Current date/time is Wed Feb 05, 2025 5:54 am


  • Topics
  • 20131231
    Friends - just a few months ago I posted this message

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

    commemorating the post of the 5000th message here on the new Argentum Regio Forum - WOW, it has been a busy year for posting and


    Bless you all!  Many thanks!  I look forward to many more thousand messages in 2014!!!

    Be well. Game on!

    by GM_ODA - Comments: 0 - Views: 906
  • 20131005
    As many of you know, it has been a rough couple seasons for me here in RL. I lost a beloved pet after a long illness. On the heels of that event, my father entered a hospital with heart issues, was released after they installed a pacemaker, hardly a month later he was back in the hospital for a triple-bypass. Thankfully, father is home now the last couple weeks, doing well and happy to be back again.

    Throughout this period of heightened chaos in my life, our (and by that I mean MY and all the servers') dear friend Eriniel steadfastly provided erf after erf, update after...

    by GM_ODA - Comments: 0 - Views: 909
  • 20130919
    I will be DMing a NEW PC WEEK SPECIAL EVENT during this time. 8pm-10pm Eastern

    by GM_ODA - Comments: 3 - Views: 716
  • 20130919
    I will be DMing a NEW PC WEEK SPECIAL EVENT during this time. 8pm-10pm Eastern

    by GM_ODA - Comments: 0 - Views: 750
  • 20130919
    I will be DMing a NEW PC WEEK SPECIAL EVENT during this time. 8pm-10pm Eastern

    by GM_ODA - Comments: 0 - Views: 645
  • 20130409
    Hello and thank you all for attending.

    The month of April is upon us - a very busy month here indeed.

    We have added new DM Forums for our newer DMs - NEW DMs please show your presence by posting the first message in your forums - once I see you are there I'll assign moderator powers to your account. I would like to see some good use of the forum boards for DMs so please do enjoy.

    Lastly, once again, this month is SERVER PAYMENT MONTH - and the funds are low low low. If you love the server and have a dollar to spare, please click the DONATE button and help us out....

    by Forum.Admin - Comments: 2 - Views: 802
  • 20130425
    In the last 48 hours we began experiencing highly unusual activity with the server - some sub-systems were not engaging at all, and in fact no spawns were being executed. On investigating Erin discovered the logs showed some hardware anomalies, and telltale heat alerts dating back to the 14th of April, with about 20-occurances. These caused a throttling of processes being executed on the CPU, and some scripts were therefore never executed... like spawns. We opted to have a tech put hands-on the system today, called it in and 20 minutes later had a return call from the techs to tell us that the...

    by GM_ODA - Comments: 5 - Views: 870
  • 20130420
    Not enough participants, event called off for now.

    by DM Drachen - Comments: 0 - Views: 808
  • 20130126
    Congrats to all, our new forum has just turned its 5000th post! Thank you to all who have participated! I look forward to our next 5000 posts!

    Be well friends! Game on!
    GM_ODA cheers

    by GM_ODA - Comments: 2 - Views: 778
  • 20130314
    To all our many PLAYERS & DMS who are also RL students - GO TEAM! Kudos to you all! We all wish you the very best on your coursework. Take the time to study, rest before the exams, and give it your level best. _I_ know you will do fine.

    We will miss you all during this busy time, but _do_ spend your time wisely; do the study (yeah you can blow off steam here too when needed, but don't neglect the study please).

    We all look forward to your return to the server when the exams are done. Meanwhile, to everyone still on the server, LOG LOTS OF HOURS!!!!

    by GM_ODA - Comments: 3 - Views: 703
  • 20130127
    Recently there has been an increase in activity on the server and with it an increase in the requests for custom housing and other changes/additions to the module.
    I _think_ I have most of them ready to be claimed - IF YOU ASKED ME FOR SOME HOUSING / BUILD REQUEST IN THE LAST COUPLE MONTHS, contact me now, I think your property awaits. IF somehow I missed your request, I have my tools back and I can make edits much more rapidly again now. So, ASK me about your requests for housing and let's get the keys assigned ASAP.

