A Call Out to DMs!
Neverwinter Nights Multiplayer Server 24x7 Now with NWN and NWN:EE :: Neverwinter Nights - General :: General Board
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A Call Out to DMs!
We are STILL seeking more DMs.
Want to try? We will help you get up-to-speed. We have developed tools and docs to help you become a good DM.
How many DMs are 'too many DMs'?
To be honest, a server needs about 30 DMs to be 'comfortable'. Here is why.
The world runs 24x7. Some people work shifts different to the 'norm', and there are other reasons why a person might log in at 'odd hours'. In a week there are 168 hours to cover with DMs. Our DMs are doing this as a hobby. Let us be generous here and say the average DM donates ten hours of their time each week to DMing... even at that we'd need at least 17 DMs and excellent scheduling to cover the week. 30 DMs means scheduling randomly can cover the hours (generally speaking) and every new PLAYER arriving can feel confident that if they have a question or a problem, there is help at hand.
That said, anyone looking at our DM roster can see we have fewer than 30 as of this writing.
What are you waiting for?
Argentum Regio is recruiting DMs. The module currently features _enhanced_ DMFI tools and many other customized Vault and scratch-built systems, so many that this post would be far too long to read if I attempted to list them. Let it suffice that the server offers a replete set of robust and tested tools to make DMing here a marvelous and unique experience.
WE WANT YOU, but understand, we want to maintain the high quality of our DM Staff. To do so, a DM needs to understand the module, its features and limitations. In the interest of assuring our PLAYERS of the best DMs each armed with a solid background in the module, and experienced with the special tools available to DMs only here on this server a program has been developed to bring all our DM Candidates to this high level of proficiency in the shortest possible time.
DM Candidates who complete the DM Orientation Program will receive their own DM Board on our forum, DM Password to the server, server maps, extensive docs and license to use our custom software.
We would like to thank ALL you _fine_ DMs who have volunteered to date to help bring the Al Dohral module to life. YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE. Some of you are only just beginning the process of getting up-to-speed on the module and the many fine tools available ONLY here and some available ONLY to DM accounts. Some are more progressed in the process.
That process, intended to assure our PLAYERS of quality gaming experiences, and especially to ensure that your debut experience as a DM on our server is EVERYTHING YOU WANT IT TO BE... is outlined below.
1. Read
the Player Guide PDF and our Our Web Site )
2. Play
the server achieving a minimum character level of TEN (four free levels in tutorial IF you want them). Our DMs need to understand what our PCs are capable of doing, and the best way to accomplish this is to get your feet wet.
3. Run
the DMFI 101 Module (found in the Vault). Familiarize yourself with the standard DMFI tools, this will provide a basis for your understanding the enhanced version of these tools that we use on the server.
GM_ODA WITH ID*, once done we will send the DM Docs, maps and tools.
5. Examine
the accompanying maps and read the DM Docs
6. Create
your DM Avatar and DMNPC - send me the DMNPC (see Appendix D of our DM Docs)
7. Experiment
using the DM client while not running a real game
8. CoDM
an adventure on our server with one of our DCDMs.
9. DM
an adventure on our server with one of our DCDMs.
10. Pass
the DCDM Quiz (with Erin or GM_ODA)
We crawl, we walk, we run the best games online.
We are all looking forward to the day when YOU join us as a DM on our server.
If you have any questions about this DM Orientation Program, please contact GM_ODA via PM on this forum.
Be well. Game on.
* NOTE: we have had some very uncooperative persons attempt the DM Orientation Program here. They have soured the process for those who follow, but the changes made are, sadly, unavoidable if we are to keep ONLY GOOD DMs HERE.
Over the years we have had many fine DMs here. Volunteers they are (so treat them kindly please). A good DM will work hard to provide YOU with many hours of server enjoyment.
Sadly, as in any 'random group of people', there were some jerks in the mix. The jerks refused to read the manuals provided. I freely tell you that WE DID NOT SPEND MONTHS CRAFTING THE DM DOCS FOR THEM TO BE IGNORED. We sent the jerk DMs away, but we learned our lesson.
