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[b]Henchmen issues[/b]

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[b]Henchmen issues[/b] Empty [b]Henchmen issues[/b]

Post  Silver Oak Sun Apr 14, 2013 6:10 am

I have found henchmen...............very cool!
Sadly a few issues listed as follows.
1. the stats tend to flatline to 8's(in game fix) tell them to stay and then ask them to join.
2. When you log, even if you save when you return after a few hours they are gone, back to where you found them and all the neat gear you bought them is gone.ODA was there and saw this issue.

Silver oak

Silver Oak
Posting Knave

Male Number of posts : 66
Age : 60
Registration date : 2013-04-13

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Character Name: Silver Oak
Race: Elf
Overall Level: 14

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[b]Henchmen issues[/b] Empty fix for henchmen

Post  Silver Oak Mon Apr 22, 2013 2:01 am

If you equip and unequip when done and hold their gear that handles the issue of losing gear when you log. I keep one bag just for all the gear I buy them.

Silver Oak
Posting Knave

Male Number of posts : 66
Age : 60
Registration date : 2013-04-13

Character sheet
Character Name: Silver Oak
Race: Elf
Overall Level: 14

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