    Hope to see you in game friends!

    by GM_ODA - Comments: 0 - Views: 754
  • 20130108
    ODA and a whole crew of attending Necromancers rejoiced in the early hours of Sunday as they successfully re-animated GM_ODA's notebook computer and copied essential data from the drives. The attending necromancers were able to get the notebook's battery powered up for the attempt. Files are still being sorted at this hour, but all indications are positive that the essential data is now transfered.

    GM_ODA has been without his main set of files for several months since the sudden demise of his notebook computer due to a failed power component. Said the exhuberant ODA "We will do this...

    by GM_ODA - Comments: 3 - Views: 784
  • 20121221
    Hello again friends!

    I would just like to thank you all for being a part of this, and wish you all a festive end of the world. Wink

    I have two video offerings for you to help put you in the mood for the end-times.

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

    and lastly ......

    by GM_ODA - Comments: 0 - Views: 672
  • 20121206
    UPDATE - The story has been SLASHDOTTED

    Sometime in the last 12 hours, the gamespy systems that assemble listings of nwn servers to the nwnmain.exe (nwn launch software) ceased to function. The list formerly seen under the INTERNET tab is now empty. No word on the reason or when/if the service will be restored.

    For those wishing to play multiplayer nwn on ArgentumRegio use the following instructions:

    Navigate to C:\NeverwinterNights\NWN where you will need to find the nwmain.exe program, right click it and COPY. Next navigate to your desktop, right click on the...

    by GM_ODA - Comments: 0 - Views: 4851
  • 20121118
    This gameworld is really starting to take on a life. KUDOS to all involved.

    YOU can help, regardless of your cash-flow or skills - we can use assistance on a number of fronts, perhaps one of the following will inspire you to 'jump in'?

    PROMOTING THE SERVER - once a month, you could post in any of these threads to help inform others that this server is alive and growing.

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

    by GM_ODA - Comments: 0 - Views: 4070
  • 20121029
    Yesterday, Erin was reviewing some of the server logs and discovered several recent instances of the server OVERHEATING and reacting by reducing CPU speed until the problem abated. THIS explains the server acting odd the last week or two perhaps. We had the technicians on site check the machine and they found it 'hotter' than the rest in the rack and showing signs of a power supply fan failing. The system was pulled, the power supply removed and replaced and the whole machine brought back online within 45 minutes. Kudos to all involved.

    THAT is one good reason we host professionally...

    by GM_ODA - Comments: 0 - Views: 672
  • 20120928

    Bless you all. This is a FINE community of gamers here and your willingness to stand together is to be commended.

    Hosting in a data center on a dedicated server means we have redundant power and internet connections, virtually no down time, and computer repairs made on same day as reported with no parts cost for us. It costs a bit, but the quality of service (I feel) is worth it and far superior to 'home hosting' which would be my last choice.

    I have been stressed out lately - money issues and all that getting to me. RL was biting me in the butt way more...

    by GM_ODA - Comments: 10 - Views: 2592
  • 20120830
    DO not log in as DM until further notice, we are testing something after yesterday's crash.

    Be well. Game on.

    by GM_ODA - Comments: 2 - Views: 927
  • 20120721
    RL has been very hectic the last several months and we have FINALLY gotten around to updating the website for our game world ( [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] )... the update primarily includes a functioning DONATE BUTTON - so for anyone who has tried to donate in the past (unsuccessfully as we discovered the code from paypal had been disabled due to age/compatibility) or if you like our stuff and would like to help support us online,...

    by GM_ODA - Comments: 4 - Views: 748
  • 20120717
    THANK YOU to all who participated! We had a GREAT event and look forward to doing it again sometime (next year).

    And the winners of the 2012 Neverwinter Nights Player Appreciation Days World Walker Challenge are:

    Grand World Walker Champion: Amrak/Nappi99
    World Walker Explorer: gelmar
    World Walker Scout: buubu/Nomad/Masterwalker/ABC123/nazzko/barbarius/Ajaska/Barbareus
    World Walker Adventurer: Lyme_gg
    World Walker Adventurer: Black Crowe
    World Walker Traveller: Ramir Thel
    World Walker Traveller:...

    by GM_ODA - Comments: 0 - Views: 710
  • 20120716
    As an update, they are presently finalizing the list of winners and will release it either later today or tomorrow! Stay tuned to [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] for their names!

