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Paths through rough terrain not visible

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Paths through rough terrain not visible Empty Paths through rough terrain not visible

Post  Helthan Sat Jul 21, 2018 3:00 am

Yes, as you can read in the topic, paths through rough terrain are not visible. This is also true for transitions between some areas, for example heading east and/or west just north of the city of Dohral.
The transitions just aren't visible, but they still work if you walk onto them.

As for the paths through rough terrain, they are still detectable through the Wildernesse Sense feature, so that it will still give you directions to all paths in the area.
The interactable object, I suppose I can call it, doesn't appear visually on the screen. It's still there, just invisible and unclickable.
Posting Knave

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Paths through rough terrain not visible Empty Re: Paths through rough terrain not visible

Post  GM_ODA Sat Jul 21, 2018 5:50 pm

Friend Helthan,

Very good points. These are two separate triggers. One is our 'edge-to-edge' triggers (the east or west edge for example... literally one trigger that spans the whole edge of the area - it is more efficient than many smaller triggers and still places the PC at the right location on the other area. Very Happy We made these not visible because of the huge size of the triggers which would look odd on the screen especially in some camera conditions.

The hidden trails are meant to be locatable ONLY by certain classes, I know they were visible on the old version of NWN - I think they may have changed with the last NWN:EE release (1.75) and I think they may change back with 1.76. Still, we may make those also not visible just to preserve the mystery for our 'nature boys'. Feedback?
Forum Oracle

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