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Druids: Healing animals and XP

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Druids: Healing animals and XP Empty Druids: Healing animals and XP

Post  Elgate Wed Jul 03, 2013 8:19 am

Now, I still have that glitch where I get 5 times as much XP as I should when getting XP in game (But not when awarded a certain amount of XP from DMs) so I have been avoiding lvling by grinding on what ever monsters I can find and instead getting XP from exploring (100 xp per area, and at this point there's few area's I haven't explored) and healing the occasional animal.

What I've found though, is that the animal doesn't need to be injured for me to get XP healing it. The XP seems to be determined by the strength of the spell (100 (500 due to XP glitch) for minor, 600 (3000 due to XP glitch) for moderate?) and I tested this by healing an uninjured ilfaw viper. Even without my XP glitch, this could be used as a cheap and quick way for druids to level- all I needed to do was prepare a load of healing spells, find a friendly animal, cast, rest, repeat. I think it's meant to be based on how much you healed it and what the animal is?

Thought I'd mention this as I got quite a bit of XP healing a friendly animal that was helping stop a non-friendly animal from attacking me (and seeing as I a trying not to rack up any more animal kills, I just healed the friendly one as often as possible to stop it from dying.
Forum Sage

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Druids: Healing animals and XP Empty Re: Druids: Healing animals and XP

Post  Animayhem Wed Jul 03, 2013 1:16 pm

Interesting Druids get xp for healing animals. Clerics do not get xp if they heal and npc, just an alignment shift.
Forum Oracle

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Druids: Healing animals and XP Empty Re: Druids: Healing animals and XP

Post  theApparition Wed Jul 03, 2013 4:01 pm

That is odd, I used to play a druid hybrid as well (18 levels) but never received XP for healing the animals in my party. Which I had three animals in what I used to call my Personal Army. I could have a 8 man army with me being the only PC, and I would have to heal the bejesus out of my party back then, but never noticed an up in XP gain. Ill have to look into this further myself, thanks for the heads up.

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Druids: Healing animals and XP Empty Re: Druids: Healing animals and XP

Post  Elgate Wed Jul 03, 2013 5:54 pm

Oh- yes, you're right that you don't get XP for animals in your party. I've got xp healing a pig on a farm, and healing wild animals that got injured in faction fights (damn beetles) or I accidentally kicked in the face.
Forum Sage

Female Number of posts : 634
Age : 31
Location : Scotland
Registration date : 2011-01-31

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Character Name: Grace Fennerset
Race: Human
Overall Level: 30

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