GM_ODA's Tutorial Patter
Neverwinter Nights Multiplayer Server 24x7 Now with NWN and NWN:EE :: Neverwinter Nights - General :: Systems Guide
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GM_ODA's Tutorial Patter
While anyone can tour Noob U. solo, reading the signs and following the red arrows - many new PLAYERS seem to enjoy a more interactive and personal introduction to the server. Over the years this has lead to GM_ODA creating a patter he employs for such guided tours. Patter, in this case a 'sales patter' or an informative and amusing monolog delivered for the benefit of a new PLAYER while touring the ArgentumRegio tutorial Areas (aka Noob U. ).
This patter is presented below. Note that, with GM_ODA's method, the new PLAYER is encouraged to ask questions which the tour guide should answer, then return to the general line of the patter.
This patter is presented below. Note that, with GM_ODA's method, the new PLAYER is encouraged to ask questions which the tour guide should answer, then return to the general line of the patter.
[The tutorial starts in the tutorial area, aka Noob U.. PCs enter by the south door located in the 'Entry House'. Triggers there deliver a welcoming message but GM_ODA likes to reiterate the essential points.] OK, first off, this is an OOC area, so speak freely, explore the tools, ask questions as you form them.
Some of the systems here may seem familiar to you at first blush. These are not the systems you may have seen elsewhere. The builders borrowed many good ideas and pretty-much scripted from scratch to ensure work well together, are stable and run fast/lag-free.
[Moves / directs attention to the first sign/chest set where cold weather gear can be had.]
Now, your PC may experience a bite from the weather. If you feel the bite of cold, put on warm(er) gear. BOOTS and CLOAK can be important here. Likewise if your PC goes in from the cold remember to take off the PC's heavy cloak or the PC may overheat causing rates of HUNGER THIRST and FATIGUE to increase.
[Moves / directs attention to the next station's many tents.]
When your PC is FATIGUED it needs to REST. Rest is not just for wizards anymore. Step into a TENT and onto a COT to see a RESTFUL PLACE. In such places anyone can rest, press the R key for the REST MENU. From that menu Arcanes can scry, Clerics pray, Monks meditate and more.
[Moves / directs attention to the lake shore just south of entry point.]
Next we see about some food. When it is hungry, you need to feed the PC. One of the easier ways to obtain a meal is to fish. Anyone can fish, some may take a few tries. If you wish to fish, you need the right tool; a FISHING POLE. For your PC to accomplish fishing, move the PC to stand near the water's edge, equip the FISHING POLE, right click and USE the FISHING POLE. If the PC succeeds the FISH is a small object at the PC's feet. Fishing is WISdom based and some classes have an advantage, animal forms of feline and ursine sorts can fish without tools.
[Moves / directs attention to one of the nearby DEAD TREEs.]
Once you have a FIXH to cook, you need DRYWOOD with which to start a fire. BASH any DEAD TREE to obtain DRYWOOD, one such piece per bash of the target will appear at the PC's feet.
[Moves / directs attention to a suitable nearby spot where some level bare ground is offered.]
In possession of the DRYWOOD, the PC can USE it and target a bare spot on the ground where they desire to place the CAMPFIRE. Next comes the task of lighting the CAMPFIRE. Nature classes such as RANGER can do this without tools (rubs sticks together), but most other PCs will need tools, either a LANTERN or a TORCH. It is worth noting that any PC in such a setting would be proficient with flint & steel with which to light the easy-to-light torch or lantern. Note also, fire spells work here too, such as Burning Hands, to light the campfire. The more mundane method of lighting a fire involves the PC equipping the TORCH or LANTERN and clicking the unlighted CAMPFIRE, a dialog offers the option to 'LIGHT THE CAMPFIRE'.
[/b]Since your PC is carrying a FISH (raw food to cook) when the PC activates the lighted CAMPFIRE the CAMPFIRE transforms into a SPIT. Click the SPIT, it opens as a container. Place your raw food ingredients (in this case the FISH) in the container (SPIT). At this time your PC may add SPICES/HERBS, and even POISON. Close the SPIT to cook the contents. Cooking is WISdom based but cooking improves with practice and herb use.[/b]
Regardless of the result of cooking, empty the SPIT of the contents after you have cooked them. You may dispose of the excess in the trash barrel. When empty, the SPIT transforms back to the CAMPFIRE.
A lighted CAMPFIRE can give away your PC's location and attract possible enemies. If your PC ever smells smoke, chances are, there is a fire nearby. Around a CAMPFIRE, you can use a BEDROLL or TENT - then target the ground a few meters distant from the CAMPFIRE (try to keep the objects from overlapping so you don't make it difficult on yourself to choose between them). EPIC Rangers can make fireless campsites which are usable by the Rangers' PARTY.
