal fund, maybe a shield, a torch, some bandages or healing potions, boots... Just the basic adventuring gear is quite a haul, even with bags of holding. I once witnessed Krossy eat 23 oranges in a row, and he still had room for a few bites of cheese. And this was all because he skipped breakfast that morning. I don't mind that the bars go down fast, even faster if you're running around in armor, but a few oranges are quite filling. 23 of them is some kind of poisoning, I bet. Drinks, however, are great. You can live about a month without eating. Sure, you'll be run down and skinny, but you'd be alive. You would be dead in three days without water. So it's not uncommon to polish off an entire canteen during a meal.

3) Yeah, that makes sense, but you'd still leave a scent trail. And the footsteps also serve to mark scent trails.

4) This is a bit of a frustration issue. When Krossy acquired the were-cat template, he got a major boost to his dex. Naturally, this should have unlocked a few high dex feats for him. But it didn't, because the dex gained was counted as if gained from a magic item, not innate like a Red Dragon Disciple. It's not VITALLY important, but just a footnote.

5) This is where the player owned guilds come in. Ada is making one for rogues right now, and one of these days I'm gonna get Kross to open up a mercenary guild that opens to all classes and alignments as sort of a helping hand to newer players. I'll have to talk to Oda one of these days.

6) This is the result of areas not being fleshed out yet. The server is still in beta, so just the closest areas to civilization have lots of neat things. The rest will be fleshed out eventually. I hope. And besides, if you're above level 30, you don't really have a whole lot to do that's not a challenge. Dragons? Yawn. Demons? Fried. Demi gods? You -are- one. So if you want excitement for that high level of character, you'll have to rely on DM plots, because monsters aren't going to be a challenge for you anymore. Unless the terrasque comes, then you run.

7) Already covered that with 2.

Cool The death system is in a "nice" form right now, because we're all beta testers. And beta testers will die. Unfairly. All the time. That's why there's no penalty at the moment, because people are buying it constantly since some monsters are unbalanced (Creatures without wings doing the dragon stomp move?) , or a script bugs up, or people fall off the edge of the world. And we all have a bunch of soul runes because the server is resetting constantly to update, and that won't happen nearly as often when the server goes version 1.0. Not counting bugged-related deaths, I think Krossy has died maybe seven times so far that required a soul rune. And maybe DMs can do quests for characters who are running low on the runes, to get more. That's a good chance to RP.
Posting Knave

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Eveys suggestions Empty Re: Eveys suggestions

Post  AdaonGP Mon Nov 01, 2010 11:47 am

I agree with pretty much all of the suggestions except for the one about deaths. As this server is still in beta, and still very buggy in parts, people need to keep playing and keep finding bugs. Perma-death WILL cause a certain players to quit at some point, especially if they lose characters they have devoted a lot of time into. Also you say you want to decide when your PC dies does removing soul runes do that? Without soul runes you would not get to decide, whereas now, if you so desire to kill off one of your own characters, you can simply choose not to respawn.

Basically I'm all in favor of the current death system because the most important part of beta is PLAYTESTING which means people have to play and play and play. Especially considering that bugs themselves can contribute to people dying. For example, the vault underneath the merchant in south chonda? I know i'm not the only one who went down there by accident just trying to get at the crates in the room, only to find that there were tracks over the return portal and I got swarmed by golems before I could find the right angle to click my way back up.

I DO think there need to be -very- clear rules about respawning after PVP, especially for those who would respawn and try to get their revenge right away. That is a big no-no, and it should be common sense that you DON'T do that. But the rest of the players should not have to suffer based on a few people who break obvious rules.
Posting Knave

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Eveys suggestions Empty Re: Eveys suggestions

Post  Eriniel Mon Nov 01, 2010 12:11 pm

1)... Polling

2) When I joined I made a Elf Mage, still got her actually, but I sacrificed STR for the more important Abilities. She gets by fine with 8 STR even though she's now in the epic levels. So PCs don't need to be a Pack Ox..

