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The Riftstone (RESOLVED)

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The Riftstone (RESOLVED) Empty The Riftstone (RESOLVED)

Post  Absol 13 Sat Aug 02, 2014 10:34 am

As per Shars requests, DM's have taken up some of his events (i'll leave it to him to tell you why)~ I have take over the rifstone, a big challenge but i'm willing to try!~ be aware that things may be different now, so go ease on me, eh? can an and all that have info on teh rifstone (were involved, and such) PM me details, i'll try and get it going As soon as but i need to figure out where -I- will go with this

For refrence the old post is here [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

Hope that i'll do it your standards Shar!

Last edited by Absol 13 on Sat Jan 17, 2015 6:33 pm; edited 1 time in total
Absol 13
Absol 13
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The Riftstone (RESOLVED) Empty Re: The Riftstone (RESOLVED)

Post  Animayhem Mon Aug 25, 2014 8:31 am

A'rys mused over the words the Rakasha had said. In her office she went over in her mind his words, the words of Enflavious and her experience with Sekoleth. She knew she could not do it alone. She had to take into account the two wild cards that were Tony and Valerion. She knew it would not be easy, but it would be necessary.
Forum Oracle

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The Riftstone (RESOLVED) Empty Re: The Riftstone (RESOLVED)

Post  Absol 13 Fri Sep 05, 2014 8:25 am

sorry this is taking a while, school an all, but dont you worry, Things will happen soonish I promises
Absol 13
Absol 13
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The Riftstone (RESOLVED) Empty Re: The Riftstone (RESOLVED)

Post  imateddybear Fri Sep 05, 2014 2:34 pm

looking forward to this *smiles*

Posting Knave

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The Riftstone (RESOLVED) Empty Re: The Riftstone (RESOLVED)

Post  Animayhem Fri Sep 05, 2014 3:04 pm

Absol 13 wrote:sorry this is taking a while, school an all, but dont you worry, Things will happen soonish I promises

Thank you My precioussss
Forum Oracle

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The Riftstone (RESOLVED) Empty Re: The Riftstone (RESOLVED)

Post  Absol 13 Sun Sep 28, 2014 5:14 pm

sorry about how slow this is going, had a few school things and this was kinda pushed back. might try for something related to either friday or saturday, can do sunday, but prefer not.
Absol 13
Absol 13
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The Riftstone (RESOLVED) Empty Re: The Riftstone (RESOLVED)

Post  LadyAloura Sun Sep 28, 2014 9:54 pm

any of those days are fine for me just need a time

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The Riftstone (RESOLVED) Empty Re: The Riftstone (RESOLVED)

Post  Absol 13 Mon Sep 29, 2014 9:48 am

my Idea, is it'll mostly Be an investigation into the Effects that Ne's Grandsire may be causing, while using the riftstone.
As for who I'd like..

A'rys (needed)
Lia (influential)
Ne (influential)
Haven (Influential)
Others are welcome.. Mostly if A'rys (animayem) Wouldnt mind you
Friday. Anywhere from 7pm To about 3am
Saturday 8pm to 1am-ish
Sunday (school next day so earliest is best) 6pm to 1am (i'm being strict on that one, if it's still going on, i'll postpone it, and carry on at a later date)

Might do small things related to it during the week (nothing major)
Absol 13
Absol 13
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The Riftstone (RESOLVED) Empty Re: The Riftstone (RESOLVED)

Post  Animayhem Tue Sep 30, 2014 8:54 am

Friday or Saturday could work. However Saturday would have to be later in the day.
Forum Oracle

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The Riftstone (RESOLVED) Empty Re: The Riftstone (RESOLVED)

Post  Absol 13 Fri Oct 03, 2014 7:42 am

I say today, also Anyone know/how/why my post with times on it vanished?
Absol 13
Absol 13
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The Riftstone (RESOLVED) Empty Re: The Riftstone (RESOLVED)

Post  Animayhem Fri Oct 03, 2014 8:43 am

Absol 13 wrote:I say today, also Anyone know/how/why my post with times on it vanished?

Sometimes if you hit send instead of preview.  Just repost.  Earliest I could get in game today would be about 5:30pm Seattle US time

UTC-7  so using Edinburgh as a reference point....  1am your time.

Or 10pm Seattle is 6am sat.

Sat not sure if I can make it:  2pm seattle   10pm your time.