    As some early results preview without spoiling anything:

    Great Participation: Over 210 people participated...

    by GM_ODA - Comments: 0 - Views: 620
  • 20120620
    Fellow NeverwinterNights Enthusiasts, PLAYERs, DMs, Builders and Admins of NWN1 and NWN2, it is with great pleasure that I announce the re-opening of

    This is PHASE ONE - ready for a full public test. This PHASE ONE release includes MEMBER LOGIN, MEMBER PROFILE TOOLS, SERVER CREATE/EDIT, EVENT SCHEDULING AND SIGN-UP. We ask all you NWC Members to please visit and login. Use the available services there to participate in scheduled events and/or schedule some of your own. While we tested the new NWC as much as we could (with limited...

    by GM_ODA - Comments: 6 - Views: 725
  • 20120519
    Have you missed Erin and I? Honestly, we miss you all, and look forward to our returning 'home' to ArgentumRegio very very soon. For now, YOU can help expedite our return. WE NEED VOLUNTEERS TO HELP TEST THE NEW NEVERWINTERCONNECTIONS.COM The sooner we get the needed testing and bug-fixes done there, the sooner we return to what we love to code most of all - ArgentumRegio.

    Please, if you have some time, regardless of how well you knew the old NWC - please, help us test the new site. LOGIN or make a new account there and start exploring. I will post a follow-up to this post with details...

    by GM_ODA - Comments: 6 - Views: 767
  • 20120617
    ArgentumRegio and the City of Dohral are participating in the TENTH YEAR ANNIVERSARY EVENT known as NWPAD the Never Winter Player Appreciation Days!

    These are hosted across multiple servers. To participate you need to login to any participating server, FIND THE CHEST which contains the NWPAD Scroll - and that's all! You can do this once per participating server per day - the event runs from June 18 2012 through July 3 2012 - more details available at:


    [You must be registered...

    by GM_ODA - Comments: 1 - Views: 729
  • 20120513
    Everyone, have a read here

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

    This is the TENTH ANNIVERSARY OF NWN! Let's all help make some noise and attract some attention to NWN. Use your twitter and facebook if you have them to help promote awareness and otherwise, volunteer to help on the page linked above.

    Be well. Game on!

    by GM_ODA - Comments: 0 - Views: 790
  • 20120511
    Some of you have without a doubt noticed that Eriniel and myself have been largely absent from the server the last month+. The reason for this is simple; we are working on rebuilding the web site. As of this writing we are working on member feature and hope to soon be able to invite BETA TESTERS to help us get a handle on any remaining bugs.


    Be well. Game on!

    by GM_ODA - Comments: 1 - Views: 632
  • 20120424
    NEW XP system in place (modified the formula to improve the distribution of XPs - non-warriors will get less from combat than warriors, but not so stilted as it was before and 'less than pure' warrior PCs will also get less than the 'pure-at-rippin-yer-parts-off' er, I mean *coughs* 'hard-core-warrior'. Give it a whirl with a few of your PCs and PLEASE SEND ME FEEDBACK on if this is working for your builds better, and give me numbers please (xp, your level and classes and the monster killed) so I can get a feel for how it is working. Again, we will adjust this as needed.

    Be well. Game...

    by GM_ODA - Comments: 2 - Views: 780
  • 20120406
    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

    The above URL is good until the end of APRIL - download FREE 3D modelling software (three whole software packages!). This is great stuff to have, even if you don't know/do 3D modelling (yet) it is a great way to see what it is all about without putting any money down.


    by GM_ODA - Comments: 0 - Views: 4228
  • 20120327
    We now rank third on the bioware web site's Projects feature for Neverwinter Nights!

    Bioware hosts a feature they title "Neverwinter Nights Projects" and THANKS TO YOU loyal PLAYERs and DMs who have voted for us on the Bioware site, we now rank #3. What's that? You have not voted yet? Well, it is not too late! Follow the link above, login to the Bioware server there (using your PLAYERNAME and password) and then CLICK THE GREEN PLUS SIGN in the upper right corner of our Bioware Project Page.

    by GM_ODA - Comments: 0 - Views: 718
  • 20120307
    Yes, it is true. may be shutdown VERY soon !!! After TEN YEARS successful run, things are changing and fast, and maybe not for the best.

    If you have ANY data there of value to you GO THERE NOW AND SAVE THE PAGES THAT ARE IMPORTANT TO YOU!