Since those days we have had to modify our policies surrounding how to become a DM here. We now require photo ID on all DMs. We do this so that jerks won't apply. By requiring an ID we can enforce our CONFIDENTIALITY AGREEMENT where each DM pledges to maintain the confidential nature of the materials we provide to DMs under such agreement. Some DM Candidates have expressed a reservation about providing me (the server admin) with a photo ID. I understand your reservations, but the requirement stands. This is an explanation of why we do it this way.
If we did not go to this measure, any DM Candidate could publish or otherwise distribute our confidential copyrighted DM Docs, maps and other spoilers. By requiring an ID, with photo, name and address, the server could send a legal CEASE AND DESIST letter to the offender and even file suit for copyright infringement against an offender who fails to comply with the agreement and the C&D letter.
Some would say "The DM does not have the server Admin's ID so this is not fair." This is a fallacy because IF THE ADMIN BROKE ANY LAWS any of you victims could contact police, file charges, and then subpoena the information about the Admin from the hosting company. This puts you all on solid ground as far as actions in the event I break any laws that harm you.
Any of you are free to verify that we have been using the same hosting company since we debut in 2007 - the IP has remained the same all along ... until last December when we migrated to a new machine (same host company) and got assigned new IPs this being You can google or waybackmachine any of our posts to see this is true. Domain names can be moved from one server to another but server IPs cannot; proof we have been with the same host all this time.
For young people wishing to be DMs here. Sadly, we must ask you come back later when you've had more life-experience. We are ONLY accepting applications from persons aged 25+. Meaning no disrespect to young persons here, there is no substitute for experience. Life is more complex than many of you imagine. coming out of an education environment you tend to be fed 'encapsulated lore' that does not always allow you to directly engage the real world. Getting out and experiencing some of what life has to offer beyond educational instituations will broaden your perspective and enable you to create more compelling stories.
Again, it was with sadness that I came to the realization that these rules were needed to keep the the quality of our DMs as high as we all expect here... and it may stop some excellent DMs from joining us, but that is just how it must be.
To protect the data of our DM Candidates, when submitting your scanned PHOTO ID to me, please REDACT (black out) all the information except the PHOTO, NAME, and FULL ADDRESS, then zip it up with a password and email it to me (PM me and I'll provide it to you for this purpose). You can then send me the password for your zip'd ID file and when I receive all the data, I will store it off-line on a system that does not connect to the Internet to best protect your information I will also delete the email & file on-line to the best of my ability (we all know ISPs store data for a while but nothing we can do about that).
I apologize to you all for any difficulty this causes. I can only offer my sympathy to DM Candidates who withdraw from the program for the reason of the PHOTO ID requirement, but there is no avoiding this required measure. By having your ID, it assures me that you will be honorable in keeping our lore confidential, without it I have only the word of a stranger whose IP could change every ten minutes... much too hard and costly for me to locate should there be trouble from that sector.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
Be well. Game on!
Want to try? We will help you get up-to-speed. We have developed tools and docs to help you become a good DM.
How many DMs are 'too many DMs'?
To be honest, a server needs about 30 DMs to be 'comfortable'. Here is why.
The world runs 24x7. Some people work shifts different to the 'norm', and there are other reasons why a person might log in at 'odd hours'. In a week there are 168 hours to cover with DMs. Our DMs are doing this as a hobby. Let us be generous here and say the average DM donates ten hours of their time each week to DMing... even at that we'd need at least 17 DMs and excellent scheduling to cover the week. 30 DMs means scheduling randomly can cover the hours (generally speaking) and every new PLAYER arriving can feel confident that if they have a question or a problem, there is help at hand.
That said, anyone looking at our DM roster can see we have fewer than 30 as of this writing.
What are you waiting for?
Argentum Regio is recruiting DMs. The module currently features _enhanced_ DMFI tools and many other customized Vault and scratch-built systems, so many that this post would be far too long to read if I attempted to list them. Let it suffice that the server offers a replete set of robust and tested tools to make DMing here a marvelous and unique experience.