Though I suspect the Food Items Modifier hasn't been changed since the Hunger limit was raised to allow going longer without food. (If this is case we will fix it Smile )

3) Both right actually, Scents however also have an invisible version for tracking for where prints are not left.. And yes Trackless Step should prevent Tracks from being laid (Scent markers are left instead) BUT its currently specially told to ignore this condition cause wanted to test it running with the maximum amount first Smile

4) At the moment subraces paste abilities and modifiers to the PC Hide, there is a plan to upgrade this process (but it doesn't involve having a DM stand there for each PC and fix their stats, this can get a bit .... tedious after the first few, making the few special subraces once or twice over is fine, doing again and again should be an automated task)

5) Would suggest a Task Master but never tried one myself. Player guilds are better defiantly, and Kross we are looking for PCs to fill in some of those guilds... Start the Mercenary Guild perhaps? (There is a base in North Donnel - i think, will have to check)

6) Helps if Broken Transitions are Reported, then they can be fixed... The information from using the Wand of Misc Tools on the ground will help locate the problem (gets names of area, trigger, etc) coping that will be much better than trying to describe how you got there...

Cool Oh yeah, without the Deities fluffing out the real Death System would be really not functional. And of cause there is the good reason for the reset giving out Soul Runes like cupcakes... Beta Testers die horribly and unfairly (indeed Khaos).
'Faction wars' and 'Milk of Death' spring to mind as examples of such fatal bugs. Even one poor beta tester managed to anger the Happy Hippo faction which made Haggis and Guido try to kill him (which they did, repeatedly, so now that faction resets for PC on login - along with various DM Custom factions to use in events without making everyone hostile to PCs Very Happy).

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Eveys suggestions Empty Re: Eveys suggestions

Post  eve_of_disaster Mon Nov 01, 2010 12:12 pm

AdaonGP wrote:I agree with pretty much all of the suggestions except for the one about deaths. As this server is still in beta, and still very buggy in parts, people need to keep playing and keep finding bugs. Perma-death WILL cause a certain players to quit at some point, especially if they lose characters they have devoted a lot of time into. Also you say you want to decide when your PC dies does removing soul runes do that? Without soul runes you would not get to decide, whereas now, if you so desire to kill off one of your own characters, you can simply choose not to respawn.
You toooootally misunderstood me. I'm against permadeath! I'm saying that the soul runes is a waste of inventory and eventually you'll sit there with 500+ runes that has no point at all. I'd like a different system all together where there is a small penalty to you right after your death or something to at least suggest that not running head first into anything you find, is a bad idea. Currently if I die, the only thing I loose is the time it takes to get back to the point where I died, in some cases a death is even a good thing so you can respawn somewhere closer to a shop or an area to rest in. o.O
Forum Courtier

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Eveys suggestions Empty Re: Eveys suggestions

Post  eve_of_disaster Mon Nov 01, 2010 12:15 pm

Khaos1987 wrote:
Cool The death system is in a "nice" form right now, because we're all beta testers. And beta testers will die. Unfairly. All the time. That's why there's no penalty at the moment, because people are buying it constantly since some monsters are unbalanced (Creatures without wings doing the dragon stomp move?) , or a script bugs up, or people fall off the edge of the world. And we all have a bunch of soul runes because the server is resetting constantly to update, and that won't happen nearly as often when the server goes version 1.0. Not counting bugged-related deaths, I think Krossy has died maybe seven times so far that required a soul rune. And maybe DMs can do quests for characters who are running low on the runes, to get more. That's a good chance to RP.
That's why the soul-rune system is bad. A new player gets 8 chances and may very well permadie before reaching level 5 if unlucky. This is counterproductive, as is stacking 500 soulrunes in your inventory when you could just remove a perma-death-system completely until beta is over.
Forum Courtier

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Eveys suggestions Empty Re: Eveys suggestions

