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Aria Lindon The half elven bard ( and her pups!)

Absol 13
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Aria Lindon The half elven bard ( and her pups!) Empty Aria Lindon The half elven bard ( and her pups!)

Post  Absol 13 Fri Dec 20, 2013 4:01 pm

Name: Aria Lindon Meaning: none
Age:something( she started out at 21 but I dont knowanymore, go ask grace XD)
Height: yeah Dont ask me on this one, I'm crap with heights lets go with just a bit above average for females
Eyes:A bright blue, same color are her wings scales(how they ended up the same no-one knows)
Hair:Raven Black, shoulder length

Info:Aria is the type of person to be considered as impatient, brash, hasty, hot headed and most of all immature- not that shed' tell you that, but her friends well yeah they tell you stay away she might try to kill you depending on her mood, But now she changing. NOt only has devling deeper into the workings of arcane magics helped er impatience but also required her to mature(as have her kids) she also considers herself a Master enchanter one of the best bards around and the only person to actually legitimately -like- Nailo.

Description:Aria is always dressed in a dress of some flashy, vibrant color and is normally seen with her dark blue cloak, with gold Patchwork on it and a blue hood of the same color accompanying it.
When not wielding her staff- Enstin'z Shes hold holding her bow Irtyea(will correct spelling later) or a lute or and old, weather and claw scratched harp. Her face is quite clean, no scars or spots or anything, and her eyes look around at everything, normally humming at the same time. She's a lithe fast fighter, not as physically strong as Adrastia But she could probably out run her -while firing off a few arrows for good measure. If seen without her cloak then you would defiantly notice the Vibrant blue scales (if you seen grace's Blue wyrmling form then you know that they are the same color) She is actually quite proud of them and would be the first to mention how useful they are.

Background: ((kids this is a horrible vie history she has look away now!))
Aria's life started off ok, born to an elven mother and human father, her mother tought her the basics of music and gave her the same harp that she uses now, her father though her to use the bow, her life went down hill one full moon when she was 7.She was out camping with her father when a big (to her )Black beast came a bit her father before running off away. Her mother, being and avid hater of those beast's never allowed the two to return(starting her hatred of most elves), forcing Aria to travel from town to town wither her father for years.They were safe untill one night while aria was getting firewood Hunter attacked her and her fathers camp, Seeing this and fearing the worst she ran. After years of traveling as a bard and silently promising that she would help the weak, she found the last boat to Drohal, and so started the next epic chapter of her life.

(( will put upp some info on the kids soon tooo)))
Absol 13
Absol 13
Forum Sage

Male Number of posts : 695
Age : 28
Location : Ireland
Registration date : 2012-03-12

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Aria Lindon The half elven bard ( and her pups!) Empty Vrnea

Post  Absol 13 Mon Jan 06, 2014 10:33 am

Ok heres some info on Vrnea, Arias half-gnoll daughter
IF YOU WISH TO PLAY AS ONE OF THE KIDS YOU HAVE MY APPROVAL~all I ask is taht while you make them grow, keep there "core" personality and things in mind ^^ and if your not sure how to, ask me I'm fairly certain of how they'll act but make them grow,make them be there own character, not one that you play and hate*nods*
((Class wise shed be either a bard sorrcy or wizzy with maybe a hint of say sneakiness in there)
Personal info:
Her fur (on her legs) is quite different in contrast to her hair, being that it is a rich golden color her, hair color is a dark shade of brown, her eyes are a swirling mixture of blue and gold er ears are slightly pointed and sometimes twitch a little, she is often seen trying to emulate aria in her bardic ways she also has quite a proficiency in magic and practices in secret~ when no-one is looking Shes aslo seems to be the most brash and honest of the group, where as vhilnya is timid and Vanhalen is protective she wants to explore and discover-she is my far the hardest to keep an eye on out of the three

Important notes: here weapon tahts she prefers to use would be either a dagger or something small-like

//If you see something wrong PM me please, also shar any input you have would be accepted too, thanks, will do the otehrs at a later date
Absol 13
Absol 13
Forum Sage

Male Number of posts : 695
Age : 28
Location : Ireland
Registration date : 2012-03-12

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Aria Lindon The half elven bard ( and her pups!) Empty Re: Aria Lindon The half elven bard ( and her pups!)

