Current date/time is Sat Jan 25, 2025 1:58 am


  • Announcement & Sticky
  • 20100503
     Global announcement:
    What follows are the most Frequently Asked Questions here on ArgentumRegio. If your question is not already answered here or in the ASK A DM board.

    Note: herein DM means DUNGEON MASTER, PC means the PLAYER CHARACTER or character YOU would play if you were playing NWN ordinarilly, and PLAYER would mean YOU.

    -What is Neverwinter Nights (aka NWN )?
    -What is ArgentumRegio?
    -How do I start?
    -What is Roleplaying?
    -What year is ArgentumRegio set in?
    -What is required to play on ArgentumRegio? Are there any haks required to play on ArgentumRegio?

    by GM_ODA - Comments: 8 - Views: 3792
  • 20100621
     Global announcement:
    Welcome to ArgentumRegio!

    NOTE we host both NWN and NWN:EE servers. To connect to the NWN server, just use 'direct connect' option and provide the server IP :   - to connect to the NWN:EE server you can use the in-game server menu OR direct connect to IP : - NWN:EE players please consider the STEAM service from valve as a quick and easy way to get the CEP haks installed for NWN:EE only.

    Imagine a world where your PC can swim, squeeze-through tight spaces, climb, jump, swing on ropes and even fly.

    This server delivers...

    by Forum.Admin - Comments: 0 - Views: 3915
  • 20121229
    YOU, yes YOU can earn a FREE LEVEL for your PC of choice on ArgentumRegio.

    This is a standing offer.

    *rub your eyelids and read it again*

    Yes, we are giving away ONE FREE LEVEL per PLAYER per MONTH in exchange for the PLAYER posting a message about NWN and ArgentumRegio on the official NWN forum (

    Specific subforums/boards where you can post about ArgentumRegion and be 'on topic' are:

    Bioware NWN1 Forum The General Board where you can talk about anything NWN - in the past I have had threads there...

    by GM_ODA - Comments: 7 - Views: 1268
  • Topics
  • 20201017

    It is done.

    Be well. Game ON!


    by GM_ODA - Comments: 0 - Views: 1216
  • 20200918

    It has been a good run, I'm sure we had some fun. . . but the funding is depleted. I will cover the costs of this LAST month of hosting (as promised) and the server will close on October 18th, 2020. Anyone who wants to retain copies of their characters should save local copies NOW as once the server is shut down the data will no longer be available.

    Be well. Game ON!


    by GM_ODA - Comments: 0 - Views: 1079
  • 20200831

    We have had several inquiries regarding the current server hosting arrangements.

    Ours is a professionally hosted server in a data center with redundant power and Internet connection. Any hardware issues with the server are resolved by the host company (promptly in our experience - we've seen failing hard drives swapped out in under an hour's time from report of trouble to new drive installation). Having that kind of reliability has been attractive to me, especially as my own funds to replace computer parts "on demand" is anything but reliable (my...

    by GM_ODA - Comments: 0 - Views: 1102
  • 20200823

    My penuriousness has long kept me from doing the long overdue computer repairs that have been my personal albatross the last 2-3 years. I managed to put a few dollars together recently and (per the prior news posting - which was originally a "oops my computer is dead" post, now edited to reflect current status) I have raised from the dead that "build system" I had been using; I now have access to all my old files related to Argentum Regio (hooray!).

    I have been looking at the mass of files now restored to me and WOW I had a lot of things in motion at the time the...

    by GM_ODA - Comments: 0 - Views: 982
  • 20190613

    My apologies I've not been around much in a rather a few days.

    I was facing some complicated hardware problems with a budget of about zero dollars. I finally got the money together and fixed the old "build machine", so I again have access to all my files regarding the server (and much more).

    I currently have a machine that can login to the NWN server (NWN v1.69) and a second machine I can use to login to the NWN:EE server. I'm currently working through some software issues to get NWN:EE DM access restored too. Soon, I'll have all access (which I have sorely...

    by GM_ODA - Comments: 0 - Views: 505
  • 20190604
    You read it here!