Post  AdaonGP Mon Nov 01, 2010 12:19 pm

eve_of_disaster wrote:
AdaonGP wrote:I agree with pretty much all of the suggestions except for the one about deaths. As this server is still in beta, and still very buggy in parts, people need to keep playing and keep finding bugs. Perma-death WILL cause a certain players to quit at some point, especially if they lose characters they have devoted a lot of time into. Also you say you want to decide when your PC dies does removing soul runes do that? Without soul runes you would not get to decide, whereas now, if you so desire to kill off one of your own characters, you can simply choose not to respawn.
You toooootally misunderstood me. I'm against permadeath! I'm saying that the soul runes is a waste of inventory and eventually you'll sit there with 500+ runes that has no point at all. I'd like a different system all together where there is a small penalty to you right after your death or something to at least suggest that not running head first into anything you find, is a bad idea. Currently if I die, the only thing I loose is the time it takes to get back to the point where I died, in some cases a death is even a good thing so you can respawn somewhere closer to a shop or an area to rest in. o.O

Oh I see, my mistake! But as far as inventory space, are you factoring in the ability to combine the soul runes into elixirs which take up far less space?
Posting Knave

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Eveys suggestions Empty Re: Eveys suggestions

Post  eve_of_disaster Mon Nov 01, 2010 12:22 pm

Eriniel wrote:2) When I joined I made a Elf Mage, still got her actually, but I sacrificed STR for the more important Abilities. She gets by fine with 8 STR even though she's now in the epic levels. So PCs don't need to be a Pack Ox..

Though I suspect the Food Items Modifier hasn't been changed since the Hunger limit was raised to allow going longer without food. (If this is case we will fix it Smile )
You know. I've thought about that so many times before suggesting it. Thank god it'll be looked at. Very Happy
Forum Courtier

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Eveys suggestions Empty Re: Eveys suggestions

Post  eve_of_disaster Mon Nov 01, 2010 12:23 pm

AdaonGP wrote:
eve_of_disaster wrote:
AdaonGP wrote:I agree with pretty much all of the suggestions except for the one about deaths. As this server is still in beta, and still very buggy in parts, people need to keep playing and keep finding bugs. Perma-death WILL cause a certain players to quit at some point, especially if they lose characters they have devoted a lot of time into. Also you say you want to decide when your PC dies does removing soul runes do that? Without soul runes you would not get to decide, whereas now, if you so desire to kill off one of your own characters, you can simply choose not to respawn.
You toooootally misunderstood me. I'm against permadeath! I'm saying that the soul runes is a waste of inventory and eventually you'll sit there with 500+ runes that has no point at all. I'd like a different system all together where there is a small penalty to you right after your death or something to at least suggest that not running head first into anything you find, is a bad idea. Currently if I die, the only thing I loose is the time it takes to get back to the point where I died, in some cases a death is even a good thing so you can respawn somewhere closer to a shop or an area to rest in. o.O

Oh I see, my mistake! But as far as inventory space, are you factoring in the ability to combine the soul runes into elixirs which take up far less space?
Yes. But eventually you still sit with 3 stacks of unnecessary potions. Very Happy ...I've had a dm remove two of them though but it still just feels really odd that the system remains seeing as how it does nothing. o.o

Edit: New players might even see the soul runes and think: "Oh no, another perma-death server. Bleugh." And then leave. What do I know? xD
Forum Courtier

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Eveys suggestions Empty Re: Eveys suggestions

Post  AdaonGP Mon Nov 01, 2010 12:25 pm

I see what you mean. But when you think about it, three stacks of potions is really nothing. Factor in the ability to buy haversacks which expand your inventory, you can fit like 16 stacks in 4 inventory squares. And Eri explained the deity system being the reason there is no penalty yet.
Posting Knave

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Eveys suggestions Empty Re: Eveys suggestions

Post  eve_of_disaster Mon Nov 01, 2010 12:27 pm

AdaonGP wrote:I see what you mean. But when you think about it, three stacks of potions is really nothing. Factor in the ability to buy haversacks which expand your inventory, you can fit like 16 stacks in 4 inventory squares. And Eri explained the deity system being the reason there is no penalty yet.
I see what you mean, but I still stand by my oppinion. Might not always be a good idea to carry around lots of bags either <.<' >.>

