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Kender Player Characters?

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Kender Player Characters? Empty Kender Player Characters?

Post  Roger_Dodger Mon May 11, 2015 7:00 pm

Is the Kender sub-race available? They were from the Dragonlance world of Krynn.

My ex-wife played a Kender/Thief PC in my old PnP gaming group, and was one of the funnest characters ever. I always awarded her (ex-wife and her Kender were both female) extra XP for 'Amusing the DM' (some call it Role-Playing).cheers

I should probably look before I ask, but if not, would there be any interest in a Kender PC? Be advised you really have to have a weird sense of humor to properly 'Kender-Taunt'.

Details on Kenders here:  www_dlnexus_com*fan*rules*10979.aspx (replace underlines/stars with dots/slashes)

OK, I answered my own question. I ran the NWN program, selected Join Internet Game/New Character, and got the standard NWN Character Generator. When I got to the Race Screen, the options were all the Standard D&D Races and a button for Sub-Race. Selecting Sub-Race, you get a type-in box to enter your desired sub-race. By typing in 'Kender' into the box, you do get the entry on your character sheet, but the Race Name is all you get - No racial adjustments to Strength, Dexterity, or any other, No 'Racial Abilities' like Kender-Taunt, Darkvision or any others, and no other in-born traits like +4 Morale vs Fear. By selecting one of the 'Standard' D&D Races, all adjustments and traits are automatically generated.

In a nutshell, if you want to have a non-standard sub-race, you are going to have to expend many, if not all, of your various ability 'Points' at level 1 to get a correctly designed Sub-Race PC. The NWN Character Generator appears to be hard-coded into the program, and not subject to changing by scripting.

BTW, the Kender is considered to be a sub-type of the Halfling in D&D 5e. Just thought I'd throw that in.

Last edited by Roger_Dodger on Mon May 11, 2015 9:01 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Answered my own question)
Forum Knight

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Kender Player Characters? Empty Re: Kender Player Characters?

Post  Absol 13 Tue May 12, 2015 12:42 am

First off (yet to look at link) Sounds interesting, second off, we do have a subrace system you pick the base race then go to subrace and type in the Race name(say for drow, click elf, then move to Subrace and type in drow.) On logging the system does all the work(unless it's a special race, in which case it Requires a DM stamp of approval) And hey-presto Done. And it's actually not too hard to add a new race here, or so i've been told.
Absol 13
Absol 13
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Kender Player Characters? Empty Re: Kender Player Characters?

Post  GM_ODA Tue May 12, 2015 5:44 am

Excellent posts.

Yes, Absol has it spot on when he says we have a sub-race system and in fact we take requests from PLAYERS for any race desired - so long as it does not conflict with our (complex and secretive) backstory we generally allow the race.

If the race is not part of our world, we allow for PCs backstory to include that they are from "Forgotten Realms" or other campaigns where the race is found. Our entry scenario to the module, the ship in a storm is the plot mechanism we use to make that work (the PC was on a ship voyage within their own world when a freak storm transfered them to our world, ship and all!).

OK that's the IC useful info on how we roll on the matter of supporting subraces. Now for the game/server mechanics and procedure.

When any PLAYER wants a PC of a race/sub-race we do not currently support, do what you did (Roger_Dodger) and ask about it in this forum. We do an evaluation of the race, and if it is a race we feel we can support, we custom script support for that race. Once we have scripted the race, simply picking the race or sub-race will result in the application of all the rules for that race, bonuses included.

ATM I have two links on my desktop for kender these being:

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]


[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

IF you tell me this is the same Kender as you are requesting we'll begin a review process on the sub-race.

Forum Oracle

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Kender Player Characters? Empty Re: Kender Player Characters?

Post  Roger_Dodger Tue May 12, 2015 11:46 pm

GM_ODA wrote:Friends,
Excellent posts.

Yes, Absol has it spot on when he says we have a sub-race system and in fact we take requests from PLAYERS for any race desired - so long as it does not conflict with our (complex and secretive) backstory we generally allow the race.

