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Shak Tolun (Faction Overview, Rough Draft)

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Shak Tolun (Faction Overview, Rough Draft) Empty Shak Tolun (Faction Overview, Rough Draft)

Post  DM_Dekkar Mon Apr 15, 2013 2:50 pm

The Shak Tolun (two words from long dead languages, shak meaning to take or possess, and 'tolun' meaning shadow or darkness) is a large and diverse group spread across the Acerian Tradeway in places secret and remote. Originating more than 700 years ago (c.- 342 CE) as a typical thieves' guild or local city syndicate, the founders and their operations were very successful and in time, expanded to several other cities, sometimes 'absorbing' other local elements, sometimes eliminating them. The whole operation took up some patterns, or traditions a few of these persist to this day and are detailed later in these paragraphs; the reader is to note that some of the traditions developed are so old they may make no sense at all to an outsider.

Origins of blood and shadows

Originating in Hadabartha, and it was old even then, but different in significant ways. There were many small rogue guilds which operated in and around Hadabartha in those days. They were always scuffling with one another over 'turf', and often lives were brutally short as a result. There were five guildhouses stronger than the others and these, formed a League under the persuasive arguments of Finn Mannon, who soon became the leader of the amalgamated guilds. Competition been hotting-up at that time, and the smaller guilds were growing increasingly desperate as the rulers of Hadabartha rolled out ever more powerful tools to make the guild's work more difficult. Finn proved a very capable leader and soon eliminated, or helped the law drive out all the competition whilst remaining seemingly invisible to local authorities. By the time the Cholla showed their hand in pressuring the guilds to refrain from their traditional activities, the Shak Tolun had well perfected their strategies and tools for evading even magical searches. The basic premise: do not be where your enemy looks nor strikes, counter when right, and from the veins.

Shak Tolun members are 'Trained' in some strange ways. Some of the training missions include the following. Milking the spiders, Setting Maze Traps, Running Messages, Pickup or deliver parcel to a hidden cove, Supply run to the Tivook Larders, Gather smoke bomb making ingredients to name a few. Shak Tolun has a unique form of organization that some may think to be complicated, basically in each area the Shak Tolun have presence in around the world - there are various "Sub Groups" that all answer to the Knotmaster and Top Knotmasters of Shak Tolun (the highest ranking position(s) above all else). These sub-groups are called "Knots" this will be explained in detail here..

The Knots the ties

Assassin's Knot
A sub-group of the Shak Tolun who specialize in the elimination of foes by expedient means. This sub-group both hires-out through guild contracts, and also executes the needs of the guild itself at need. Ranks are from highest to lowest Garrot, Shortblade, Longblade, Apothecary, Bowman.

Highway's Knot
A sub-group of the Shak Tolun which specializes in roadside robbery, ambush and similar rural skulduggery. Ranks are from highest to lowest Roadman, Looter, Ambusher, Thug, Brigand

Seaway's Knot
sub-group of the Shak Tolun specializing in seaway piracy. Ranks are from highest to lowest Seacaptain, Navigator, Swashbuckler, Scalawag, Seaman.

Urbanite's Knot

A sub-group of the Shak Tolun, but the MAIN sub-group, specializing in traditional rogues' urban actions such as burglary, filching and robbery. Ranks are from highest to lowest Grifter, Burglar, Filcher, Extortioner, Robber.

Top Knotmaster - This is the GUILD LEADER, the Knotmaster of each local chapter answers to this position. The individual in this position is an unknown figure which administrates by means magical; magical telepresence which never reveals the Top Knotmaster's true identity. In the event this position is ever vacated, it would be filled by means of a natural selection; all local GUILD LEADERS would meet in a time and place selected and recorded by the previous Top Knotmaster. Only one will emerge from the meeting, never to disclose his/her identity, the new Top Knotmaster assumes the mantle of leadership and the guild continues apace, with all local chapter Loops moving up one tier.

Last edited by DM_Dekkar on Thu Apr 25, 2013 7:39 pm; edited 1 time in total
Posting Knave

Male Number of posts : 72
Age : 36
Location : usa, illinois
Registration date : 2012-01-01

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Character Name: DM Dekkar
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Shak Tolun (Faction Overview, Rough Draft) Empty Re: Shak Tolun (Faction Overview, Rough Draft)

Post  DM_Dekkar Thu Apr 25, 2013 5:07 pm


Color Codes = Neutral , Alliance , War , Relations Worsening, Relations Rising

Order Of The Shining Blade(PCs) - Peace treaty

Druidic Circle (PCs) - Peace treaty

Mercenaries Guild (PCs) - Peace treaty

Hunters Guild - War

Eastern Stronghold Dwarven Encalve - Peace treaty

Organized Bandits - Alliance

Curst Vampyre - War

The Cholla - War

Note, these aren't ALL the factions in the entire game world, these are local yet dominate factions. Minor factions such as Fey, Elven Enclaves, Half-lings etc. either fall with another major Faction, or are too small to make an impact on politics. Also, Factions with PCS listed next to them, means that actual player(s) are in the faction as well. Others are "NPC Controlled" (DM run)
Posting Knave

Male Number of posts : 72
Age : 36
Location : usa, illinois
Registration date : 2012-01-01

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Character Name: DM Dekkar
Race: Human
Overall Level: Over 9000!

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Shak Tolun (Faction Overview, Rough Draft) Empty Re: Shak Tolun (Faction Overview, Rough Draft)

Post  GM_ODA Sun Dec 07, 2014 9:18 am

This is good data - I am moving the thread to another DM's board (from DM Dekkar's to the board belonging to the DM who manages the Shak Tolun).

KUDOS to DM_Dekkar! Excellent post! cheers
Forum Oracle

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Race: Dwarf
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