And read my edit of the post you quoted! <.<
Forum Courtier

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Eveys suggestions Empty Re: Eveys suggestions

Post  AdaonGP Mon Nov 01, 2010 12:35 pm

I did read it. I think that there is soo much literature for them to read when they login, on top of DM's and Players who are very willing to help out new players, that it is unlikely they would just quit out before these things were explained to them. Also, soulrunes are not exactly permadeath. I've played on true permadeath servers where you only get 1 life, maybe 2. Though I have never played on another server with soulrunes.
Posting Knave

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Eveys suggestions Empty Re: Eveys suggestions

Post  Khaos1987 Mon Nov 01, 2010 12:47 pm

I see what you mean Eve. I'm not a fan of permadeath myself. But it's not a huge issue, since when you only have one or two soul runes left, you need to find a DM and hide at the inn. Very nicely ask the DM for a quest to get more soul runes, and they'll come up with SOMETHING. I don't know why they'd refuse something like that, unless you were abusing the system or something. The DMs are there for three reasons (Or at least they should be), referee to make sure everything goes by the rules, a quest giver to handle plots, and an MC to make everyone has a good time. A significant potion of DMing is giving the PCs the impression you care about their characters enough that they feel comfortable trusting you.

But I do see where you're coming from. I put a lot of hard work into Kross, time I can't get back, and if he were to perma before I'd like him to, I'd be a little miffed. Well, more than a little. I'd scream and cry and flail my arms around.
Posting Knave

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Eveys suggestions Empty Re: Eveys suggestions

Post  AdaonGP Mon Nov 01, 2010 12:51 pm

I see what you mean, Krossy. (JUST TO KEEP THE STREAK ALIVE)
Posting Knave

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Eveys suggestions Empty Re: Eveys suggestions

Post  Khaos1987 Mon Nov 01, 2010 1:18 pm

I see what you mean Ada. (Oh crap, now I can't stop..!)

I'll start a thread one of these days about opening up Kross' mercs, Eri. I have a few ideas I'd like to run by you and Oda, like guild masters having wands that give small amounts of XP out, so joining the guild is not just an RP thing, it's also a wise choice for a beginning character. The guild master can then give out XP awards for quests they assign, like a mini-DM plot. Naturally, this is a huge responsibility, but that's all part of starting a guild!
Posting Knave

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Eveys suggestions Empty Re: Eveys suggestions

Post  Dranz Mon Nov 01, 2010 3:03 pm

I see what you mean Kross.

Personally I think it would be nice if there were a maximum number of soul runes you could hold. Maybe a limit of 50(And a limit of 5 elixirs or so.), or something. That way you'd still have quite a bit, I mean odds are if you're not going to be rushing into fifty bug related deaths in one day, and if you -are- well...At that point you should know the issue, and wait for a DM/post about it. Point being yes, beta tester deaths happen, but you don't need a horde of soul runes to survive. They should really cap off at some point.

I really don't know, but honestly...micromanaging soul runes gets tedious after awhile.

Posting Knave

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Eveys suggestions Empty Re: Eveys suggestions

Post  eve_of_disaster Mon Nov 01, 2010 7:59 pm

Khaos1987 wrote:But I do see where you're coming from. I put a lot of hard work into Kross, time I can't get back, and if he were to perma before I'd like him to, I'd be a little miffed. Well, more than a little. I'd scream and cry and flail my arms around.
Normally I write at least one to two pages of bio on a character. It takes me several days to create a character under most circumstances (though on rare occasions I make one in a splitsecond too). Sometimes it takes me weeks to make a character, create the story behind her, work out the details and some ideas on future character development as well as the long arduous work of making a description (at least lately).

