Neverwinter Nights Multiplayer Server 24x7 Now with NWN and NWN:EE
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Dusting off my other computer today...

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Dusting off my other computer today... Empty Dusting off my other computer today...

Post  GM_ODA Fri Apr 24, 2020 8:46 am


Soon, I am off to take a nap. Afterward, refreshed, I'll bust out my other computer, the one with NWN:EE and NWN on it, and see if I can fire it up. It has been out of service for a while. While I did get another notebook computer to replace it, I never quite got it provisioned properly to run NWN:EE and NWN, so I have been effectively off the server for some time. In the interim I did I still get nice messages from a few of you nice players from time-to-time. Also I had been involved in an effort to 'save the server', but that washed out in the end. *sigh* We came 'that close' to having a web site again. Sad

Ah well. We still have a few dollars left in the coffers with which to fund the server, and I'll spend every last one of the dollars in those coffers to keep the server running. I estimate about 60 days left in the funds, so, this may be our 'last hurrah'.

If you are up for some NWN fun, login and say hello or play a while, while it lasts.

I hope to see you all on the server sometime soon.

Forum Oracle

Male Number of posts : 3070
Location : USA East Coast
Registration date : 2008-10-17

Character sheet
Character Name: Firkin Alechugger
Race: Dwarf
Overall Level: 11

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Dusting off my other computer today... Empty Re: Dusting off my other computer today...

Post  GM_ODA Sat Apr 25, 2020 11:07 am


Well, I'm struggling through this process as best I can. On the newer laptop, I can login to the server, but the graphics are fouled up, I cannot see my PC, though I can see the PC's shadow, and none of the mouse or keyboard controls are working. On the older system I find I'm running a 32 bit linux and the new beamdog app is 64 bit (incompatable, so I'll have to figure out how to 'upgrade' that old machine to 64 bit, though it may not be possible as I vaguely recall I may have had some 64 bit issues with it before). The desktop linux machine is working, though I use it almost not at all to do anything online, I may switch to using it for game play if I cannot resolve these other issues soon.

To the nice people who were on the server last night and sadly, whom I did not get to meet on the server, I hope we meet again.

Forum Oracle

Male Number of posts : 3070
Location : USA East Coast
Registration date : 2008-10-17

Character sheet
Character Name: Firkin Alechugger
Race: Dwarf
Overall Level: 11

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