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Werewolf Suggestion

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Werewolf Suggestion Empty Werewolf Suggestion

Post  Ragdoll_Knight Mon Dec 06, 2010 8:53 am

Since I can't post directly into that section of the forms I'll just do it here

Can you set the emote *howls* to trigger the ability as well?
Seeing as now if we want to use the ability in RP, quickly and without breaking character, we would need to bind it to a player tool and then (depending on how quick you use the radial) hotbar it, and then need to remember that you have it hotbar'd, which can be the hardest part.
Forum Sage

Male Number of posts : 875
Age : 33
Location : Nampa, Idaho, USA
Registration date : 2010-03-02

Character sheet
Character Name: Tony
Race: Human
Overall Level: 32

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Werewolf Suggestion Empty feeding grounds

Post  N8 Thu Jan 27, 2011 8:12 am

i think that naturally a warewolf would find a good place to feed that was near town and abundant with wild life as opposed to finding meager scraps scattered everywhere.... otherwise he wouls pend all his time hunting in his beast form and not socializing in his human form.... like all other animals they are attracted to places that provide food and shelter, if there were no food they would simply move on....

Posting Knave

Number of posts : 26
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Location : Wisconsin, USA
Registration date : 2011-01-26

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Werewolf Suggestion Empty Re: Werewolf Suggestion

Post  Ragdoll_Knight Fri Jan 28, 2011 12:35 pm

I make a habit of teaching the werewolves the very best place to hunt. Its fairly close to town too, along the road between the city and the Tivook Inn
Forum Sage

Male Number of posts : 875
Age : 33
Location : Nampa, Idaho, USA
Registration date : 2010-03-02

Character sheet
Character Name: Tony
Race: Human
Overall Level: 32

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