Gerners Magic Item travling shop!
Neverwinter Nights Multiplayer Server 24x7 Now with NWN and NWN:EE :: In Character :: The Marketplace
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Gerners Magic Item travling shop!
I, Gerner, hereby state to all those intrested in magic items to find me. For I am a Treasure hunter. I go into deep dungens to find the best magic items there for the modern day consumor. Currently I have the following
Scimitar of Speed: 70 Pp
Quarterstaff +1: 13Pp
When I aquire more I will be willing to sell it to todays buyer. And if you have magic items to sell i'll buy those too!
~Gerner-Treasure Hunter, Rune Studyer. Wizard~
Scimitar of Speed: 70 Pp
Quarterstaff +1: 13Pp
When I aquire more I will be willing to sell it to todays buyer. And if you have magic items to sell i'll buy those too!
~Gerner-Treasure Hunter, Rune Studyer. Wizard~
Master_Torry- Posting Knave
- Number of posts : 26
Location : Under a Rock
Registration date : 2009-09-22
Character sheet
Character Name: Torry
Race: Dwarf
Neverwinter Nights Multiplayer Server 24x7 Now with NWN and NWN:EE :: In Character :: The Marketplace
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