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Crafting: Limited colours available

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Crafting: Limited colours available Empty Crafting: Limited colours available

Post  Elgate Thu Apr 03, 2014 7:00 pm

I noticed after trying to get specific shades of colour I could get on the toolset, that the IG script only cycles/ includes half the colour pallete:
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It seems to only go from 0-63. When I get to pure black and click next, it cycles back to the light tans, rather than go forward into shaded reds. This is both with the dye kit and with the colour change option in the radial crafting.

I've seen other scripts that include the colours above 63 (Often with fancy names such as 'midnight blue' and 'hunter green' or peacock and plum and so on). Is there a reason why we're limited to these colours? Because having the full pallette would be brilliant.
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Crafting: Limited colours available Empty Re: Crafting: Limited colours available

Post  Animayhem Fri Apr 04, 2014 8:43 am

I so agree. Most worlds have the full pallette.
Forum Oracle

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