To have that swept away by a script, perhaps caused by random lag or a crash, is not fun.
Forum Courtier

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Eveys suggestions Empty Re: Eveys suggestions

Post  Ragdoll_Knight Mon Nov 01, 2010 8:29 pm

Guild masters can assign experience using. The guild book
Forum Sage

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Eveys suggestions Empty Re: Eveys suggestions

Post  Khaos1987 Mon Nov 01, 2010 10:57 pm

I usually just make up bits and pieces of background information as it's needed in RP. I'm not the type to plan out a whole backstory like you do Eve. I wish I could.

But I do spend a few days planning my builds beforehand. What feats I want to aim for, what skills I want to have and how many ranks in each, what classes, in which order, and how many of each. Can I make these two classes work together? What ability scores would work for this? What do I want at level ten? Twenty? Max level? Building new characters gives me as much of a thrill as writing backgrounds do for you. So I can understand how you'd feel to lose that work.

*Drifts off in his own world*
If I had to make a new character for Argentum, I'd probably have some kind of monk/wizard/palemaster hybrid. Only a few levels of wizard, of course, just to unlock palemaster. Only ten levels of PM though, any more than that is a waste. You'd probably end up with 25 monk levels at max. That's enough to get access to improved spell resistance feats, tons of attacks per round, all kinds of immunites, an instant death attack, access to level 3 arcane spells, a great selection of skills, saving throws that the gods would be jealous of, and an AC so high arcane archers would be sweating. Fights would last forever since you have terrible AB, but you have enough chances to roll a 20, and immunities and AC to keep you safe. The best part is, you get all that in clothes and with your bare fists. If you find a way to get haste? Game, set, match. The only weakness is casters that can eat through your SR, but then again it's a melee build, it's gonna be weak to casters unless you make a melee character to specifically beat mages.

*Shakes head*

I'm back! Drifted off there. I just did all that off the top of my head, and now I'm tempted to hurry up and try a beta build of the undead monk. Or maybe come up with an anti-mage melee build.
Posting Knave

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Eveys suggestions Empty Re: Eveys suggestions

Post  eve_of_disaster Tue Nov 02, 2010 4:04 am

I tend to spend time on my builds too. I've been thinking of a new character to make for Adaons adventure. I do have one that is in his level range that I wouldn't mind playing too much. But she is quite weird and very crappy. Her items make her ok though.

I'd make a cleric normally. Any sortof cleric thing but probably cleric/monk so I have multiple clothing-choices. And I'd make her a healer/offensive caster because there's none like that right now. I'd possibly give her five fighter levels or similar to buff my attacks per round by 1 but most probably do something weird instead like getting shadowdancer so I can hide in plain sight and then sneak around to heal my friends. I know you can do the same thing with greater sanctuary but having shadowdancer might be an interesting bio-quirk too. I'd use a short- or longbow to compliment my defensiveness. I hope the build works out, I'll test it out now. Smile

I would do it without hesitating if I could get Adaons assurances that he'd help me with DF if it got too ridiculous. *Hint hint.*
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Post  AdaonGP Tue Nov 02, 2010 4:06 am

I don't mind but i have -no- idea how the system works.
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Eveys suggestions Empty Re: Eveys suggestions

Post  eve_of_disaster Tue Nov 02, 2010 4:08 am

You should have some sort of wand that you can point at me and then choose my Divine Favor. I think. o.O
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Eveys suggestions Empty Re: Eveys suggestions

Post  Khaos1987 Wed Nov 03, 2010 12:37 am

Hmm, you've intrigued me, hun!

Monk/clerics are nothing new, the WIS score must start at 18, however. If you take the Zen Archery feat, you can have WIS dictate your ranged base attack instead of DEX. You don't want to wear armor and use a shield with monk, so don't worry about STR and DEX so much, they're secondary. INT is your dump stat, you only need skill points for hide, tumble, and move silently, since divine spells can make up for that stuff. CHA is useful if you plan on turning undead (I would, you see more undead in DM plots than living opponents).

