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potion of many things

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potion of many things Empty potion of many things

Post  LadyAloura Mon Jul 18, 2016 5:46 pm

so i made a potion of many things and tested it on myself, Mialee ended up getting a glow in her back. I think oda though i could fly so i tested it on my elf and could not fly so i just though it was shiny lights on the back that might fade in time, but while running through the forest following two people in my little wolf form i found that my wolf can fly but only in that form not in my werewolf or elven form kinda wierd

Forum Courtier

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potion of many things Empty Re: potion of many things

Post  Animayhem Tue Jul 19, 2016 12:51 pm

It is called what it is called because results can be random Smile I have seen it affect people different ways including my characters.
Forum Oracle

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potion of many things Empty Re: potion of many things

Post  Elgate Tue Jul 19, 2016 7:15 pm

I think Saber, played by Absol, also had a similar permanent effect of a glow that trailed. As for the flying, I'm not sure- it used to be that certain forms seem to be able to fly when they shouldn't (Bear forms  used to for druids for example).  However, I couldn't fly in any wolf form available to a druid (although winter wolf isn't an option so can't test that), so that's probably not the issue here. The lights would register as 'wings' when elven, but the wolf form wouldn't have a 'wing field', so it's strange you can fly as a wolf but not an elf. And if it was being polymorphed that helped trigger it, then the hybrid should also be able to fly?

Maybe it was something to do with dexterity (having more as a wolf?) Guess it's more an issue for Eriniel, as she's the one that knows the in and out of the scripts, but from what I remember that effect is hard to remove, but not a bad one. Makes you glow and apparently might let you fly in certain other forms. Saber was also a lycan, so might be worth trying to poke Abs into testing whether Saber can fly in his animal form.
Forum Sage

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