If the race is not part of our world, we allow for PCs backstory to include that they are from "Forgotten Realms" or other campaigns where the race is found. Our entry scenario to the module, the ship in a storm is the plot mechanism we use to make that work (the PC was on a ship voyage within their own world when a freak storm transfered them to our world, ship and all!).

OK that's the IC useful info on how we roll on the matter of supporting subraces. Now for the game/server mechanics and procedure.

When any PLAYER wants a PC of a race/sub-race we do not currently support, do what you did (Roger_Dodger) and ask about it in this forum. We do an evaluation of the race, and if it is a race we feel we can support, we custom script support for that race. Once we have scripted the race, simply picking the race or sub-race will result in the application of all the rules for that race, bonuses included.

ATM I have two links on my desktop for kender these being:

dandwiki dot com


wikipedia dot org slash wiki slash Kender

IF you tell me this is the same Kender as you are requesting we'll begin a review process on the sub-race.

Again, color me amazed with your work on sub-races, and 'reprogramming' the Character Generator. I would never have thought that were even possible.

Back to the Kender - - - >
The two links you noted pretty much sums up the 'What' a Kender is. The dandwiki article has lots about the 'mechanics' while the wikipedia article deals more with the character development. Both are good to know. Oh, yeah - you would have to 'invent' a Hoopak for a Kender PC.

It will take a very special PLAYER, with a real desire to properly 'run' a Kender PC. Not to mention a real fast typist for Kender Taunting (Kender-Taunt is a lot more than just 'mama-talking'). I may even dain to email my Ex and ask if she would be interested.

My Ex-Wife had read all the Dragonlance books, and worked with me (as DM) on her character development. The character Tasselhof Burrfoot was the 'blueprint' for her character. One item in her Kender Pouches was a crumpled 'Disneyland "A" Coupon' (If you don't know what that is, you're not old enough Razz ) just to give you an idea of how far we went with that character. Remind me to tell you the story of 'Danlis vs the Giant' sometime (its hard to read the dice with your eyes full of tears from laughing). But I digress . . .

Well, its back to Noob U. for me. Thanks for your input. I'll give this more thought.

Roger Dodger
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Kender Player Characters? Empty Re: Kender Player Characters?

Post  LadyAloura Wed May 13, 2015 12:22 am

I had to look the Disney coupon up I right those are from the 50's? Not all had dates on them which is why I ask

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Kender Player Characters? Empty Re: Kender Player Characters?

Post  GM_ODA Wed May 13, 2015 5:29 am

Friend Roger_Dodger,
Now that we've confirmed we are on the same page with the Kender race, we'll start the review process. As we are in the middle of some major work, this will take a while to come to fruition - give us a couple weeks, and we'll get that race online in a restricted form (DM Approval required).

Forum Oracle

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Kender Player Characters? Empty Re: Kender Player Characters?

Post  Roger_Dodger Wed May 13, 2015 1:11 pm

LadyAloura wrote:I had to look the Disney coupon up  I right those are from the 50's?  Not all had dates on them which is why I ask

Yeah, you had to purchase Coupon Books (Coupons 'A' through 'E') to ride the rides back in the day. The 'A' Coupon was the ten-cent ride (cheap thrills), and that is what made that item particularly funny. Laughing And . . . they were not dated - you could always use them on your next visit (and wind up with even more excess 'A' Coupons).

I still call the MAX Light Rail here in Portland, Oregon "An 'E' Coupon ride". Very Happy

Last edited by Roger_Dodger on Wed May 13, 2015 4:22 pm; edited 1 time in total
Forum Knight

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Kender Player Characters? Empty Re: Kender Player Characters?

Post  Roger_Dodger Wed May 13, 2015 4:18 pm

GM_ODA wrote:Friend Roger_Dodger,
Now that we've confirmed we are on the same page with the Kender race, we'll start the review process. As we are in the middle of some major work, this will take a while to come to fruition - give us a couple weeks, and we'll get that race online in a restricted form (DM Approval required).

Hey, thanks for the accommodation. No big hurry on this end.

Roger Dodger
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