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

    by GM_ODA - Comments: 0 - Views: 428
  • 20190517
    OMG you must see this

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

    Neverwinter Nights Enhanced Edition and all the extras ON SALE !!!

    by GM_ODA - Comments: 0 - Views: 436
  • 20190516

    As many of you know, I love my garden. I always strive to get my garden plants put in on May 1, even though it is thought of as 'way too early' by most traditional gardeners in my area (global warming is a thing). While my father would always target June 1, for me it is May 1 - and in the last 20 years of gardening here I've seen a frost only three times (each time I was able to protect the plants by covering them with an overturned cardboard box overnight)... so I've never lost the garden to a frost. While my fathers' rules on gardening were sound 'back in his day' for today,...

    by GM_ODA - Comments: 0 - Views: 410
  • 20181124

    Beamdog recently released a new version of NWN:EE. Also, Eriniel and I have had an update to the module waiting in the wings for a while - so, Eriniel has begun the update of the server. Bad news though, there was a bit of a snag involving the version of linux we use. THANK OUR LUCKY STARS we have Eriniel to attend to such matters of mysterious binary arcanum.

    Please be patient as Eriniel casts some HEXadecimal on the problem and we will remove the password from the server as soon as we think it safe.

    by GM_ODA - Comments: 5 - Views: 623
  • 20181117

    The server fee for hosting November 19 through December 18th is due THE DAY AFTER TOMORROW (Monday). Sadly paypal shows

    Money is waiting for you

    Rolling Eyes

    by GM_ODA - Comments: 1 - Views: 555
  • 20181102

    We have topped 16,000 message in the forum!

    Thanks to all the players and DMs who keep this place hopping!

    by GM_ODA - Comments: 0 - Views: 479
  • 20181014

    I would like to thank all our donors for ONCE AGAIN topping off the server funds to cover this month's payment of $58.00. KUDOS to all our donors!

    Please remember the players you meet on the server may be a donor without whom we could not operate - treat each other with courtesy and respect, and enjoy the server!

    THANK YOU to all our kind donors! We are here today, because YOU care.

    by GM_ODA - Comments: 0 - Views: 557
  • 20181010

    This notice says it all :

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

    NWN:EE will be sold by in a few days time. NWN will be included with NWN:EE purchases after October 11th, 2018, but NWN will no longer be sold separately after October 11th so if you want a copy of NWN without having to purchase NWN:EE go get it before the 11th!

    by GM_ODA - Comments: 0 - Views: 434
  • 20180719


    At present funding for the server stands at $0.91. I just paid the 'final month of hosting funds' for Argentum Regio - this covers our hosting through August 18, 2018. As of that time, if no further donations have arrived, I will pay over the final $0.91, and add to it the amount needed for what will be our server's last month on the Internet (this will fulfill my obligation to ensure every penny donated goes to hosting). Unless donations manifest before August 18, 2018, our servers...

    by GM_ODA - Comments: 1 - Views: 540
  • 20170226

    As some of you are aware, we are having a fund drive for the server. This server is totally user supported - all donations large and small are deeply appreciated.

    Our server is funded through mid April, if it is still running after that is up to YOU. Click the DONATE button on this page to show your appreciation for our server and help fund it into the future.

    As we move forward, we are pressing to end the beta test. I was, in the past, insisting that the 'beta' tag be applied here until the server was loaded with a vast array of cool features and operating...

    by GM_ODA - Comments: 8 - Views: 1491
  • 20180621

    We are operating BOTH types of game server - NWN and NWN:EE, and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future (with the ongoing goodwill and help from our kind donors).

