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graphics card issue game freezing at entrance to noob area

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graphics card issue game freezing at entrance to noob area Empty graphics card issue game freezing at entrance to noob area

Post  MUF DVR Sun Sep 08, 2013 5:02 pm

I got on and was ready for my new world till I went in to the noob area and screen froze up on me 2wice
my graphic card may be a bit low for my screen size NVidia 9800 series any suggestion's?

if not I will have to wait till I get new graphics card
Thanks all!
Posting Knave

Number of posts : 15
Registration date : 2013-09-08

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graphics card issue game freezing at entrance to noob area Empty Re: graphics card issue game freezing at entrance to noob area

Post  Shar Sun Sep 08, 2013 5:23 pm

have you updated your drivers to the latest?

Graphics cards arnt usualy a problem unless they are on the very low end and a 9800 is around the same age as mine if not newer. I would check your drivers AND use an empty override folder when logging on. its uncommon but overrides can conflict with features in this game so its a good place to start
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graphics card issue game freezing at entrance to noob area Empty Re: graphics card issue game freezing at entrance to noob area

Post  GM_ODA Sun Sep 08, 2013 5:29 pm

What operating system are you running?
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graphics card issue game freezing at entrance to noob area Empty Re: graphics card issue game freezing at entrance to noob area

Post  Eriniel Sun Sep 08, 2013 5:44 pm

If using windows with Nvidia or similar graphics cards, Windows XP, Vista, 7 and Direct X's install dose something nasty... It replaces the manufacter's drivers with Microsoft ones...

The Microsoft ones are SHIT and tend to mess things up a lot... especially games that get the most out of a graphics card.

Make sure Direct X is installed completely, (Windows 7 and later tend to preinstall only partial direct X installation, so worth checking this first)

Download the right driver from Nvidia's website and install that.

This should fix it Very Happy

(Still got NWN running fine on nVidia 6200)
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graphics card issue game freezing at entrance to noob area Empty none

Post  MUF DVR Sun Sep 08, 2013 6:43 pm

thanks I will look into the Direct X thing first ty
Posting Knave

Number of posts : 15
Registration date : 2013-09-08

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graphics card issue game freezing at entrance to noob area Empty none

Post  MUF DVR Sun Sep 08, 2013 7:13 pm

MUF DVR wrote:thanks I will look into the Direct X thing first ty
that direct x thing did not work crashed in noob area again!

operating system windows 7 pro 64 bit 4 gigs of ram nvidea 9800 gtx+ graphics card

you were all such a big help to me ty all
Posting Knave

Number of posts : 15
Registration date : 2013-09-08

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graphics card issue game freezing at entrance to noob area Empty Re: graphics card issue game freezing at entrance to noob area

Post  heather Sun Sep 08, 2013 7:38 pm

may want to look to see if you have the option for... enable shiny water and the animated texture effects in the advanced video options... I know was crashing and having other trouble until I turned some of those off... I turned all the check boxes off except for the visual effects high being enabled...

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graphics card issue game freezing at entrance to noob area Empty Re: graphics card issue game freezing at entrance to noob area

Post  GM_ODA Sun Sep 08, 2013 7:45 pm

Friend Muf Dvr,
Be sure to get the DirectX9c SDK (Software Developers Kit) - it is the FULL version of DirectX9c and btw, do install it EVEN if you have a DirectX with a higher number. NWN totally relies on this and some of its pieces were omitted in later versions of DirectX ... when your rig gets to a place where the vid card needs that part, bam, down goes NWN.

You can get this directly from, use their site search and you should be good to go.

Keep me posted please on your progress.

Be well. Game on.

P.S. Also, be sure you are running NWN in XP compatibility mode SP2 and in Administrator Mode.
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graphics card issue game freezing at entrance to noob area Empty none

Post  MUF DVR Mon Sep 09, 2013 3:57 am

heather wrote:may want to look to see if you have the option for... enable shiny water and the animated texture effects in the advanced video options... I know was crashing and having other trouble until I turned some of those off... I turned all the check boxes off except for the visual effects high being enabled...

Thanks Heather I will look into that today im Shure that's the problem because I have all settings maxed out shiny water and all on max
Posting Knave

Number of posts : 15
Registration date : 2013-09-08

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graphics card issue game freezing at entrance to noob area Empty Re: graphics card issue game freezing at entrance to noob area

Post  DM Drachen Mon Sep 09, 2013 1:24 pm

Turn off Shiny Water in your options for NWN. Seriously, try it. Also try playing with your sound settings. All this sounds weird, but sometimes it works. Especially Shiny Water. It's evil. Trust me. EVIL.


Evil Evil Evil Evil.


I cannot express my feelings on Shiny Water in any other way.

I am DM Drachen and I support this message. The DM Drachen foundation is not in any way, shape, or form responsible for injury when having Shiny Water checked. It fully and completely supports the destruction and complete obliteration of Shiny Water. User discretion is advised.
DM Drachen
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graphics card issue game freezing at entrance to noob area Empty Re: graphics card issue game freezing at entrance to noob area

Post  MUF DVR Mon Sep 09, 2013 3:57 pm

MUF DVR wrote:
heather wrote:may want to look to see if you have the option for... enable shiny water and the animated texture effects in the advanced video options... I know was crashing and having other trouble until I turned some of those off... I turned all the check boxes off except for the visual effects high being enabled...
Thanks Heather I will look into that today im Shure that's the problem because I have all settings maxed out shiny water and all on max
problem solved thanks all unchecked 4 boxes and no crashing so I was playing earlier TY Heather!
Posting Knave

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graphics card issue game freezing at entrance to noob area Empty Re: graphics card issue game freezing at entrance to noob area

Post  DM Drachen Mon Sep 09, 2013 4:06 pm

What. Heather beat me to the Shiny Water alert? I feel deprived of my loss. You win this time, Heather. This time.
DM Drachen
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