    Thread in their general forum describes this mess. The news is not moving very vast through the community however and unless we hear from those who control it soon, there will be likely nothing we can do to save the site.

    WE (admins, techs and hosting providers) are seeking to help 'rescue' the site...

    by GM_ODA - Comments: 0 - Views: 711
  • 20111212
    Last week, I flubbed a typed command and as a result the server was offline for nearly a week. ERIN GETS ALL THE CREDIT FOR RAISING THE DEAD SYSTEM - her skills and kind efforts resulted in you ALL getting your PCs back intact and the server running better than ever.

    In the process of bringing the server back, we discovered our hard drives were near to failing and had to have those swapped out and all files copied over (yeah, sounds simple but the details you do NOT want to know). Again, MANY THANKS TO ERINIEL - our fair Princess of Codalot! Be sure to thank her when you see her, her...

    by GM_ODA - Comments: 1 - Views: 1371
  • 20111205
    In keeping with my annual tradition of botching something on the server about once a year - I did it again.

    The server is down for a bit - we'll bring it back in a little while though. Meanwhile, feel free to post in the forum or even click on that lonely DONATE button.

    The server will be back asap.

    Be well. Game on!

    by GM_ODA - Comments: 2 - Views: 764
  • 20110930
    ArgentumRegio has a new website! Many thanks to DM_Ioovius for providing the domain name and hosting!

    See the SIXTY PLUS new web pages at:

    Argentum Regio's

    Feedback (it's new so you may find errors - please report them so we can fix it up fast!).

    Be well. Game on!

    by GM_ODA - Comments: 0 - Views: 785
  • 20110731
    We are back and look forward to seeing you online again soon!

    Erin still has spotty electricity issues (post explosion in Cyprus), but we're here and the server is online again (and my own aging computer is too, many thanks to Erin!)

    Hope to see you online soon.

    Be well. Game on.

    by GM_ODA - Comments: 0 - Views: 1463
  • 20110624
    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

    we rank at #10 as of today for search string "Neverwinter Nights" multiplayer server

    Whoop whoop whoop!

    Be well. Game on.

    by GM_ODA - Comments: 3 - Views: 757
  • 20101219
    We need more than JUST ME telling everyone how wonderful this place is... so if you have fingers, a keyboard and a mouse IT IS TIME YOU DID SOMETHING NICE TO HELP AROUND HERE. So go post on these links, and say something nice eh? Other people need YOUR HELP in finding this place.

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]


    [You must be registered...

    by GM_ODA - Comments: 2 - Views: 883
  • 20110602
    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

    We need your votes NOW to stay on the front page of NWN projects.

    We need YOU to post positively regarding this server and what it offers on the board EVERY MONTH.

    If you won't be at least bothered enough to post on behalf of this server, this server will not bother to be around for you in the...

    by GM_ODA - Comments: 0 - Views: 693
  • 20110227
    The servervault is just one PLAYER shy of 1850, and the Area count is 1238 Areas. WOW. Solid, stable, lag free - loaded with RP-enhancing features and FUN. So if you have not visited, please do so - if you have visited the server before, login and log some hours (others need to see PLAYERS logged in to gather the courage to join themselves, be the leader and show them how it is done).

    DMs - I need to see more events posted here and on please, so jump in and stir up some adventure!

    Be well. Game on.

    by GM_ODA - Comments: 0 - Views: 767
  • 20110123
    I plan to do it either saturday or sunday. Or both if it goes well

    by Master_Torry - Comments: 0 - Views: 759
  • 20110119
    Making noises and demanding I order parts, which I did this morning. If I'm offline for a couple days, you know the noisy parts did not hold out long enough for their replacements to arrive. I'll be online when possible for the next few days but have no control of when they finally fail. *sigh*

    Be well friends. Game on.

    by GM_ODA - Comments: 0 - Views: 748
  • 20110101
    Yesterday, the servervault stood at just over 1750 listed PLAYERS! This clearly shows that we continue to attract more than 50 new PLAYERS each month to look in on the server - those we poll claim to love the module and her features, and the server thus continues to grow. Still, we need MORE PEOPLE LOGGED IN LONGER HOURS to help solidify the community here, so if you are able, please do log in and show a presence for others here in ArgentumRegio!