    NOTE that our staff will continue to develop the module for BOTH game servers; changes to one will be made to the other (as far as is possible). Since NWN:EE offers some new script commands we are sure that eventually some differences will arise BUT we are working with a goal of keeping both servers as close to identical as is possible.

    by GM_ODA - Comments: 0 - Views: 447
  • 20180613

    Our NWN:EE server is now running v1.75! Cool

    We have expanded the allowed number of players to 200. Please do help us test this limit (we are confident our server can handle the load but would LOVE to get the actual metrics on the server under high load - so please spread the word and login en mass).

    by GM_ODA - Comments: 0 - Views: 455
  • 20180218

    As some of you may know, Neverwinter Nights : Enhanced Edition (NWN:EE) is soon to be released, is being currently tested and available to the community for such testing. It is thought by some that this may re-invigorate the NWN community by bringing in new players and DMs. bounce

    Once again we are at a crossroads in the fate of the server. Suspect

    Our server, Argentum Regio, is a richly featured...

    by GM_ODA - Comments: 1 - Views: 969
  • 20180426

    Like all things, this forum and this server sees periods of increased and decreased activity. With the advancing age of NWN and the loss of our web site we had a decrease in new players joining the server and new members joining the forum. Recently, with the community stirrings over NWN:EE, we are seeing a resurgence of activity at all points of contact. Today, in the forum, something interesting happened.

    WOW - this forum (not our first forum for Argentum Regio) has been with us a long long while. . . in those years we have seen many milestones and today we achieved...

    by GM_ODA - Comments: 0 - Views: 552
  • 20170119

    Our forum has surpassed 15,000 messages! KUDOS to all!

    Get your posting fingers flying and join me in looking forward to the next 15K!

    Be well. Game ON!


    (edit to add this screenie)

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

    by GM_ODA - Comments: 0 - Views: 661
  • 20160629
    Welcome new PLAYERS - Orientation event begins when you arrive. I'll be on the server to escort you to the tutorial areas for a personal tour.

    by GM_ODA - Comments: 0 - Views: 10108
  • 20160629
    Welcome new PLAYERS - Orientation event begins when you arrive. I'll be on the server to escort you to the tutorial areas for a personal tour.

    by GM_ODA - Comments: 0 - Views: 711
  • 20160629
    Welcome new PLAYERS - Orientation event begins when you arrive. I'll be on the server to escort you to the tutorial areas for a personal tour.

    by GM_ODA - Comments: 0 - Views: 650
  • 20160629
    Welcome new PLAYERS - Orientation event begins when you arrive. I'll be on the server to escort you to the tutorial areas for a personal tour.

    by GM_ODA - Comments: 0 - Views: 566
  • 20160629
    Welcome new PLAYERS - Orientation event begins when you arrive. I'll be on the server to escort you to the tutorial areas for a personal tour.

    by GM_ODA - Comments: 0 - Views: 518
  • 20160629
    Welcome new PLAYERS - Orientation event begins when you arrive. I'll be on the server to escort you to the tutorial areas for a personal tour.

    by GM_ODA - Comments: 0 - Views: 503
  • 20160629
    Welcome new PLAYERS - Orientation event begins when you arrive. I'll be on the server to escort you to the tutorial areas for a personal tour.

    by GM_ODA - Comments: 0 - Views: 482
  • 20160629
    Welcome new PLAYERS - Orientation event begins when you arrive. I'll be on the server to escort you to the tutorial areas for a personal tour.

    by GM_ODA - Comments: 0 - Views: 517
  • 20160629
    Welcome new PLAYERS - Orientation event begins when you arrive. I'll be on the server to escort you to the tutorial areas for a personal tour.

    by GM_ODA - Comments: 0 - Views: 521
  • 20160629
    Welcome new PLAYERS - Orientation event begins when you arrive. I'll be on the server to escort you to the tutorial areas for a personal tour.

    by GM_ODA - Comments: 0 - Views: 549
  • 20160523
    Welcome new PLAYERS - Orientation event begins when you arrive. I'll be on the server to escort you to the tutorial areas for a personal tour.

    by GM_ODA - Comments: 0 - Views: 593
  • 20160523
    Welcome new PLAYERS - Orientation event begins when you arrive. I'll be on the server to escort you to the tutorial areas for a personal tour.

    by GM_ODA - Comments: 0 - Views: 538
  • 20160523
    Welcome new PLAYERS - Orientation event begins when you arrive. I'll be on the server to escort you to the tutorial areas for a personal tour.