Post  Shar Mon Jan 06, 2014 2:11 pm

Very Happy 
Forum Vizier

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Aria Lindon The half elven bard ( and her pups!) Empty Vanhalen

Post  Absol 13 Fri Jan 10, 2014 10:05 am

//sorry if im slow to update, I have to think up a lot about them....O_O

Name:Vanhalen (sometime called Van or halen- a bird once called him Valen and he promptly ate it)
Info: Vanhalen, while being the most gnoll looking, is still half gnoll just a bit more. er gnollish? His eyes betray his human blood and reveal a hidden intelligence, always looking around, observing. His fur is a sort of rusty colour, his mane is almost completely jet-black.He stand tall and looks like he's ready to fight for what he believes and cares for, not someone you want to piss off, His mouth hides a host of sharp fangs-all the better to bite you with~which he WILL do if disarmed. Speaking of armed, his are a cross of a hyena's and a human, have sharp claws on the tips and soft,velvety pads on the palms, and his claws WILL hurt so play nice. His feet are the same as his hand except for the fact they resemble the back legs of a hyenas. His build is lean and fit and while he stand ready and on guard he's not as dangerous as he looks, the most curious of the other he will do ANYTHING for the others(including Aria) when not practicing with his spear to protect them hes looks around and touching and exploring he seems to be the only one able the keep Vrnea in check. Halens not too sure what to think of nailo, he's strong but if he hurts hims mom.... while Chara he kinda like her those legs look nice and...

// yeah might edit this, not too sure on it~oh well for now it'll do. One more left!
Absol 13
Absol 13
Forum Sage

Male Number of posts : 695
Age : 28
Location : Ireland
Registration date : 2012-03-12

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Aria Lindon The half elven bard ( and her pups!) Empty Re: Aria Lindon The half elven bard ( and her pups!)

Post  Absol 13 Tue Jan 28, 2014 3:42 pm

Havent forgotten about Vhilinya Just... thinking up things for her..... O_O' this will take a while me thinks XD

Again, if you wish to play one of the children, you have my approval, just ask first K?
Absol 13
Absol 13
Forum Sage

Male Number of posts : 695
Age : 28
Location : Ireland
Registration date : 2012-03-12

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Aria Lindon The half elven bard ( and her pups!) Empty Vhilinya (elvish for grace)

Post  Absol 13 Fri Feb 28, 2014 2:49 pm

Vhilinya is the less gnoll-like of the three ,only having sharper teeth claws and Wilder hair.
She has her mothers looks and while being the least gnollish of the three dont mess with her, she seems to love collecting everything and anything, and can probaly sliping out unnoticed (thought since the others are always demanding full attention thats not too hard) She seeks to be noticed, not that aria ignores her just she wants to stand out.
her eyes are a mixture of blue and gold mostly blue with "spots" of gold.She is also the only one that would follow and silently copy Charai when seen at teh temple, trying to be clerical like her She Normally dresses in a blue top and pants nothing too fancy, not that it matters because soon after they'll be dirty, She is also quite cunning, thinking of ways to get the other two out of trouble if she must

//err this needs more,, I'm really at a blank with her.. >.>
Absol 13
Absol 13
Forum Sage

Male Number of posts : 695
Age : 28
Location : Ireland
Registration date : 2012-03-12

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Race: Half-Elf
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Aria Lindon The half elven bard ( and her pups!) Empty OOC NOTE If you do wish to play them, please read

Post  Absol 13 Fri Feb 28, 2014 2:55 pm

// This entire post (just this one unless i say other wise) Is OOC
If you wish to play them, I'd perfer you stick to the classes they Start off as, after that, make them your own ^^

Vanhalen (would start as a spear focused, either ranger, barbarian or fighter, has little magic, but again YOu never know)
Vrnea (Bard /rogue, not really focused on a weapon, just likes to play tricks Would need some focuse in sneaking)
Vhilinya ( Cleric/Druid Well she has to most promise she has the best choice of what to learn [Looking the most human])
Again ask, but you most probally have my permission to play one.
I do ask that for at least 5 lvls you stick to the main class, after that free will really.Just.. let them become character in their own right..
er.. anything else,, Pm ME ! ^_^

WOuld need a DM to do skins or anything *nod*

Last edited by Absol 13 on Sat Mar 15, 2014 6:35 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : things :P)
Absol 13
Absol 13
Forum Sage

Male Number of posts : 695
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Aria Lindon The half elven bard ( and her pups!) Empty Re: Aria Lindon The half elven bard ( and her pups!)

Post  Absol 13 Sat Mar 15, 2014 6:36 am

///BUMP the offer still stands, i'm actually amazed that no-one wants to play one >.>' *looks away hurt*
Absol 13
Absol 13
Forum Sage

Male Number of posts : 695
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Aria Lindon The half elven bard ( and her pups!) Empty Re: Aria Lindon The half elven bard ( and her pups!)

