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Exact Hak Names

DM Drachen
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Exact Hak Names Empty Exact Hak Names

Post  DM Drachen Wed Nov 20, 2013 8:44 pm

Can someone get me exact hak names that we use? I went to play in the toolset, and I put in what I thought were the haks. However I've never seen some of the tileset additions that are used in the modules.. These being big elven temples and floating airships, in a forest tileset.
DM Drachen
DM Drachen
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Exact Hak Names Empty Re: Exact Hak Names

Post  Animayhem Wed Nov 20, 2013 10:47 pm

Here are the Haks this place uses Make sure you have these exact.

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Exact Hak Names Empty Re: Exact Hak Names

Post  GM_ODA Thu Nov 21, 2013 7:29 am

Friend Drachen,
It is possible that the airships and forest tileset you describe is included in a later cep than we use. We use only cep2.1 to build (means we are compatible with users of CEP 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, and 2.4).

Be well. Game on.
Forum Oracle

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Exact Hak Names Empty Re: Exact Hak Names

Post  Valerion Thu Nov 21, 2013 7:51 am


That is almost worth trying out 2.4 XD
Forum Sage

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Exact Hak Names Empty Re: Exact Hak Names

Post  Pyro Fang Thu Nov 21, 2013 11:18 am

Valerion wrote:AIRSHIPS!?

That is almost worth trying out 2.4 XD
Val in a zeppelin... that would be intresting
Pyro Fang
Pyro Fang
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Exact Hak Names Empty Re: Exact Hak Names

Post  Elgate Thu Nov 21, 2013 11:38 am

Why do we only use cep 2.1? I understand that changing it now could upset a lot of scripts and areas already in the server, but I've never heard of anyone not being updated to cep 2.4.
Forum Sage

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Exact Hak Names Empty Re: Exact Hak Names

Post  Pyro Fang Thu Nov 21, 2013 11:39 am

Elgate wrote:Why do we only use cep 2.1? I understand that changing it now could upset a lot of scripts and areas already in the server, but I've never heard of anyone not being updated to cep 2.4.
I used 2.4 and so did fen I think
Pyro Fang
Pyro Fang
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Exact Hak Names Empty Re: Exact Hak Names

Post  DM Drachen Thu Nov 21, 2013 1:12 pm

As far as I'm aware of, updating to 2.4 wouldn't affect scripts? Then again, I'm very far off from being knowledgeable about how haks would. I think we stay at 2.1 to keep consistent with our content and attracting more players.
DM Drachen
DM Drachen
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Exact Hak Names Empty Re: Exact Hak Names

Post  GM_ODA Thu Nov 21, 2013 2:16 pm

EXCELLENT discussion and a splendid question too.

Several reasons why the MODULE is not and will not update beyond CEP2.1

1) Prior experience updating the CEP. CEP updates generally break a lot of stuff in our module and we then get to spend MONTHS fixing it. We prefer to not break it in the first place.

2) CEP2.2 and later editions include Intellectual Property without obtaining permission first. The material was taken from another game title (the scale is not even right for nwn) - if the owning company wanted to, a cease and desist letter could be sent to any server using the IP and be offered the choice of removal or lawsuit. IDK if that will ever happen, but I have a firm policy I've followed all my life : 'Never go to sleep on the railroad tracks'. As much time-consuming fun as updating the CEP is (this is sarcasm) - removing a hak is even more time-consuming fun than that.

3) Staying with CEP2.1 means our module is compatible with CEP 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, and 2.4 (anyone with any of these haks can join our server)... this means we reach the largest possible group (of those who have haks).... The only larger nwn group is the no hak needed server and it was determined that that was a bit too bland.

4) Having determined to not update CEP in our module, we can dedicate our scripting time to creating and refining scripted wonders - these are the sort that don't require download of additional haks so any NWNer with CEP2.1 or better can just roll right in and enjoy!


