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Good places for lower levels to build up.

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Good places for lower levels to build up. Empty Good places for lower levels to build up.

Post  Ragdoll_Knight Thu Mar 04, 2010 3:45 am

Lets start a list, seeing as its very free-form, and you can often get yourself into too much trouble, what places do you recommend trying out?

I like the area around Tivook Crossing, I think it could use more random spawn though.

Anyone else?
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Good places for lower levels to build up. Empty Re: Good places for lower levels to build up.

Post  Ulrek Mon Mar 08, 2010 9:16 pm

theres a small spawn of goblins at a camp to the south west of Tivook crossing that is good for a well armed low level to attack for a tiny bit of XP, and than thugs in the city, along with the lizardman caves. (but i forgot where those are) than over the river and up a hill is the Slaadi tower.. along with to the straight west of Tivook crossing are the trolls which are good for smashing at times, not sure about XP these days. (they used to be really nice one the war trolls were around along time ago)

other than that i'll keep my mouth shut unless you taik it out of me ICly.. Smile
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Good places for lower levels to build up. Empty low levels levelling

Post  Aurora Silverwolf Mon Oct 04, 2010 1:27 pm

I have found that if your careful the wilds around Tivook can provide good xp if your able to handle a weapon and keep your eyes open
Aurora Silverwolf
Aurora Silverwolf
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Good places for lower levels to build up. Empty Re: Good places for lower levels to build up.

Post  eve_of_disaster Mon Oct 04, 2010 5:40 pm

You can kite the assassin vines for major exp. They usually roam north of the river by Tivook Inn. The grigs north of the Esrogoth road are good until level 9 or 10 (I believe you follow the road four or five transitions east from Tivook Inn then head north).

The alternative is the lizardmen, who are far more dangerous than the grigs but also more fun to kill since you have to actually think when fighting them.

After level ten you will want to hunt the izzargators in Ilfaw Fen. They keep around the river areas around central Ilfaw Fen. That's good up until level 14-15 'ish, at which point you will want to head to the ogres in the south of Urshnark Thrrhr. Ie, the region east of Dohral city. Its a bit difficult to get there though, in my experience. The Ilfaw Fen area is also quite tough to get to mainly because the transitions south and east of Esrogoth Citadel has been buggy.

One thing to think about if you intend to grind is that monsters don't respawn unless you are in another area. So a good idea is to leave the area and not come back for at least twenty minutes. Don't log out in the area, logging out results in the area not resetting. I'm not sure this is intended or not because if you log out in a city area it screws up the nightspawns, causing them to spawn indefinatly.
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Good places for lower levels to build up. Empty Re: Good places for lower levels to build up.

Post  Inferno Wed Nov 17, 2010 4:23 pm

I've yet to find any of the low level areas for adventuring. But, also, I'm new here, don't know the mod that well, and haven't met too many PC's to interact with that would show mine around and take them somewhere they could practice their arts. Perhaps a more detailed description of how to get to the low level dungeons?

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Good places for lower levels to build up. Empty Re: Good places for lower levels to build up.

Post  eve_of_disaster Wed Nov 17, 2010 4:51 pm

Inferno wrote:I've yet to find any of the low level areas for adventuring. But, also, I'm new here, don't know the mod that well, and haven't met too many PC's to interact with that would show mine around and take them somewhere they could practice their arts. Perhaps a more detailed description of how to get to the low level dungeons?
If you write me a tell ingame I'm sure I could give you a hand with some random rp and IC suggestions of where to go, or if you have ooc questions, answer them for you. Smile

Ingame name is eve of disaster. I play Zaiah, Telyn, Mym'lin and sometimes Naithra.
Forum Courtier

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Good places for lower levels to build up. Empty Re: Good places for lower levels to build up.

Post  Khaos1987 Wed Nov 17, 2010 5:37 pm

The jungles above Vestalla Island is good for 10-15 level PCs. The monsters are no joke, but neither is the XP.

However, other than the High Ogre Mages in that place Eve mentioned (And you don't want to go there, it's a long walk from any civilization) I don't know of any places for 16-28 level characters. If you're evil you can carve up the town guards for some nice XP, but other than that, I got nothing.
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