WE WANT YOU, but understand, we want to maintain the high quality of our DM Staff. To do so, a DM needs to understand the module, its features and limitations. In the interest of assuring our PLAYERS of the best DMs each armed with a solid background in the module, and experienced with the special tools available to DMs only here on this server a program has been developed to bring all our DM Candidates to this high level of proficiency in the shortest possible time.
DM Candidates who complete the DM Orientation Program will receive their own DM Board on our forum, DM Password to the server, server maps, extensive docs and license to use our custom software.
We would like to thank ALL you _fine_ DMs who have volunteered to date to help bring the Al Dohral module to life. YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE. Some of you are only just beginning the process of getting up-to-speed on the module and the many fine tools available ONLY here and some available ONLY to DM accounts. Some are more progressed in the process.
That process, intended to assure our PLAYERS of quality gaming experiences, and especially to ensure that your debut experience as a DM on our server is EVERYTHING YOU WANT IT TO BE... is outlined below.
Dohral Certified DMs (DCDMs) Program:
Qualifying to be a DCDM involves ten steps -1. Read
the Player Guide PDF and our Our Web Site )
2. Play
the server achieving a minimum character level of TEN (four free levels in tutorial IF you want them). Our DMs need to understand what our PCs are capable of doing, and the best way to accomplish this is to get your feet wet.
3. Run
the DMFI 101 Module (found in the Vault). Familiarize yourself with the standard DMFI tools, this will provide a basis for your understanding the enhanced version of these tools that we use on the server.
GM_ODA WITH ID*, once done we will send the DM Docs, maps and tools.
5. Examine
the accompanying maps and read the DM Docs
6. Create
your DM Avatar and DMNPC - send me the DMNPC (see Appendix D of our DM Docs)
7. Experiment
using the DM client while not running a real game
8. CoDM
an adventure on our server with one of our DCDMs.
9. DM
an adventure on our server with one of our DCDMs.
10. Pass
the DCDM Quiz (with Erin or GM_ODA)
We crawl, we walk, we run the best games online.
We are all looking forward to the day when YOU join us as a DM on our server.
If you have any questions about this DM Orientation Program, please contact GM_ODA via PM on this forum.
Be well. Game on.
* NOTE: we have had some very uncooperative persons attempt the DM Orientation Program here. They have soured the process for those who follow, but the changes made are, sadly, unavoidable if we are to keep ONLY GOOD DMs HERE.
Over the years we have had many fine DMs here. Volunteers they are (so treat them kindly please). A good DM will work hard to provide YOU with many hours of server enjoyment.
Sadly, as in any 'random group of people', there were some jerks in the mix. The jerks refused to read the manuals provided. I freely tell you that WE DID NOT SPEND MONTHS CRAFTING THE DM DOCS FOR THEM TO BE IGNORED. We sent the jerk DMs away, but we learned our lesson.
Since those days we have had to modify our policies surrounding how to become a DM here. We now require photo ID on all DMs. We do this so that jerks won't apply. By requiring an ID we can enforce our CONFIDENTIALITY AGREEMENT where each DM pledges to maintain the confidential nature of the materials we provide to DMs under such agreement. Some DM Candidates have expressed a reservation about providing me (the server admin) with a photo ID. I understand your reservations, but the requirement stands. This is an explanation of why we do it this way.
If we did not go to this measure, any DM Candidate could publish or otherwise distribute our confidential copyrighted DM Docs, maps and other spoilers. By requiring an ID, with photo, name and address, the server could send a legal CEASE AND DESIST letter to the offender and even file suit for copyright infringement against an offender who fails to comply with the agreement and the C&D letter.
Some would say "The DM does not have the server Admin's ID so this is not fair." This is a fallacy because IF THE ADMIN BROKE ANY LAWS any of you victims could contact police, file charges, and then subpoena the information about the Admin from the hosting company. This puts you all on solid ground as far as actions in the event I break any laws that harm you.
Any of you are free to verify that we have been using the same hosting company since we debut in 2007 - the IP has remained the same all along ... until last December when we migrated to a new machine (same host company) and got assigned new IPs this being You can google or waybackmachine any of our posts to see this is true. Domain names can be moved from one server to another but server IPs cannot; proof we have been with the same host all this time.