Bear in mind please that the CEP is mostly made up of other HAKs from the vault.

When we are done with the BETA on this module, we open the testing of the 'sister modules' which will incorporate MORE HAKs, likely including some of those that were also included in the later CEPs, but we'll do it our way and we will cherry-pick the HAKs for our own purposes rather than just wholesale adopt all the stuff CEP 2.2+ uses.

I hope this helps answer the question - if anything is still fuzzy on our logic here, please ask.

Be well. Game on.
Forum Oracle

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Exact Hak Names Empty Re: Exact Hak Names

Post  Shar Thu Nov 21, 2013 9:46 pm

ODA wrote:2) CEP2.2 and later editions include Intellectual Property without obtaining permission first. The material was taken from another game title (the scale is not even right for nwn) - if the owning company wanted to, a cease and desist letter could be sent to any server using the IP and be offered the choice of removal or lawsuit. IDK if that will ever happen, but I have a firm policy I've followed all my life : 'Never go to sleep on the railroad tracks'. As much time-consuming fun as updating the CEP is (this is sarcasm) - removing a hak is even more time-consuming fun than that.
This is true. The meshes are from Bioware and more specifically, the game "Knights of the Old Republic". I cant blame oda not wanting to include that sort of stuff, after all Lucas was well known for shutting down MOD's and such with his subject matter in it. Now that Disney owns the franchise i am not even sure what the legality would be but i doubt they would have reason to be any more lenient.

Also, if you want to build for here a simple trick is to create a seperate install of NWN (in a new directory) and use it ONLY for building here.. not only will that reduce conflicts and get the stuff in faster but it is less confuseing while building it as your not tempted to use stuff that may not be in 2.1...
Forum Vizier

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Exact Hak Names Empty Re: Exact Hak Names

Post  GM_ODA Fri Nov 22, 2013 5:18 am

Yes, StarWars and NWN2 - given that Bioware and Atari are no longer team mates, this makes it scarier.

One other way to deal with the needs of building only with cep 2.1 here is to make a folder in your hak folder that holds all the haks for cep 2.1 which we will name cep2_1, and another folder for cep2.x (whatever other one you use) which we will name cep2_x (where 'x' is changed to the cep sub-version number). Do the same in your TLK folder for the .tlk files from 2.1 and the other version you use.


make a batch file named 'iwant21.bat'

open that file and copy paste this into it

echo off
cd C:\NeverwinterNights\NWN\hak\
del *.hak
copy C:\NeverwinterNights\NWN\hak\cep2_1\*.hak *.*
cd C:\NeverwinterNights\NWN\tlk\
del *.tlk
copy C:\NeverwinterNights\NWN\tlk\cep2_1\*.tlk *.*


make a batch file named 'iwant2x.bat'

open that file and copy paste this into it

echo off
cd C:\NeverwinterNights\NWN\hak\
del *.hak
copy C:\NeverwinterNights\NWN\hak\cep2_x\*.hak *.*
cd C:\NeverwinterNights\NWN\tlk\
del *.tlk
copy C:\NeverwinterNights\NWN\tlk\cep2_x\*.tlk *.*


NOTE IN THE LATTER EXAMPLE REPLACE 'x' WITH THE NUMBER OF YOUR CEP SUBVERSION SUCH AS '4' IN THE CASE OF CEP2.4, in such a case you would have two batch files one named 'iwant21.bat' and one named 'iwant24.bat'.

The advantage to this method is you only use space to store the haks themselves twice rather than a whole install of NWN plus the haks. A real efficiency nut would advocate using an 'unzip' command to extract the files from the original archives; just the right files directly into the right folders but I wanted to keep this example simple. BATCH files are great fun - if you can lookup or know the command lines to do things, any repetitive task can be automated using these simple text files.

THAT is a lesson from Jurassic Computing. Let's hear it for the fossil! lol

Be well. Game on.
Forum Oracle

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