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Starting area issue

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Starting area issue Empty Starting area issue

Post  Drinin Do'lyl Sat Dec 05, 2009 7:28 pm

It seems that portals keep taking my items and dropping me to lvl 1, this is the second time that it's done that. I took a screenshot this time, so I hope this will fix the issue.

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Drinin Do'lyl
Drinin Do'lyl
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Starting area issue Empty Re: Starting area issue

Post  Eriniel Sat Dec 05, 2009 10:24 pm

Run a fail of the Torch of DOOM


If found please Drop it immediately and report where you found it so we can remove it as quickly as possible.

If this most cursed torch is picked up a message will appear warning you that it is the 'Torch of DOOM' it will also be renamed as such to make it easy to find in your inventory... Do not go to the start area with this torch or you will be treated as a new PC.
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