    The server is still growing, this past month we surpassed 1200 Areas, the server still solid, stable and responsive (lag free). So there are...

    by GM_ODA - Comments: 0 - Views: 711
  • 20101222
    Be safe. Have fun. Do something nice for a stranger. Eat too much. Hug all of your friends and family. Then get your overfed butts back on the server and let's go kill simthing!

    Be safe. Be well. Game on!

    by GM_ODA - Comments: 2 - Views: 740
  • 20101204
    We have released some code on the vault. If you like our code, please VOTE FOR US

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

    also, our world is listed there, if you like ArgentumRegio - VOTE FOR US.

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

    by GM_ODA - Comments: 0 - Views: 684
  • 20101107
    Some of you may have noticed that the forums have been changing a bit since the departure of our prior Forum Admin. We are working on both the module/server and the forum to bring you the BEST possible gaming experience.

    And it all may end soon.

    Simple facts are that while GM_ODA and Eriniel have time on their hands and a willingness to provide their skills and talents to the server - GM_ODA is disabled (can't work, doctor's orders) and Eriniel is stranded on a desert isle. While we can cope with these conditions - GM_ODA has been feeling a pinch from it all.


    by Forum.Admin - Comments: 0 - Views: 798
  • 20101010
    Servervault now stands in excess of 2000 3000, and the new forum has surpassed 4400 14,000 posts, with a membership now approaching 300 500 members!

    The module is again being updated on an accelerated pace as ERINIEL HAS RETURNED!

    Eriniel lives in a part of the world where it is very hot in the summer and running NWN overheats her CPU/GPU - so she is pretty much absent during the summer months (northern hemisphere) - but, at long last, cool breezes win out and Eriniel is back with us...

    by GM_ODA - Comments: 0 - Views: 5683
  • 20100904
    Bioware has been on their new forums for more than TWO MONTHS now, and I have yet to see anyone from this server (save one DM/PLAYER) make any post there.

    Please remember, OTHER PLAYERS LOOK TO YOU TO HELP THEM FIND GOOD SERVERS! If you post there, telling others where YOU play and what YOU think of this place, it will attract more PLAYERS. If you do NO POSTING, then all the promotions are fallen upon my overworked shoulders and more, sound like ONLY ONE PERSONS' OPINION OF A PLAYERLESS SERVER.

    Get your mouse and keyboard limbered up and POST POST POST. As it is, I pay the...

    by GM_ODA - Comments: 0 - Views: 857
  • 20100812
    Bob Mattin has fallen victim to viruses (again) and lost use of all his computers. He has vowed (for mysterious reasons) never to return to NWN. This means we have an IMMEDIATE OPENING for FORUM ADMINISTRATOR.

    We will also need a couple assistants too.

    Please PM GM_ODA if you are interested in this position TODAY.

    Be well. Game on.

    by GM_ODA - Comments: 2 - Views: 2607
  • 20100802
    Hooo-rah! Just wanted to say WELCOME TO ALL THE NEW PLAYERS I'm sure you'll find our veterans welcoming and our server extensively built and ready to explore. I look forward to meeting you all soon - though I have been largely offline lately, I will soon be returning to my usual activity level online. Hope to see you all then.

    It is heartening to see that although Neverwinter Nights is an older game, the fresh faces just keep pouring in at a rate greater than 50 new PLAYERS each month here at our server. Word continues to spread of the special features offered here, and the friendly,...

    by GM_ODA - Comments: 0 - Views: 866
  • 20100719
    An 8 year run is done. The forums are now read only and the 'community' has been asked to join the new 'social' site bioware has provided.

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

    Above is the URL for the new social site - please post freely there (especially about your favorite servers), as your recommendations are valued by others...

    by GM_ODA - Comments: 0 - Views: 9040
  • 20100717
    Sometime SATURDAY NIGHT - SUNDAY MORNING east coast USA time - the servers will LOOSE CONNECTION WITH THE INTERNET, as my hosting providers update their router firmware/software. The outage should last only about 15-45 minutes, so if you get bumped offline during these hours, take a break and come back half an hour later please.

    My apologies for the inconvenience.

    Thanks in advance.


    by GM_ODA - Comments: 0 - Views: 752

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