    by GM_ODA - Comments: 0 - Views: 540
  • 20160523
    Welcome new PLAYERS - Orientation event begins when you arrive. I'll be on the server to escort you to the tutorial areas for a personal tour.

    by GM_ODA - Comments: 0 - Views: 573
  • 20160523
    Welcome new PLAYERS - Orientation event begins when you arrive. I'll be on the server to escort you to the tutorial areas for a personal tour.

    by GM_ODA - Comments: 0 - Views: 518
  • 20160523
    Welcome new PLAYERS - Orientation event begins when you arrive. I'll be on the server to escort you to the tutorial areas for a personal tour.

    by GM_ODA - Comments: 0 - Views: 465
  • 20160523
    Welcome new PLAYERS - Orientation event begins when you arrive. I'll be on the server to escort you to the tutorial areas for a personal tour.

    by GM_ODA - Comments: 0 - Views: 543
  • 20160523
    Welcome new PLAYERS - Orientation event begins when you arrive. I'll be on the server to escort you to the tutorial areas for a personal tour.

    by GM_ODA - Comments: 0 - Views: 483
  • 20160523
    Welcome new PLAYERS - Orientation event begins when you arrive. I'll be on the server to escort you to the tutorial areas for a personal tour.

    by GM_ODA - Comments: 0 - Views: 495
  • 20160523
    Welcome new PLAYERS - Orientation event begins when you arrive. I'll be on the server to escort you to the tutorial areas for a personal tour.

    by GM_ODA - Comments: 0 - Views: 496
  • 20160514
    Welcome new PLAYERS - Orientation event begins when you arrive. I'll be on the server to escort you to the tutorial areas for a personal tour.

    by GM_ODA - Comments: 0 - Views: 534
  • 20160514
    Welcome new PLAYERS - Orientation event begins when you arrive. I'll be on the server to escort you to the tutorial areas for a personal tour.

    by GM_ODA - Comments: 0 - Views: 514
  • 20150913
    Every Sunday at 3pm EST we will host a guided tour of the tutorial Areas, aka Noob U. and answer questions from visitors.

    Hope to see YOU there!

    by GM_ODA - Comments: 0 - Views: 696
  • 20150913
    Every Sunday at 3pm EST we will host a guided tour of the tutorial Areas, aka Noob U. and answer questions from visitors.

    Hope to see YOU there!

    by GM_ODA - Comments: 0 - Views: 693
  • 20150617
    The Internet is rife with rogues - real malware-pushing pricks.

    This forum software is somehow fooled at times (rarely) and allows a bot in - if you see anything that looks even remotely like spam, treat it as spam - do NOT click on it, do not follow the lead, if you do, you are the victim they seek DON'T BE THAT VICTIM. Ignore the message posted by bots and we admins will delete it and the bot account in the morning when we get in.


    by GM_ODA - Comments: 0 - Views: 932
  • 20150525
    This server and this forum never cease to amaze me. KUDOS to you all.

    I would like to take a moment to welcome back some of our veterans of renown Elgate, Hacatsu and Ragdoll Knight! You have been missed, and I am sure that I speak for the whole PLAYERBASE when I say "So glad to see you back friends!"

    And would you know... coincidence?

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]


    by GM_ODA - Comments: 0 - Views: 889
  • 20141212
    bounce bounce cheers cheers bounce bounce

    by GM_ODA - Comments: 0 - Views: 834
  • 20140816
    KUDOS to you all friends!  We reached 12,000 posts in our forum this past week!!! These are excellent, lore-filled posts for NWN and our NWN server Argentum Regio!

    KUDOS to all our Forum Members!

    by GM_ODA - Comments: 0 - Views: 866
  • 20140323
    The server just turned its 10,000th posted message!

    Congratulations to all involved! Our server and our forum continue to grow and thrive thanks to YOU, our active PLAYERS, DMs, and Forum Members. MANY THANKS to you!

    I look forward to the next 10,000 messages!

    Be well. Game on!

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

    by GM_ODA - Comments: 0 - Views: 952

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