Rest restores FATIGUE, eating food restores HUNGER, next, we deal with THIRST [usually said en-route to the FOUNTAIN beside the demo Bank]. This FOUNTAIN is a source of fresh water, the sort we like. Not all water is fresh, some water is poison, salt, disease or parasite vectors; so be wise about where you fill your canteens, or do what I do and drink only booze. A PC can USE a CANTEEN near any water source to fill it, anywhere else to drink from it. Placing a full CANTEEN and HERBS in a cooking SPIT yields TEA which when consumed restores some FATIGUE and warms the drinker.
Any questions so far?
This covers all the basics, with this your PC could live-off-the-land here. Ready for the fun stuff now? Onward! [moves to the spot north of the 'Entry House' near the DISEASED WELL]
Last edited by GM_ODA on Wed Feb 25, 2015 8:16 am; edited 1 time in total
GM_ODA's Tutorial Patter - Part 2
GM_ODA's Tutorial Patter - Part 2
This is a continuation of the post entitled GM_ODA's Tutorial Patter - Part 1. This tutorial patter begins with the Tour Guide and Touring PCs standing near the DISEASED WELL found in the NWN Tutorial Area aka Noob U..
Continued in PART 3 - MORE REVEALS
This is a continuation of the post entitled GM_ODA's Tutorial Patter - Part 1. This tutorial patter begins with the Tour Guide and Touring PCs standing near the DISEASED WELL found in the NWN Tutorial Area aka Noob U..
This part of the tutorial deals with NWN and the new modes of movement and special actions your PC may attempt here on ArgentumRegio. This servers' scripts support PLAYERs' ROLE PLAY by enabling the PLAYER with ACTIONS their PC should be able to trigger/perform. These added ACTIONS start with adding movement modes to NWN.
Please find the RUNESTONE in your INVENTORY. The RUNESTONE (RS from here on in) is a very powerful item that helps you interface with your PCs permitted actions. When you find the RS, please place that singular item in TWO QUICKSLOTS. Right click one of the 'slotted RS make it LONG RANGE POWER, right click the other 'slotted RS and make it UNIQUE POWER SELF.
The options given on the menus using the RS reveals change based on the PC's ability scores, skills, feats, class, race, level, location and even target selection. It is recommended that you try several different PCs RS menus to see the range of selections available.
Go stand near a tree trunk, very near, and use the UNIQUE POWER SELF of the RS, to CLIMB NEAREST TREE. While in the tree, your PC can use only spells and missiles and can be hit only by same. While in the tree you can stealth to hide, and forms including feline, avian and bat can all REST in these locations. Use the RS again to 'climb down'.
Next, target the ground with the RS LONG RANGE POWER and JUMP. 1st use initializes, so do it again please. Jumping is safe, landing not so much. So learn your PCs limits before his/her sim life depends on it.
[Tour Guide moves to the chest near the climbing cliffs.]
From this chest, take 2 ropes in case 1 breaks. Take salve in case you slip on rope, take the splints in case you fall.
Use a rope where you now stand. Had this been an area where you cannot climb, a text message would have informed you of such. The message you receive here is to indicate that while you can climb in this area, you are not near enough to the climb point to do so at this time. This is the only area where we make a climb point so obvious, in those sparks.
Try the rope near the sparks. A rogue can climb without a rope anywhere a rope could be used. Once you set a rope, if you are in a PARTY, have the high STRength PC go up the rope first and stand put. That PCs STR mod aids all the PARTY to follow. Climbing randomly tests STRength, DEXterity or CONstitution. Step aside from where you landed and use TAB key to find the CLIMB POINT. Use the CLIMB POINT to retrieve your ROPE.
Move around and look in the grass for a hidden object. When you find the FAIRY DUST, use it. Anything with wings in ArgentumRegio can fly, now you can too.
Facing determines direction of flight, distance is limited by such factors as the fliers DEXterity, STRength to load ratio and winds. Emote *flies* to activate flying, or use the fly-on-fly potion or use the REST menu option 1. You can fly up/down elevations, over walls, trees, traps, water and more. We are no longer slaves to the RAMP TILE here.
The FERNS conceal a climb location where anyone can freeclimb - but is dangerous. If asked to climb a flier flies as it is safer to do so.
[At this point the action has moved to be at the 'top of the hill' in the Northwest corner of Noob U.]
Continued in PART 3 - MORE REVEALS
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