Sunday may be better  10 am Seattle time is 6pm your time.
Forum Oracle

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The Riftstone (RESOLVED) Empty Re: The Riftstone (RESOLVED)

Post  Absol 13 Fri Oct 03, 2014 8:51 am

Hrrm, sunday.. works..As does sat, we'll try then..
Absol 13
Absol 13
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The Riftstone (RESOLVED) Empty Re: The Riftstone (RESOLVED)

Post  Animayhem Fri Oct 03, 2014 11:22 am

This weekend Sunday 10am Seattle time 6pm your time would work best for me. If not then maybe next weekend.
Forum Oracle

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The Riftstone (RESOLVED) Empty Re: The Riftstone (RESOLVED)

Post  Absol 13 Fri Oct 03, 2014 11:30 am

I dislike doing sundays. No matter the time, because i have school the next day.. IT's just If can avoid doing it on a sunday, i will.
Absol 13
Absol 13
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The Riftstone (RESOLVED) Empty Re: The Riftstone (RESOLVED)

Post  Animayhem Fri Oct 03, 2014 12:09 pm

I understand. We could try for next Sat 10/11 10am seattle time which would be 6pm your time. Probably max time 2hrs.

Weekday evenings work better for me but they are not feasible given the time difference.
Forum Oracle

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The Riftstone (RESOLVED) Empty Re: The Riftstone (RESOLVED)

Post  Animayhem Mon Oct 06, 2014 8:28 am

I have off this friday 10/10/14. I can come in game around 12pm seattle time which would be 8pm Abs time.
Forum Oracle

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The Riftstone (RESOLVED) Empty Re: The Riftstone (RESOLVED)

Post  Animayhem Thu Oct 09, 2014 8:51 am

*gentle bump*
Forum Oracle

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The Riftstone (RESOLVED) Empty Re: The Riftstone (RESOLVED)

Post  Absol 13 Thu Oct 09, 2014 9:36 am

sorry, been busy at school at stuff, seen the post, just not had time to REply, As for it sure- i'll need to set up tho... And other things.I seen to have lost my note on what i planned tho >.>
Absol 13
Absol 13
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The Riftstone (RESOLVED) Empty Re: The Riftstone (RESOLVED)

Post  Animayhem Thu Oct 09, 2014 12:20 pm

Ok send me a pm if you want Charia for the Hunters or A'rys for the riftstone I could probably spare some time for both does not have to be long maybe an hour for each.
Forum Oracle

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The Riftstone (RESOLVED) Empty Re: The Riftstone (RESOLVED)

Post  Absol 13 Sat Jan 17, 2015 6:27 pm

The magic of the land has returned to normal in most places, Reportedly there was a Huge flash from the area of the Riftstone The flash was bright and huge, Probally reaching just a bit farther than the city of Dorhal

The Destroyer fled, Having been beaten. by A monk and A spellsword. It'd be sometime before He'd act Again.

A'rys Deal with the Rakshasa seemingly forgotten. she was left- annoyed... Confused.. she'd stopped an Evil and gained what-fame? power?...Only time would tell.

The Monk. Kaylee-Came by a favor, And wanting nothing, Happy that justice was done.

SO It was done The riftstone, Left in a sorry state but still in place, And now seemingly Free to be taken, Will it be take up again? If soo for Good OR Evil? Only time will tell that answer.

For now The land is safe.. But As always. something else Will threaten it again. But will the next threat Be from within the land?

Last edited by Absol 13 on Mon Jan 19, 2015 10:57 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : DETAILS!)
Absol 13
Absol 13
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The Riftstone (RESOLVED) Empty Great things!

Post  Shar Sun Jan 18, 2015 8:15 am

I have heard great things about this plot's ending Very Happy .

You've done me proud DM Abbadon!
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The Riftstone (RESOLVED) Empty Re: The Riftstone (RESOLVED)

Post  Absol 13 Sun Jan 18, 2015 9:23 am

*Blush* Thanks.
Absol 13
Absol 13
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The Riftstone (RESOLVED) Empty Re: The Riftstone (RESOLVED)

Post  Valerion Sun Jan 18, 2015 9:28 am

Reports have been heard that after the flash of light the troops in the Eastern Citadel were split a few days later, most of them remaining in the citadel to it's defense and for patrolling the surrounding lands, the other part, about one to two hundred men in groups of each two dozens heading for the very Riftstone itself, as their head, a mercenary leader named Rastian of Honorstone, his job, finding out what happened there and scouting out the riftstone, and depending on the situation, report back and call in reeinforcements.

Last edited by Valerion on Mon Jan 19, 2015 10:59 am; edited 2 times in total
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The Riftstone (RESOLVED) Empty Re: The Riftstone (RESOLVED)

Post  Animayhem Mon Jan 19, 2015 10:44 am

Shar wrote:I have heard great things about this plot's ending Very Happy .

You've done me proud DM Abbadon!

Yes thank you!
Forum Oracle

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