Neverwinter Nights Multiplayer Server 24x7 Now with NWN and NWN:EE
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Server condition

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Server condition Empty Server condition

Post  sergeil Sun Jul 19, 2020 9:58 pm

After about 30 hours of gameplay I can confirm, that server is enough playable.

I did not face crashing of client. There are few broken transitions, but they are not critical and will be fixed soon.

After last server reboot (two weeks ago) I did not faced any serious problem.
Posting Knave

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Server condition Empty Re: Server condition

Post  GM_ODA Mon Jul 20, 2020 8:17 am

Friend sergeil,

THANK YOU for your kind words! Nothing says "this is a playable server" better than your words here today!

There are still a few "rough edges" - the server is (always) a work in progress (despite some hardware failure induced down-time). It has been nice meeting with you on the server these last few days. I look forward to your further exploration of the server (the place is HUGE, officially being 1337+ areas, ... way +). Feel free to make as many PCs as you like, and try out as many class and race combinations as you might enjoy (we have LOTS of disc space available).

Be well. Game ON!

Forum Oracle

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Server condition Empty Re: Server condition

Post  sergeil Mon Jul 20, 2020 11:35 pm

I do not know about hardware failure, because for last two weeks (about 2 hours per day) I was not able to recognize anomalies. By this reason I can suggest, that server is enough stable.

As I understand, your OS is Linux and for this OS long time to work without reboot is standard practice, but I do not think, you need hit maximum uptime of your system.

Reboot once per two or four weeks is more as enough and it is very good stability index. As I know, for some servers reboot is scheduled once per day.
Posting Knave

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Server condition Empty Re: Server condition

Post  GM_ODA Tue Jul 21, 2020 8:27 am

Friend sergeil,

Thanks for that (evaluation and advice). I will pass that on to Eriniel.

I usually leave server maintenance to Eriniel. She has managed the server since we opened, and I appreciate her expertise (especially because I can just ignore that side of things knowing she has matters under control). Over the years, I have moved more toward programming and away from system management and hardware.

Typically, I login to the host server to restart NWN or NWN:EE or to initiate data backups to my own local drive, or to update the module (though it has been a while due to local failed hardware on a machine I use for the nwn toolset).

All other aspects of remote server management I leave to Eriniel (I will send her a link to this thread).

Be well. Game ON!

Forum Oracle

Male Number of posts : 3070
Location : USA East Coast
Registration date : 2008-10-17

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