Post  Elgate Sat Mar 15, 2014 7:42 am

///Maybe waiting till they're a bit older? Currently they're three years old and appear and act about 10/11 year old?

Also, I think we need an idea of the rules for playing children- like level limits, what they can be involved in (Some people dislike children being involved in very violent or dark RP, and especially not anything with sexual themes).
Forum Sage

Female Number of posts : 634
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Aria Lindon The half elven bard ( and her pups!) Empty Re: Aria Lindon The half elven bard ( and her pups!)

Post  Hacatsu Sat Mar 15, 2014 11:32 am

*sighs* Ok, here *raises hand* I volunteer to play with one of Aria's children... Very Happy
Forum Courtier

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Aria Lindon The half elven bard ( and her pups!) Empty Re: Aria Lindon The half elven bard ( and her pups!)

Post  LadyAloura Sat Mar 15, 2014 1:03 pm

yea think it would be fun to play one as well

Forum Courtier

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Aria Lindon The half elven bard ( and her pups!) Empty Re: Aria Lindon The half elven bard ( and her pups!)

Post  Shar Sat Mar 15, 2014 2:10 pm

Elgate wrote:///Maybe waiting till they're a bit older? Currently they're three years old and appear and act about 10/11 year old?

Also, I think we need an idea of the rules for playing children- like level limits, what they can be involved in (Some people dislike children being involved in very violent or dark RP, and especially not anything with sexual themes).

A very good point!

Which is why i think that when they are taken by pc's it should be understood that they will need to be at least 18 (In gnoll years).
SO yeah probably a good idea to wait a short bit so aria can enjoy them being kids for now.

Also any pc being played will be at least 18 (or there respective races equivalent) for just that reason.
Forum Vizier

Number of posts : 1074
Registration date : 2012-01-15

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Character Name: Ne'Sekoleth
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Aria Lindon The half elven bard ( and her pups!) Empty Re: Aria Lindon The half elven bard ( and her pups!)

Post  Hacatsu Sat Mar 15, 2014 4:13 pm

Shar wrote:
Elgate wrote:///Maybe waiting till they're a bit older? Currently they're three years old and appear and act about 10/11 year old?

Also, I think we need an idea of the rules for playing children- like level limits, what they can be involved in (Some people dislike children being involved in very violent or dark RP, and especially not anything with sexual themes).

A very good point!

Which is why i think that when they are taken by pc's it should be understood that they will need to be at least 18 (In gnoll years).
SO yeah probably a good idea to wait a short bit so aria can enjoy them being kids for now.

Also any pc being played will be at least 18 (or there respective races equivalent) for just that reason.

Yes sir! õ>
So whenever Aria's kids are ready to be "playable", just send me a tell, or post it here anyway Razz
Forum Courtier

Male Number of posts : 394
Age : 28
Location : Brazil
Registration date : 2013-12-05

Character sheet
Character Name: Drurazor Urnagahaz
Race: Dwarf
Overall Level: 30

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Aria Lindon The half elven bard ( and her pups!) Empty Re: Aria Lindon The half elven bard ( and her pups!)

Post  Absol 13 Sat Mar 15, 2014 4:21 pm

Ok, I guess you'd know my next question now:DO you want to play them now, or as teens? Who do you want to be? Also the rules, would mainly be YOUR RP preferences, but as kids, sex-nono, violence well not to them (now thats just evil) - bet really thanks, this would make it easier to interact with them ^^
Absol 13
Absol 13
Forum Sage

Male Number of posts : 695
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Aria Lindon The half elven bard ( and her pups!) Empty Re: Aria Lindon The half elven bard ( and her pups!)

Post  BobbyBrown15 Sat Mar 15, 2014 10:43 pm

*has them kidnapped*
Forum Sage

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Aria Lindon The half elven bard ( and her pups!) Empty Re: Aria Lindon The half elven bard ( and her pups!)

Post  LadyAloura Sat Mar 15, 2014 10:57 pm

i enjoy rping alot more unless hunting with others and still have a good time rping, so any time you feel more comfortable having them played.As for who a not sure how many you have but one of the girls will work

Forum Courtier

Female Number of posts : 260
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Registration date : 2014-02-11

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Character Name: Mialee
Race: Elf
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Aria Lindon The half elven bard ( and her pups!) Empty Re: Aria Lindon The half elven bard ( and her pups!)

