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portrait packs?

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portrait packs? Empty portrait packs?

Post  heather Sat Aug 02, 2014 5:25 am

since the vault went poof does anyone still have the narfell portrait pack or know where to find it or another large portraits pack?

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portrait packs? Empty Re: portrait packs?

Post  GM_ODA Sat Aug 02, 2014 7:54 am

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portrait packs? Empty Re: portrait packs?

Post  heather Sun Aug 03, 2014 10:40 pm

didn't look like they had any of the big portrait packs uploaded yet on that new vault yet x.x;

Forum Knight

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portrait packs? Empty Re: portrait packs?

Post  DM Althaless Mon Aug 04, 2014 2:52 am

Heather, Heres a link to a portrait package that includes all the default ones and a wide selection of custom portraits (542 in total) It may be of some help till you find the one you are looking for Wink

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DM Althaless
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portrait packs? Empty Re: portrait packs?

Post  Roger_Dodger Thu Nov 12, 2015 12:38 pm

DM Althaless wrote:Heather, Heres a link to a portrait package that includes all the default ones and a wide selection of custom portraits (542 in total) It may be of some help till you find the one you are looking for Wink

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The file you’re looking for has been moved or deleted.
Please see this article for details on why a shared link might stop working.

Thought you'd like to know that this link is now defunct.

I've got a whole stack of custom portraits, some that were downloaded years ago. Some I like, some I don't like. How do I get the ones I like into my game/toolbox? The NWN\ folder does not have a 'Portraits\' sub-folder.

2nd question: If I use one of these custom portraits for an NPC that I am building for AR, will the portrait transfer along with the .erf that I send to GM_ODA?

Roger Dodger
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portrait packs? Empty Re: portrait packs?

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