I would hesitate to mix fighter and monk. Monks gain a bunch of fighter bonus feats innately, and while you'd have lots of APR with decent AB, you'd have to go without armor to take advantage of the best stuff, and pumping DEX and WIS on a fighter build isn't a good idea, since it should be STR, CON, and INT you're worrying about. (Some nice fighter feats require 13+ INT for some reason, stupid expertise)

However, if you're throwing in Shadowdancer, you need at least 13 DEX for dodge and mobility, with monk taking care of the skills. I would go with 14 DEX for that one more AC and reflex, but that's just me. Now, for the order and amount, you have a decision to make. Do you want a cleric that can fight a little? Or a monk with divine spells?

Since the favor system on Argentum seems to be terribly unforgiving, I'd focus on a monk that once in a while busts out a healing spell, or the rare blade barrier. To do this, Start out as a monk, and just go with it until you unlock Shadowdancer, and take one level of that. Next up, I'd probably go to 13 levels of monk before starting cleric, or 15 for that one more attack per round if you're using a bow and not fists. After that, start taking cleric levels until you're happy with your spell slots, then finish off the rest with monk levels. Of course, you'll need to be human to do this and avoid the XP penalty, but those extra skill points and one more feat won't hurt.

Now if you want a cleric that can fight better than normal... well that's just a matter of taking two monk levels and then ignoring the class after that. You might want to go up to five monk levels to become immune to disease, but you're not worried about disease since you're a cleric, right? The build should look like this: Cleric 37-38/Monk 2-3/Shadowdancer 1. Now you have all the power of a pure cleric, with HiPS and enough defensive tricks from monk to be more hardy than normal. Hard to kill, hard to find, cleric.
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Eveys suggestions Empty Re: Eveys suggestions

Post  eve_of_disaster Wed Nov 03, 2010 5:35 am

I did the build in my novice to epic character generator mod and went 2 monk, 2 sd and 36 cleric. Though I couldn't get enough feats for either point blank shot/rapid shot or weapon focus/epic weapon focus (or a mix thereof). Since I needed max spells and empower spells. If I forgo the bow entirely I can grab imp expertise, but it'd be less fun without that bow.

Fighter could be a very good alternative if I decided to forget SD since I then could grab 5 fighter levels at the beginning (a sixth at level 21) and grab all those feats I need for bow usage. I can't hide and sneak that way but I'll definatly be too happy about not having to sink feats and skill points into it. With 5 fighter levels I will be able to get one more attack per round due to ab-gain/level, which is always nice. I'll also get weapon specialisations which makes my bow do alot better damage/second. Monk is like this natural thing to multi to so in this build I would do that. Though I could forgo monk and grab sd instead to try and keep the original idea, which I still find very interesting. The 5 fighter levels would easily make it possible, I believe but I could get perhaps 8 fighter levels just to make sure. This would also free up my alignment! So I could choose not to be lawful, which is huge on an rp server. I mean it... Lawful can be such a drag to rp. xD

Of course the natural choice would be CoT instead of fighter. I could start out with cleric levels, maybe grab 12 or so and then 5 cot, an sd level, 1-2 cleric, 5 more cot (in epic range for a couple of great wisdom), the rest on cleric, an sd at the end. That'd be the absolute favourite path to take, I think.. Too bad CoT's not available. Sad

I could grab cleric until I could go CoT and just dump levels in CoT before 20 to boost ab, then finish the cleric levels to 17 or so just to get the spells. I'd still focus on wisdom and attempt to get either sd or monk. If monk I could do some crazy stuns with my stunning fist at probably 40+ dc. xD ...And as sd I could sneak around and fire my bow at unsuspecting targets.

Anyways. Its still up in the air what I'll do. :/ Honestly the fighter/sd/cleric seems more interesting currently since I can combine more things that way, don't have to be lawful and can prove Adaon wrong. Very Happy

Edit: Adaon made this huge case about powerbuilding to me. ^^
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Eveys suggestions Empty Re: Eveys suggestions

Post  Ragdoll_Knight Wed Nov 03, 2010 9:31 am

Whereas I use a build search engine to find the type of character I want to play, and use that to imagine who my character is
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