Post  Hacatsu Sun Mar 16, 2014 8:20 am

Hmmm... Reading their personalities, I think I would rp better with Vanhalen or Vhinilia(?). Actually, I would prefer if you(I`m talking to you Absol) chose which one, but, meh, I am cool with anything Very Happy
Forum Courtier

Male Number of posts : 394
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Location : Brazil
Registration date : 2013-12-05

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Character Name: Drurazor Urnagahaz
Race: Dwarf
Overall Level: 30

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Aria Lindon The half elven bard ( and her pups!) Empty Re: Aria Lindon The half elven bard ( and her pups!)

Post  Absol 13 Sun Mar 16, 2014 5:50 pm

I dont mind, I dont want to force you to play one child, or to play them in a certain way, I want you to, in a sense ,Give them a life of their own-I'd prefer if you choose who you play as I dont want to Make them "just another toon you play when i want you too" I want you to let them grow, have their own adventures, (and yes they'd squabble and fight but in the end, their still family) But if i must choose I think, see you RP Aloura, might be more fitted to the quite Vhilnya (elvish for grace) and Hacatsu- Probally the way you seem to play, I would suggest Vanhalen- but this is my suggestion- If you wish to play a different one, go ahead. *smiles* Ah fun time are ahead my friends, Fun times..

Oh and on anther note, IF you do play them as kids, they explore alot so dont be afraid to explore (even when i'm not on) Just probally since their kids, you might want to avoid fights, and As for sorting your appearance, I think shars help might be needed Very Happy
Absol 13
Absol 13
Forum Sage

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Aria Lindon The half elven bard ( and her pups!) Empty Re: Aria Lindon The half elven bard ( and her pups!)

Post  Hacatsu Sun Mar 16, 2014 8:05 pm

OK! Vanhalen it is! Never played a half-gnoll before, lol, let's see this to the end.
Forum Courtier

Male Number of posts : 394
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Location : Brazil
Registration date : 2013-12-05

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Character Name: Drurazor Urnagahaz
Race: Dwarf
Overall Level: 30

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Aria Lindon The half elven bard ( and her pups!) Empty Re: Aria Lindon The half elven bard ( and her pups!)

Post  LadyAloura Mon Mar 17, 2014 10:27 am

yea i'll play vhilnya sounds like fun just got to figure out how to create her

Forum Courtier

Female Number of posts : 260
Age : 45
Registration date : 2014-02-11

Character sheet
Character Name: Mialee
Race: Elf
Overall Level: 21

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Aria Lindon The half elven bard ( and her pups!) Empty Re: Aria Lindon The half elven bard ( and her pups!)

Post  Absol 13 Sat May 03, 2014 4:15 pm

With some Dm help- i'm willing to let you start playing them. *looks mostly at shar smiling*
Absol 13
Absol 13
Forum Sage

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Aria Lindon The half elven bard ( and her pups!) Empty Re: Aria Lindon The half elven bard ( and her pups!)

Post  Absol 13 Thu May 08, 2014 3:50 pm

ok guys, just to clarify, Hactus, your gonna play vanhalen?~ i'll let you pick his class but remember spear focus (at some point)
and LAdy A, :vhilnya~ i'll also let you choose,
Very Happy
Absol 13
Absol 13
Forum Sage

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Aria Lindon The half elven bard ( and her pups!) Empty Re: Aria Lindon The half elven bard ( and her pups!)

Post  Hacatsu Thu May 08, 2014 5:59 pm

Absol 13 wrote:ok guys, just to clarify, Hactus, your gonna play vanhalen?~ i'll let you pick his class but remember spear focus (at some point)
and LAdy A, :vhilnya~ i'll also let you choose,
Very Happy

Ahem... Hacatsu*... And yes, I would very much enjoy playing Vanhalen, about his class... Hmmmm, yeah I'll think about it.
Forum Courtier

Male Number of posts : 394
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Location : Brazil
Registration date : 2013-12-05

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Character Name: Drurazor Urnagahaz
Race: Dwarf
Overall Level: 30

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Aria Lindon The half elven bard ( and her pups!) Empty Re: Aria Lindon The half elven bard ( and her pups!)

Post  Absol 13 Fri May 09, 2014 12:44 am

heh- you have a few choices Very Happy and about teh name, i WAS half asleep you know XD >.<
Absol 13
Absol 13
Forum Sage

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Aria Lindon The half elven bard ( and her pups!) Empty Re: Aria Lindon The half elven bard ( and her pups!)

Post  LadyAloura Fri May 09, 2014 10:58 am

does she have any favorite weapons?

Forum Courtier

Female Number of posts : 260
Age : 45
Registration date : 2014-02-11

Character sheet
Character Name: Mialee
Race: Elf
Overall Level: 21

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Aria Lindon The half elven bard ( and her pups!) Empty Re: Aria Lindon The half elven bard ( and her pups!)

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