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What are the neverwinter nights limits for arcane archer?

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What are the neverwinter nights limits for arcane archer? Empty What are the neverwinter nights limits for arcane archer?

Post  Silver Oak Thu Jul 11, 2013 8:20 am

I have recently begun to play around with the class arcane archer.
It seems that the rules allow up to plus 9 arrows as well some skill called phase arrow.
Now according to what I read it is best to just stop at 10th level based onthe game mechanics, is this true?
Is there any reason to go past 10th in this class?

Any and all info for NWN on this subject is of intrest to me.

Silver Oak

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What are the neverwinter nights limits for arcane archer? Empty Re: What are the neverwinter nights limits for arcane archer?

Post  Animayhem Thu Jul 11, 2013 8:27 am

This may be a start.

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What are the neverwinter nights limits for arcane archer? Empty Re: What are the neverwinter nights limits for arcane archer?

Post  LordSurge Thu Jul 11, 2013 2:35 pm

The enhancement bonus granted to fired arrows increases every two levels beyond 1st. So taking lots of levels in Arcane Archer is a good way to increase both AB and Damage. A seriously powerful ranged attacker.
Forum Knight

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What are the neverwinter nights limits for arcane archer? Empty Re: What are the neverwinter nights limits for arcane archer?

Post  sploenk Thu Jul 11, 2013 3:52 pm

i think ranged attacks are inferior to melee attacks due to the cleave and heavy cleave feats, I've played the AA class several times but advancing further than lvl10 is pointless imho, there are better and more powerful ways to advance.

The ranger class is the black sheep of the basic player classes imho, no offence but a ranger is a light version of a druid and AA isn't adding much shock and least that is my experience with 10 years of nwn experience (no PnP DnD)..

..just adding my 2 cents

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What are the neverwinter nights limits for arcane archer? Empty Re: What are the neverwinter nights limits for arcane archer?

Post  LordSurge Thu Jul 11, 2013 4:57 pm

Eh, an Fighter/Bard/AA, or Fighter/Wizard/AA, Or Bard/AA/RDD is a pretty brutal foe.

Once some more powerful npcs appear an AA that can consistently hit (and do decent damage) is handy.

Problem with Melee is you're vulnerable to their melee attacks, energy shields, etc.
Forum Knight

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What are the neverwinter nights limits for arcane archer? Empty Re: What are the neverwinter nights limits for arcane archer?

Post  DM Drachen Thu Jul 11, 2013 4:59 pm

Arcane Archer is best used up to I'd say 13-15 levels. This, only being because you're able to pierce the damage reduction of dragons then. After that, I purely recommend splashes of whatever arcane class you chose, and another class that goes well in synergy and fits your character. Particular classes that come to mind are Asassin, Rogue, and Fighter. If you've not yet hit the epic levels, I reccomend trying to go 10 Arcane Archer/4 Arcane Class/6 Other. If you want 4 attacks per round without rapid shot, then Fighter would suit you well.
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