For young people wishing to be DMs here. Sadly, we must ask you come back later when you've had more life-experience. We are ONLY accepting applications from persons aged 25+. Meaning no disrespect to young persons here, there is no substitute for experience. Life is more complex than many of you imagine. coming out of an education environment you tend to be fed 'encapsulated lore' that does not always allow you to directly engage the real world. Getting out and experiencing some of what life has to offer beyond educational instituations will broaden your perspective and enable you to create more compelling stories.
Again, it was with sadness that I came to the realization that these rules were needed to keep the the quality of our DMs as high as we all expect here... and it may stop some excellent DMs from joining us, but that is just how it must be.
To protect the data of our DM Candidates, when submitting your scanned PHOTO ID to me, please REDACT (black out) all the information except the PHOTO, NAME, and FULL ADDRESS, then zip it up with a password and email it to me (PM me and I'll provide it to you for this purpose). You can then send me the password for your zip'd ID file and when I receive all the data, I will store it off-line on a system that does not connect to the Internet to best protect your information I will also delete the email & file on-line to the best of my ability (we all know ISPs store data for a while but nothing we can do about that).
I apologize to you all for any difficulty this causes. I can only offer my sympathy to DM Candidates who withdraw from the program for the reason of the PHOTO ID requirement, but there is no avoiding this required measure. By having your ID, it assures me that you will be honorable in keeping our lore confidential, without it I have only the word of a stranger whose IP could change every ten minutes... much too hard and costly for me to locate should there be trouble from that sector.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
Be well. Game on!
Last edited by GM_ODA on Thu Sep 10, 2015 7:02 am; edited 4 times in total (Reason for editing : updated to 2015)
Re: A Call Out to DMs!
How to run the DMFI 101 module as a DM.
First, download the DMFI 101 So You Want to be a DM one place to find it is at the NWVault :
DMFI 101 module for NWN
The trick is to run the DM client software rather than the usual PLAYER software. On your system, if you use nwnmain.exe to launch your game, you are given the choice between
Choose 'MULTPLAYER'. Next, give it your usual username and password, and acknowledge the master server not responding if your system still alerts you to such. Next, select "NEW INTERNET/LAN GAME", then OTHER MODULES and select the DMFI 101 module.
You are now doing the essential setup for DMing a LAN game... give your game a player and a dm password so nobody will login - this is just for you... you won't want intruders distracting you at first I'd think. Having chosen to DM host a LAN game, choose the DMFI module and finally LOAD GAME.
Use the default AVATAR for DMs on your first run, later we'll deal with making a custom one.
And there you are, in the DMFI module as DM. Explore and enjoy.
This post presented as a service to the NWN community and all who aspire to be a DM in NWN.
Be well. Game on.
First, download the DMFI 101 So You Want to be a DM one place to find it is at the NWVault :
DMFI 101 module for NWN
The trick is to run the DM client software rather than the usual PLAYER software. On your system, if you use nwnmain.exe to launch your game, you are given the choice between
Choose 'MULTPLAYER'. Next, give it your usual username and password, and acknowledge the master server not responding if your system still alerts you to such. Next, select "NEW INTERNET/LAN GAME", then OTHER MODULES and select the DMFI 101 module.
You are now doing the essential setup for DMing a LAN game... give your game a player and a dm password so nobody will login - this is just for you... you won't want intruders distracting you at first I'd think. Having chosen to DM host a LAN game, choose the DMFI module and finally LOAD GAME.
Use the default AVATAR for DMs on your first run, later we'll deal with making a custom one.
And there you are, in the DMFI module as DM. Explore and enjoy.
This post presented as a service to the NWN community and all who aspire to be a DM in NWN.
Be well. Game on.
Last edited by GM_ODA on Thu Sep 10, 2015 7:08 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : updated to 2015)
Re: A Call Out to DMs!
This server is soon to exit BETA TEST (at long long last) and we are in need of some additional DMs. If you are ready to DM, this server has got an array of the finest tools for DMing.
Carpe D(ie)M.
This server is soon to exit BETA TEST (at long long last) and we are in need of some additional DMs. If you are ready to DM, this server has got an array of the finest tools for DMing.
Carpe D(ie)M.
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